Chapter 431 Reincarnation
Moreover, the thin arms and legs are so thin that they are out of shape.

"Head up."

"Ruan Ya, hurry up, look up and show the master."

Listening to her mother-in-law's words, Ruan Ya raised her head mechanically. When Tong Li asked her to turn left, she turned left, and when she asked her to turn right, she turned right.

Tong Li also saw the woman's face clearly: Yintang is gray and black, her tails are red, disaster is imminent, and seeing her stomach again...

She frowned, and her voice became serious: "Come in and say."

"Eh, okay."

The middle-aged woman helped Ruan Ya up and followed her step by step. Xiao Lingling immediately brought tea for the three of them.

Tong Li sat in front of the table, and after the middle-aged woman asked her daughter-in-law to sit down, she went to pull a stool and sit side by side.

The middle-aged woman seemed impatient, and Tong Li hadn't spoken yet, but she started chattering: "Master, it's like this, look at my daughter-in-law's belly, she's not even five months pregnant yet, but her My stomach is as distended as an eight or nine-month pregnant woman."

She doesn't say anything about overnutrition or twins, but there is only one baby in her belly, and her daughter-in-law is as thin as a ghost, and she doesn't gain weight on anything she eats. Everyone suspects that she has treated her harshly when she is taken out. God knows, She enshrined Ruan Ya like her ancestor, and she was nervous about eating anything, but she was so unbelievable, making herself into such a ghost, it was really a waste of her so many good supplements.

"I went to the hospital for an examination. The doctor said that she was pregnant with an eight- or nine-month-old child, but my family's Ruan Yaming was less than five months pregnant. How could it be possible that she would soon give birth at nine months?"

"And she always has nightmares when she sleeps at night, saying that what is in her stomach is a freak, and she wants to abort the child."

"I was wondering if my daughter-in-law was entangled in something dirty, so I came here to let you take a look."

Tong Li sat up straight and looked at the woman's face: "Extend your hand."

The pregnant woman was dumbfounded, she didn't respond much to what Tong Li said, and the middle-aged woman put her hand on the table.

Tong Li's white fingers pressed on her pulse, carefully checking her pulse.

This woman's pulse seems to be there but not there, the kidney qi, yang qi, and spirit are all declining, and the yin fluid is almost thirsty. This is... the pulse of dying.

The middle-aged woman saw that Tong Li's frowning could kill flies, so she knew that the disease must be troublesome, and said, "Master, how is my daughter-in-law?"

Tong Li took out a wet tissue and wiped her hands, then said indifferently, "I'm dying."

The middle-aged woman exclaimed: "Ah!"

"How come, this is fine, why..."

"Hey, my grandson..." The middle-aged woman slapped her thigh and yelled.

Tong Li listened to the yelling sound, and looked at it calmly: "I have to call outside."

When the middle-aged woman heard Tong Li's ruthless words, she choked up crying and didn't know how to react for a while.

On the contrary, the woman seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. Perhaps death was a very good relief for her.

The ridiculous thing is that even death is a luxury for her now.

The middle-aged woman was very dissatisfied with Tong Li's attitude: "Master Tong, can you talk like that?"

Her eldest grandson is almost gone, so don't let her howl,
"You are too noisy."

Middle-aged women: "..."

"Master long can I live?" The pregnant woman who had been silent all this time suddenly spoke out, probably because she hadn't spoken for a long time, her voice was hoarse and unpleasant.

The middle-aged woman immediately babbled nonstop: "Ruan Ya, what nonsense are you talking about, Master Tong is very powerful, she will definitely save you, don't say such depressing words."

She cast a hopeful look at Tong Li: "That's right! Master Tong."

Tong Li silently looked at the thin woman, while stroking her stomach with the other hand.

"Tell me about what happened before."

The middle-aged woman's eyes were slightly dodged, or her voice was raised a few degrees out of guilt: "What's going on? We don't know what's going on, but my belly suddenly grew bigger."

Tong Li raised her hand to signal her to shut up, the woman's croaking voice annoyed her.

The middle-aged woman suddenly looked like a suffocated toad, wanting to open her mouth but not daring to open it.

Tong Li touched the pregnant woman's chin: "Say it."

Ruan Ya pursed her lips, looked at her mother-in-law blankly, and said weakly: "Mom, go out first, I want to talk to Master Tong alone."

The middle-aged woman puffed her face: "What are you talking about? Is there anything I can't listen to."

Ruan Ya didn't reply to her words, she lowered her head habitually and remained silent.

The middle-aged woman said a few more words to her, but her daughter-in-law ignored her at all, there was nothing she could do, so she reluctantly walked out.

After the middle-aged woman left, the office suddenly fell silent.

Looking at the closed door, Ruan Ya breathed a sigh of relief as if relieved of a heavy burden.

Tong Li knew at a glance that this woman must have a story.

"I" Ruan Ya seemed to think of something sad, and as soon as she uttered a word, she covered her face and burst into tears.

She cried weakly and was very depressed, her shoulders kept trembling, and she cried for a long time without uttering a single word. It is conceivable how long she has suppressed her emotions.

Perhaps only at this moment without the persecution of the middle-aged woman, she dared to cry for a while.

Tong Li didn't stop her either, and handed her a pack of tissues to make her cry.

Ruan Ya cried for about ten minutes, the trash can was already filled with tissues, and now she completely vented her depressed emotions.

"Master Tong, I'm sorry to make you laugh." Ruan Ya's nasal cavity sucked, she hadn't cried so happily for a long time, she was so depressed every day in that house, and she had to follow other people's opinions when she wanted to cry, for fear of affecting her to the belly of the child.

Tong Li still had that calm face, and she didn't have any empathy for a woman who had been crying in front of her for a long time: "Speak."

"Actually, it's because of me." The pregnant woman's thoughts were a little confused, and she couldn't express the matter after organizing the language for a long time.

Tong Li just looked at her like this. This was the most patient day she had ever seen. Maybe it was because she saw that the other party was a pregnant woman, so she felt the same way?

I don't know.

"Master Tong, this matter is a bit complicated. Let me tell you something important."

"My husband and I both have some problems with childbearing. The child in my stomach was born through test tubes. The pain experienced during this process is beyond the imagination of ordinary people."

"So I cherish this hard-won child very much. Originally, we only wanted the child to be healthy, but my mother-in-law wanted a boy. After all, in the thinking of their older generation, if they don't have a son, they will have no children."

"When I was three months old, she took me to the black clinic to take a B-ultrasound. The doctor said that there was a girl in my stomach, and she was not happy at the moment."

"We only plan to have one baby. If this baby is a girl, then my mother-in-law's dream of having a grandson will come to naught. So when she went back, she went to find some sorceress, prescribed some medicine, and said that she could have another baby."

"It is to turn the girl in the belly into a boy."

(End of this chapter)

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