Chapter 457

She hasn't figured it out after seeing the masked man for so many days, and the breath on his body can't hide the irritability: "I advise you not to make unnecessary struggles. With your current body, it's impossible."

"Then why can your medicine..."

"It's just that it can help you suppress it in the early stage, but as the fetus gets bigger and bigger, I can't control it."

Tong Li lowered her eyes: "We don't know each other before, why do you help me?" This is what she has been wondering.

The masked man patted the dust off his cuffs, he came out in a hurry today, ahem...

"I like to be nosy, can't I?"

He didn't want to get entangled in this issue, so he said immediately: "You don't have much time, you'd better make a decision early, five days... give me a reply within 10 days at the latest."

Then he took out a jade pendant from his body and threw it to Tong Li.

"In the meantime, send me a message if you change your mind."

"Otherwise you're just asking for luck."

Tong Li accurately caught the jade pendant he threw over, stared blankly at the cold jade pendant in her hand, and when she raised her eyes again, there was only a piece of air in front of her, with no one around.

Tong Li touched her belly and sighed softly, is this hard-won child destined to miss her?

"Hiss..." There was a sudden throbbing pain in my stomach.

Tong Li knows this child. Once she has thoughts that are not good for them, they will remind her of it.


"Don't worry, mother won't give up on you easily, but you have to know something, don't make too much trouble."

The little thing inside seemed to understand, and stopped restlessly for an instant, Tong Li shook his head helplessly.

In the afternoon, someone came from the temple and said that he had something to ask her and asked her to go there.

She calculated the time, and it turned out that the half-month period was about to arrive, and she must have already made preparations there.

Tong Li found the driver and asked someone to take her to the temple.

As soon as I arrived at the yard, I saw a group of people sitting upright everywhere. Although the formation was messy, there was no shortage of one person. This group of people seemed to be inseparable at all times and rarely separated.

Seeing Tong Li coming, one of the older men stood up and greeted her politely: "Miss Tong."

The others stood up and nodded slightly to her, and then all gathered behind the man.

Tong Li nodded slightly: "Is everything gathered?"

There was a smile in the man's eyes: "Yes."

"It can be held in the evening of the day after tomorrow."

Tong Li nodded.

The man continued: "The location will be at Pei Jiuyin's house."

Tong Li frowned when she heard that: "Why are you there?"

The man pursed his lips and smiled: "Don't Miss Tong understand that place very well?"

She is not the only one in this world who knows that the holy land is, but because of the influence of Pei Jiuyin's family, no one dares to snatch it.

Tong Li hesitated, it was she who knew the usefulness of that place, and was worried that people with malicious intentions would take advantage of it.

But after thinking about it, they want to move day by day, and if they don't have a blessed place, it is impossible to complete such a big change.

Those people were not in a hurry, and quietly waited for Tong Li to make a decision.

In fact, Tong Li has no choice at all now, Pei Jiuyin's memory that he wants to restore can only be left to them.

In the end, Tong Li took a step back and agreed with them to go there. After the two parties agreed on a time, Tong Li returned to Pei's house.

When he told Pei Jiuyin about this at night, he was still very excited, after all, no one wanted to lose the memory of their significant other.

Seeing the hope in his eyes, Tong Li felt that it was worth taking the risk. With her around, even some people would not dare to make trouble.

Soon the day came, Pei Jiuyin finished work early and went home, and saw Tong Li sitting on the sofa in a daze as soon as he entered the door.

He put down the coat in his hand and walked behind her, not knowing what she was thinking, he didn't even notice when he came behind her.

Pei Jiuyin walked to the front, squatted in front of her, and held her hand: "Tongtong, what's the matter?"

In the past few days, he obviously felt that Tong Li's mood had become depressed, but every time he asked her, she said it was fine, and he was so anxious that he didn't know what to do.

Tong Li recovered and said softly, "You're back."

Pei Jiuyin asked with concern: "Are you uncomfortable?"

Tong Li shook her head slightly: "No, I just feel a little restless today."

Pei Jiuyin also knew what happened today: "Are you afraid that those people will make changes?"

Tong Li pondered for a while, then shook his head: "No."

She couldn't tell what it was, anyway, she was very troubled in her heart.

"Don't think about it too much. I heard that women become emotionally sensitive after pregnancy, and they tend to think wildly about a little thing. This is very harmful. Just tell me if there is anything, okay?"

Tong Li didn't know what was going on with her, maybe it was because pregnancy made people feel sentimental.

Pei Jiuyin touched the top of her hair: "I'll cook first, do you want to lie down for a while?"

"No, you go."

Pei Jiuyin was worried about her, but in order not to let her go hungry, he had to cook first, while Tong Li watched his busy figure in the living room.

After dinner, the time came to 8 o'clock. They set the time at 12 o'clock in the evening, and it was still early. The two sat on the balcony and looked at the half-moon in the sky.

Obviously yesterday was still a crescent moon, but today it has become a half moon. It seems that those people are still quite capable.

Suddenly Tong Li saw a Nine Purple Spirit Star in the deep space brighten up.

Tong Li, who was nestled in Pei Jiuyin's arms, suddenly straightened up, frowning slightly, so bright, is there an emperor and general in the world?
"What's the matter?" Pei Jiuyin also sat up straight.

Tong Li raised her finger and pointed to a star in a certain direction: "Do you know what star it is?"

Pei Jiuyin looked in the direction she pointed. Although he didn't study constellations, he knew: "It's Ziwei star!"

Tong Li nodded: "Almost."

Pei Jiuyin lay back on the armchair, pulled her back, tightened his arms, and whispered in her ear: "It is recorded in the book that there is Ziwei in the sky, and the king in the earth."

He seemed to think of something, and he thought it was funny: "But now that the dynasty has long since collapsed, is it possible that there are still people who can stand on their own as kings?"

Tong Li moved his head and found a comfortable position: "Not necessarily, maybe there are some big changes in this country, it's not calm anyway."

"Whether it's peaceful or not, these have nothing to do with us, we just need to live our own lives."

Tong Li disagreed with what he said, and raised her head to look at him seriously: "As long as your family is at the top of power, if there is really a change, you think your family can avoid this disaster."

Pei Jiuyin looked at her earnest and cute expression, quickly kissed her on the forehead, and said with a smile, "I'm wrong, it's not my family, it's ours, and I have a little celestial master here, so what are you afraid of?"

Tong Li: "..."

As long as they were talking, they didn't notice that there was a flickering lone star next to Ziwei Star, and that star was slowly approaching Ziwei Star...

(End of this chapter)

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