Chapter 432

"Of course I don't believe it, and I don't want to drink it, but my mother-in-law cried, made trouble and hanged herself, making the whole family restless."

"My husband didn't agree at first, but my mother-in-law has been arguing for a long time, and he is impatient, so he also persuades me to drink."

"I was forced to do nothing, so I drank the medicine she brought back."

"Actually, the medicine is not a medicine. I feel like it's just some paper dust. I thought there would be no problem."

"I haven't drank it a few times. Most of it was poured out when my mother-in-law was not paying attention. Although I didn't drink much, I still felt that something was wrong with my stomach."

"However, my stomach was only three months old, and the fetal movement was very strong. I was afraid that something might happen to the baby, so I went to the hospital for an examination, but there was no problem."

"But I can feel that my child has a problem. She is asking me for help, but no one believes me, and I don't know how to help her." As she spoke, the woman began to cry again.

"If I chose to leave at the beginning, and I didn't drink those medicines, my child would be fine." It was her weakness and incompetence that harmed her child.

Ruan Ya snotted her nose and burst into tears, and continued to tell: "Since I drank that medicine, I feel very uncomfortable every night. I feel that something is sucking my blood and eating my flesh. I am tortured to death by this freak every day." Better to die."

"Master, I'm in so much pain. I live in pain every day. I don't want to live, but they won't let me kill it. I... I don't even have the right to choose to die."

She had tried it several times, but the strange thing was that she couldn't go on scratching with the knife. Even if she wanted to jump off the building, she still couldn't get her feet out, as if something was controlling her behavior, which was very scary.

Ruan Ya touched her chubby belly with disgust in her eyes, and suddenly pinched it hard, the child in her stomach felt uncomfortable and rolled over twice, Ruan Ya let go of her hand, and the child in her stomach became quiet again.

"Not long after that, my stomach started to grow rapidly. It's as big as it is now in less than five months."

Ruan Ya's eyes were red, as if tears of blood were about to fall in the next second: "Master, is the one in my belly a freak?"

She couldn't think of any possibility other than this.

Tong Li listened to her quietly, and moved her eyes to her round belly. She stood up and came to her, and put her hand on her belly, feeling the fetus inside.

The fetus has indeed reached term and is fully productive.

But this is not a normal fetus. There is a semicircular black birthmark on the fetus Dazhui, which is the exclusive mark of the ghost fetus forcibly parasitizing.

Generally, this kind of fetus dies due to dystocia. Because they cannot survive, the accumulated resentment is extremely deep. Some people with bad intentions will want to use this method to reincarnate their fetuses. This is also a kind of survival in the world. The way.

Once contaminated by the ghost fetus, he will fuse and erode the original fetus in his stomach, take root in it, and finally the woman's belly will belong to his breeding pool forever.

This kind of fetus is generally no different from the normal fetal development. Few people can find it, and they will not be able to distinguish it after birth. If they are really parasitized by ghost fetuses, they can only consider themselves unlucky.

But the growth of this fetus is too anxious, and it will be born before May, so can't wait?

Tong Li withdrew her hand and returned to her seat, her expression becoming more serious.

After thinking about it for a while, I asked Ruan Ya, who is a mother, whether she wants the child or not. She has to follow her opinion: "This child, do you want it or not?"

Ruan Ya's teary eyes didn't understand what she meant: "Master, this child?"

"This is a ghost birth."

"Ghost birth?"

"Well, this kind of fetus usually dies in the womb, and is reincarnated into the body of the fetus that merged with him before entering the underworld."

"You should have been waiting for him for a long time. When you find the right time, you can't wait to grow suddenly, so that your body's vitality is used to support him."

This is nothing, Tong Li also told her a cruel result: "When he was born, it was when you died."

Ruan Ya's pupils trembled, and the tears in her eyes kept shaking back and forth: "Then what about my original child?"

Tong Li glanced at the belly, with a trace of regret: "It has been completely swallowed."

If she had been found earlier, there might be a possibility of saving her. Now that the fetus is full-term, there is no breath of her original child in the womb.

Ruan Ya held her breath and opened her mouth, but she couldn't say a word, and the tears couldn't stop flowing down.

"my child."

"Ah" Ruan Ya couldn't accept that her child was gone like this, she raised her hand and beat her stomach: "Why, why should I follow me, my child."

"That's the child I worked so hard to get."

She was an orphan. She was loved by no one since she was a child. She was bullied by others in the orphanage, so she developed a character of swallowing her anger.

Blame her, blame her, why listen to others.

She only wants a child with her own blood, why, why didn't she even give her this chance.

Ruan Ya couldn't help crying, but now things are like this, it's useless to say anything.

Tong Li lightly tapped her temples with her fingers, the cries were heard too much, and her head hurt: "Ruan Ya, if you want to give birth, I can save your life, but this kind of child is often here to collect debts, and his birth will give birth to a lot of people. Your family will bring bad luck, and everything will go wrong in your family, if you don’t want to have a baby…”

Before Tong Li finished speaking, the middle-aged woman who was waiting outside could no longer sit still and rushed in directly.

When he saw his daughter-in-law kneeling on the ground and crying bitterly, she shouted in shock: "Ruan Ya, what are you doing, get up quickly, don't cry, the ground is cold, be careful of my grandson."

Ruan Ya looked at the worried mother-in-law, her crying became quieter, and her eyes became more resentful: it was her, it was her, she killed her daughter in order to have a grandson.

Suddenly, Ruan Ya didn't know where the strength came from, and pushed away her mother-in-law who wanted to help her.

The middle-aged woman didn't expect her daughter-in-law to push her. She was caught off guard and fell to the ground.

"It was you, it was you who killed my daughter."

The middle-aged woman had a dazed expression on her face, she didn't know what was going on, she didn't care about the pain, and immediately got up from the ground: "Ruan Ya, what nonsense are you talking about, what is in your belly is a son."

Ruan Ya sat on the ground, crying, the middle-aged woman turned around anxiously, and finally she could only ask Tong Li for help: "Master Tong, what's wrong with my daughter-in-law."

Tong Li glanced at her coldly, then shifted her gaze to Ruan Ya who was on the ground: "Do you want to stay or not."

Ruan Ya looked at this hideous old woman, and thought of her unborn daughter, she felt ruthless: "Yes, I want."

Doesn't she want grandchildren?OK, then give it to her.

She wanted her Zhao family to go bankrupt, and let them see how her grandson, whom she had begged so hard for, had ruined her Zhao family.

(End of this chapter)

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