Chapter 440 On how to coax children?

Seeing Tong Li's blushing face, Pei Jiuyin twitched the corners of his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything, and could only leave here with his mind full of confusion.

After Pei Jiuyin left, Tong Li held her nose and ran out quickly. Pei Jiuyin was messing around in the wind alone. Tong Li just glanced at him, and then fled the suffocating space with the wind under her feet.

Looking at the back of the running back, Pei Jiuyin was so anxious that he was rejected.

It is an extremely serious dislike.

She was fine last night, why was she so disgusted all night?

Tong Li ran to the back garden, away from the source of the unpleasant smell, looking at the autumn scenery in the garden, the faint fragrance of flowers made her feel refreshed.

She sighed, and gently patted her belly with her small hand.

These two children, bear the grudge.

They don't accept what she said yesterday.
Pei Jiuyin stood on the balcony upstairs, looking eagerly at the graceful back in the garden, obviously he could also participate in it, but now, he could only hide and watch.

He raised his hand to cover his face lightly, feeling helpless in his heart.

He recognized it when he was beaten, and came here when it hurt, but he was disgusted for no reason, and he was not even allowed to come close. Isn't this killing him?

His daughter-in-law...

Tong Li noticed a fiery gaze behind her, and when she looked back, she saw Pei Jiuyin's sad eyes, as if she was asking her why she disliked him, since she was obviously not stinky.

Tong Li knew he was depressed, but what could she do.

She gestured to him a few times, pointed to her belly, and then saw Pei Jiuyin disappearing on the balcony. She didn't know if he understood or not.

Anyway, she can't control the two babies.

Tong Li found a seat and sat down. Looking at the orange-yellow-orange-green scenery, her mood became melancholy. She had never thought about being a mother before she realized that it was not easy to have a child.

No, it should be that her two babies are different, and it takes October to conceive, so what should be done after such a long time.


Suddenly, a piece of orange-red petals fell in front of her with the autumn wind.

Tong Li stretched out her hand to catch the petals. This petal... She put the petals under the tip of her nose and smelled it. A delicate and elegant fragrance of flowers refreshed her heart, and the mood that was still stuffy just now dissipated instantly.

Moreover, the fragrant breath lingered on the tip of the nose, which could not dissipate for a long time.

The sound of Gulu's hunger came from his stomach.

Tong Li looked at the petal in surprise, and swallowed unconsciously.

It's obviously a petal, how could...she have an appetite for this flower?
Although she didn't understand what was going on, she still tried to put the petals in her mouth and chewed them lightly.

Ordinary petals are a bit astringent, but this one is very sweet, making people linger and forget to return.

Tong Li stood up and looked towards the flowerbed, looking for that touch of orange with bright eyes.

Sure enough, in a corner not far away, I saw that pot of orange flowers in full bloom.

She came to the orange flower, took off a piece and put it in her mouth to taste.

I couldn't help nodding in my heart, this is delicious, and I didn't feel sick after eating it.

After Tong Li chewed one piece, she tore off another one, and after a while, the few orange flowers were squeezed by her until only the leaves remained.


Pei Jiuyin was standing not far away, wearing a tailored white shirt and black trousers, and a black suit on the outside. This man is so rigid. There are always only two colors for work clothes, black and white. Change.

Seeing that his hair is still damp, he probably took a shower just now.

Tong Li looked back and frowned subconsciously.

Pei Jiuyin took two steps back in shock and explained, "I've already washed it, so it shouldn't smell bad."


Tong Li sighed.

"It's useless."

Pointing to his stomach, Youyou said, "You offended them."

"They don't want me near you."

A few cracks appeared on Pei Jiuyin's face: "..."

It really is.


"Then what should we do?" It is impossible to take back what has been said.

Tong Li said hesitantly: "Come on!"

Don't you have to coax people when you are angry?

Pei Jiuyin was in trouble this time: "How to coax?"

It's okay to coax Tong Li, but how can he coax those two children in his belly?And even approaching is a problem, let alone coaxing.

Pei Jiuyin looked aggrievedly at Tong Li for help.

Tong Li coughed lightly: "I don't know, I said a few good things for you last night, but they didn't listen."

So she can't help it.

Pei Jiuyin turned his mind quickly, but his mind was always blank. If you asked him to make money, he would definitely not say a word, and then reap huge wealth as quickly as possible, but if you let him think about it, how can you coax the two together? A child, even if he wants to be bald, he may not be able to think of a way.

"Can I go over and talk to them?"

Tong Li looked down at her belly, then shook her head: "Not now."

Now she couldn't stand the smell from Pei Jiuyin's body.

"In a few days, it really calms them down, and you should also reflect on yourself."

Who told him to talk nonsense, just let him reflect on himself.

Pei Jiuyin was so aggrieved, wasn't he afraid that the child would bring her danger?

And why did he feel that Tong Li seemed a little gloating.


"Okay, you go to work first." Tong Li didn't want to talk to him, or she didn't want to see him, and she didn't want to stay in the same space with him.

To be more correct, it's not that she doesn't like it, but the baby in her stomach doesn't like it.

Pei Jiuyin saw Tong Li's eyes of abandonment again, and his heart that had just been repaired suddenly shattered into several petals.

But he doesn't regret what he said, Tong Li's safety will always be number one in his heart.

That's why his unchanging law of killing will make children resist him.

After Pei Jiuyin left, Tong Li immediately felt at ease physically and mentally, even the air was filled with a candy-like smell.

At the same time, her heart sank a little. The feeling of letting other people control her emotions is very bad: "If you were not in my stomach, I would have grabbed your little butts and spanked you."

Tong Li didn't find that kind of flower after searching the garden for a few times. She was about to go back and ask the housekeeper, but she saw that the housekeeper was already waiting for her at the door.

"Miss Tong." The housekeeper smiled when he saw Childhood came back.

Then he handed the things in his hand to Tong Li: "This is a package sent to you by an errand runner. He said that the contents inside are very important and must be handed over to you in person. We have inspected it with instruments and it is not a dangerous item. It will be sent to you."

"Package?" Tong Li looked at the square box. She seldom buys anything, and she won't let others deliver the things she needs.

"What about that person?"

"left already."

"Miss Tong, do you need me to call someone back?"

Tong Li shook her head: "No need."

She took the package and weighed it in her hand a few times. It was a bit heavy, and she smelled it. It smelled delicious. Could it be that someone sent it to her.

(End of this chapter)

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