The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 441 Everyone Says You Don't Slap Someone in the Face, and Don't Swear at Your Moth

Chapter 441 Everyone Says You Don't Slap Someone in the Face, and Don't Swear at Your Mother When You Swear

Tong Li moved the things back to the house, and then opened the box. As soon as the box was opened, a faint fragrance wafted out.

Inside was a small black bag, which didn't seem to be edible.

She opened the bag to reveal the rice inside?
Give her rice?

Tong Li grabbed a handful of rice and observed it in her hands. This rice is not the same as ordinary rice. Normal rice is oval or slender, but this kind of rice is half-crescent, and the color is still chrysanthemum red. The flowers eaten are one color.

She picked up a few and put them in her mouth, chewed them carefully, and couldn't help nodding in her heart, there was still a little bit of fresh and sweet taste here.

not bad.

She found a servant and asked her to take the rice and cook some.

The servant looked at the brightly colored and oddly shaped rice with a hesitant expression on his face.

In fact, she wanted to persuade Tong Li that rice like this is usually dyed, and this shape is definitely a secondary synthesis, just for novelty and beauty, and the taste and nutrition are not good.

But she had to listen to the master's words, so she could only cook honestly.

Needless to say, this rice is very fragrant when it is cooked, and the whole house is filled with an excellent fragrance, which is incomparable to ordinary rice.

She didn't know how the rice was made, but she wanted to take a bite when she saw it. Fortunately, she was still rational, and she would never touch the owner's things.

The servant served Tong Li a bowl, and then left the room voluntarily.

Tong Li looked at the bowl of crystal-yellow rice, closed her eyes and took a sip of the rice in enjoyment.

Although the color of the rice was a bit strange, she felt that she enjoyed the smell just by smelling it. She didn't even think about whether she could eat it, so she let someone cook it.

Tong Li picked up a small spoon, scooped up half of it and put it in her mouth. The rice was glutinous, soft, and had a special mellow aroma. She had never eaten such delicious rice.

But for some reason, there was an inexplicable familiar feeling in my heart.

It made her want to cry.

Tong Li sniffed her nose twice, took two mouthfuls and three mouthfuls, and within a short while she ate up the whole bowl of rice without any discomfort.

The things are fine, but who sent them here?

Is it Pei Jiuyin?

Unlike, he has been worrying about her diet so far, if he has this kind of early rice, he will take it out.

Who could it be?

Tong Li went over all the people she knew, and it seemed impossible.

I thought too much, got a headache, and simply didn't think about anything, so I got up and went to the garden to bring the flower pot with only the stem left in front of the gardener, and asked him what kind of flower it was.

The gardener was also very surprised when he saw the flowers in Tong Li's hands. He took the potted flowers from Tong Li's hands, studied them back and forth, and finally came up with the answer: "This is not a flower in the garden."

"The flowers in our garden have special identifications, and each potted flower has a record, and the leaf stem of this potted flower is strange. Its leaves have no veins, only mesophyll. Its stem has no stripes at all, and it is very smooth. root."

"Generally, those without veins are some algal fern plants. I haven't seen angiosperms without veins."

"This is definitely not a variety in the garden." It is impossible for him not to remember such novel flowers.

There was a look of excitement in the gardener's eyes: "Miss Tong, where did you find this?"

Tong Li pondered for a few seconds, then pointed to a corner in a certain direction: "There."

The gardener held the flowers and went out to have a look. There should be no flowers there before, and the corners are usually just used to put some utensils.

"Did the young master not say anything when he took it back?"

Tong Li shook his head.

At this time, the housekeeper and a group of people came in with a dozen pots of flowers, which were exactly what Tong Li ate just now.

"Housekeeper, where do these flowers come from?" The gardener saw that it was a new variety and rushed up to ask.

The housekeeper looked at Tong Li, and relayed to her what he had just delivered on errands: "It was delivered on errands, and he said that a batch would be delivered every few days. At the same time, he said that he hoped that Miss Tong would seriously consider the one-month period."

When Tong Li heard the words "January Period", his face suddenly became icy cold, his body unconsciously exuded a cold aura, and the two standing beside him shuddered inexplicably.

The gardener rubbed his arms and muttered softly, "It's not winter yet, why did it suddenly drop in temperature?"

It's also unbelievably cold.

The housekeeper was much more careful, and when he saw that Tong Li's expression was not right, he became more serious: "Miss Tong, is there something wrong with this flower? How about I take it and throw it away."

Tong Li stepped forward, gently pinched a petal with two green fingertips and tore it off, held it in his hand to look at it, and said with an unclear look: "Keep it."

Why not keep it, at least she can eat it.

"Move the things to the house, and move all the things that are sent to the house in the future."

"And the next time you come to run errands, let me bring a word."

The housekeeper guessed that this matter would not be that simple: "What words?"

Tong Li lowered her voice: "Ask him out."

The housekeeper responded well.

"Also, don't tell Pei Jiuyin about this."

The housekeeper immediately frowned: "But the young master has ordered."

Tong Li cast a threatening look at him, the butler frowned, and finally chose to remain silent.


After Pei Jiuyin rubbed Tong Li's medicine, the five finger marks on his face disappeared a lot, but it was still very obvious to outsiders.

So when he came to the company, he became a man of the company because of a slap in the face.

Although everyone didn't dare to say it in front of him, they were all discussing what happened to the wound on his face in private.

It is said that you don't slap someone in the face when you slap someone, and you don't scold someone when you swear at your mother. So obvious five fingerprints... Tsk tsk tsk, how could anyone dare to slap the big boss in the face.

Don't talk about his identity, just talk about his face, how can that person do it?How can you be willing to do it.

And according to their research, that slap was definitely made by a woman's hand. The big boss has always been a god-like existence in their hearts.

huh huh...

Secretary Qiao, who was arranging documents in the utility room, stretched out her ears to eavesdrop on their conversation.

It has been a long time since the last incident, and it has been a long time since he was assigned to the utility room by the big boss. He wanted to dazzle the boss, but now he can't even enter the secretary's office, and he doesn't know when the big boss will be able to... Think of him and ask him to go back to the secretary's office.

Ugh. . .

But speaking of that slap, his intuition told him that it must have been slapped by Miss Tong, and she was the only one who dared to do it.

Pei Jiuyin is currently having a meeting with a group of high-level executives in the conference room, and a manager is reporting impassionedly on the achievements of the past few days.

The main reason is that this round of fighting was very cool. With the help of external forces, they beat the Guan family to no avail. Every time the news came back, it was so exciting.

When it was wonderful, everyone couldn't help but burst into warm applause.

Everyone is smiling, except the big boss.

(End of this chapter)

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