Chapter 458
At 11:30 in the evening, the wind was surging, the trees were shaking and the grass was swaying, and the surrounding temperature could obviously be felt to be dropping.

In the blink of an eye, the stars and the moon in the sky were covered by dark clouds, and the sky and the earth suddenly fell into extreme darkness.

Tong Li stood up from the rattan chair with a jerk, took two steps forward quickly, and looked at the dark sky with a serious face.

Pei Jiuyin stepped forward to hold her hand, and tightened his voice: "Are they here?"

As soon as the words fell, I saw the butler leading a group of people passing downstairs.

Tong Li looked back at Pei Jiuyin and said, "Go down."

The two came to an open space, and this small area was the best location they had chosen.

A dozen or so people were holding a disc-shaped thing in their hands, running back and forth with the wind under their feet, in a chaotic and disorderly formation with a rare tacit understanding, and kept exchanging positions with the small partners next to them.

It is estimated that some kind of formation is being set up.

After seeing Tong Li approaching, the man with a white cloth strip on his forehead walked up to them.

"Miss Tong." The man glanced at Pei Jiuyin vainly, then quickly withdrew his eyes, as if he didn't dare to look directly into Pei Jiuyin's eyes.

Tong Li asked: "What are you doing?"

"We are setting up the combination array, and we will reproduce the full moon later. The rebirth mirror needs to absorb a large amount of full moon essence. The combination array can completely absorb the essence of the sun and the moon."

"Miss Tong may still be able to see the beautiful night."

Tong Li looked over coldly, with a warning in her eyes.

The man just smiled and said nothing, then turned around and continued to work on his own affairs.

Tong Li carefully observed their behavior, as long as one person has evil intentions, it is impossible for her to let today's round continue.

After a while, I didn't see what they did. Maybe they really wanted to succeed this time, and only in this way, could they have leverage to negotiate terms with Tong Li.
Seeing that it was still a few minutes before twelve o'clock, one of them moved a chair and placed it in the middle of the formation, then trotted up to Tong Li, bowed slightly, and said respectfully: "Miss Tong, we need Mr. Pei to sit in the middle , accept the baptism of the sun and the moon."

Pei Jiuyin twitched his eyelashes nervously, and held Tong Li's hand a little harder, it could be seen that he was a little nervous.

Tong Li patted the back of his hand: "Go, I'm right next to you, don't be afraid."

Pei Jiuyin nodded, let go of her hand, stretched out her long legs, and walked towards the stool step by step.

His heart was beating uncontrollably, and in a short while, he would be able to restore all the memories, which belonged to the two of them. It should have been a happy thing, why did he want to retreat?
Pei Jiuyin stopped in front of the magical chair, took two deep breaths, loosened and tightened his fists, tightened and loosened again.

Looking at his expression, I didn't know that he thought he was on the guillotine.

Pei Jiuyin looked back at Tong Li, seeing the determination in her eyes, and finally he sat down resolutely.

He doesn't need to trust anyone, but Tong a woman who can hold his lifeline.

With her here, everything will be fine.

He believed her.

When everything is ready, the time comes exactly at 12 o'clock.

Except for the younger child, everyone stood ten steps away from Pei Jiuyin.

Everyone looked at each other, nodded slightly, and put their hands together neatly.

A gust of cold wind blew, and the sky above Pei's Manor was immediately covered by a layer of clouds.

They chanted some kind of spell in a low voice, and an invisible grid line gradually formed, encircling Pei Jiuyin.

Hearing a series of chattering voices, Pei Jiuyin gently closed his eyelids and frowned slightly. Although he couldn't understand what they were reading, listening to these noisy voices made people feel inexplicably irritated.

He wanted to open his eyes, but his eyelids were as heavy as a thousand catties. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't open his eyes, and his head became heavier and heavier, and the strength in his body was gradually drained unconsciously.

With a plop, he seemed to have fallen into a bottomless black hole, and his body fell uncontrollably. He knew that everything in front of him was an illusion and a fake, but he couldn't escape this illusory dream no matter what.

He could only keep chanting Tong Li's name in his heart, as long as she was in his heart, he would be fearless of all dangers.

Seeing Pei Jiuyin's tense body, those people suddenly spread out in all directions.

The chanting became louder and louder. Everyone stretched out their hands and held them together. With Pei Jiuyin as the center, a hurricane was set off. The hurricane went straight into the sky, blowing away the clouds and mists that covered the sky.

The half moon that had disappeared before was quietly revealed.

Tong Li looked up at the bright moon, the half moon was slowly turning into a full moon at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even the stars hidden in the deeper layers moved with it.

Tong Li narrowed his eyes and fixed his gaze on Pei Jiuyin. His body was stiff, his eyes didn't know when to open them, but his pupils didn't have any focal length, and he just looked at a certain direction blankly.

The full moon formed, and a rushing ray of light shot out from several corners of the ground. The full moon that had just appeared was immediately locked by these rays of light, and then a string of fine fluorescent lights poured down like a galaxy breaking a bank. And down.

The beautiful fluorescent waterfall did not fall on Pei Jiuyin, but on the man next to him holding the mirror of the past.

The ever-flowing fluorescent light source continuously supplies the mirror with infinite energy. After a few minutes, the mirror image of the past life is full, and countless small white lights burst out from the edge of the mirror, and the white light lines purposefully go straight into the sky.

A gust of wind blew up near the manor, the big trees swayed even more violently, and the corners of everyone's clothes flapped.

Tong Li was so stimulated by the white light that she couldn't open her eyes. Even if she couldn't see it, she could still feel the majestic power emanating from the sun and the moon.

She was blown back a few steps by the gust of wind, and finally made a barrier to barely block the domineering power shot out by Yuan Ri.

When she was able to open her eyes, she saw that the silver light in the mirror was divided into two, one fell on Pei Jiuyin, and the other floated towards the land of nothingness.

She wandered back and forth between these two beams of light, and didn't see any problems for a while, until an extreme evil surged from the other side, and her starry eyes gradually turned cold.

The Yingqianzhu in her hand also began to move around, which meant that there was indeed a monster there, and it was a very powerful monster in this situation.

Tong Li moved two steps, then stopped, and looked at Pei Jiuyin. If this happened before, she would never hesitate, she must go and investigate.

But if she leaves now, Pei Jiuyin will be in danger if this group of people has any evil intentions.

She swept across the crowd with cold eyes, the group of people inside were closing their eyes and chanting non-stop, and the boy left behind also looked at this scene with a surprised face, as if he didn't think that this would happen, maybe He hadn't seen anything like this either.

Tong Li pursed his lips tightly and clenched his fists tightly. After struggling for a while, he finally chose to stay and look at Pei Jiuyin.

At this moment, Pei Jiuyin felt that his soul had drifted away from his body, and his soul was lost in the white world.

There are no roads in all directions but there are roads everywhere. He didn't know which direction to go. Just as he was hesitating, two gates suddenly appeared in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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