Chapter 465 The Stomach Becomes Quiet
This afternoon, Tong Li came to her back garden and sat on a swing chair, basking comfortably in the warm autumn sun in the afternoon.

I don't know if it's because of her laziness recently, she feels that the little thing in her stomach is very quiet, she usually doesn't talk about making troubles, but she always shows her anger to play with her from time to time, it seems that she hasn't moved at all these two days.

She closed her eyes, summoned a bit of aura, and swam to her lower abdomen, and after a while, she saw two small things the size of soybeans floating on it to sleep.

Tong Li went up to observe closely for a while. Although they didn't move, their vitality was still normal, and they finally stopped avoiding her. It was not in vain for her to support them for so long.

Now she finally knows what it means to be happy in the spring and autumn, and the sweetness of the bitterness of the ten months of pregnancy.

When they make a fuss, it makes you feel uncomfortable everywhere, but when they don't make a fuss, you worry too much. It's really worrying.

A gust of wind blew, and Tong Li shuddered inexplicably, wondering why she was afraid of the cold?
I just praised them for a while, and then started to toss again?

Tong Li sat on the swing chair and chatted with them for a while, and when the sun set completely, she went back to her room to sit quietly.

After Pei Jiuyin came back at night, after greeting her, he went into the kitchen and pretended to cook for her as if nothing had happened, even adding seasonings for her.

Today is day 2 and there are 5 days left.

Tong Li has resisted eating for the past two days, so she ate some hastily and then went back to her room to rest.

After eating, she began to fidget and developed symptoms of chest tightness and heartburn. Although it was not serious, it was still uncomfortable. She checked herself and found nothing.

She felt that she was too free, so she went to the study to find two books to read, and diverted her attention by the way.

When she concentrates on doing one thing, she quickly forgets those discomforts.

When Pei Jiuyin came up, he saw Tong Li holding a book in his hand, his head propped on his other hand, his eyes closed tightly, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, with a sweet smile, completely different from the coldness of the past.

Alas... I don't know how long I slept, how uncomfortable it was to fall asleep like this.

He walked to Tong Li's side, bent down slightly, looked at her soft and perfect side face, raised his hand and gently stroked her cheek, the love overflowing from his eyes could almost drown people.

I don't know when she started to have a gentle maternal temperament.

He couldn't help but sigh: It turns out that after a cold woman becomes a mother, her temperament will really change, and his A Li is no exception.

After Pei Jiuyin looked at her for a while, she carried her back to the bed. The moment someone touched her, Tong Li opened her eyes instantly. When she saw the man she was most familiar with, she closed her eyes and rubbed against his neck. Rub and continue to sleep.

Seeing her cute side, Pei Jiuyin couldn't help but smile happily. It's good to have Ah Li around, and you can't force too much in life.


On the third day, Pei Jiuyin still cooked porridge for Tong Li and waited for her to finish before going to the company with peace of mind.

Tong Li fell asleep at home for two hours. She usually likes to stay at home, but recently, the more she nestled, the more dizzy she became.

She can't do this anymore.

Tong Li found the driver and asked him to take her for a drive outside to see the scenery outside and change her mood.

The driver kept Pei Jiuyin's words in mind, if he wanted to go out, he had to report to him first, and he could only go out with his consent.

When Pei Jiuyin received the call, his expression was condensed. He didn't really want Tong Li to go out, especially in the past few days. The family has arranged a doctor, and if there is any problem, it can be dealt with in time.

What if there is an accident outside when you run out.

But if she takes people too seriously, Ah Li might become suspicious.

In the end, Tong Li saw the seven or eight cars behind her, and she was extremely speechless. She just went out for a drive, did she need such a big battle?

"Madam, please get in the car." The driver came over, opened the door for her respectfully, and asked her to get in the car.

Seeing Tong Li's eyes on the pile of cars, he explained to her softly: "Madam, don't worry too much, it's for your safety, only two cars follow us, and the others will be hidden everywhere. It has too much of an impact."

Tong Li didn't respond after hearing this, and lowered her head to get in the car.

After the driver closed the door, he quickly ran into the driver's seat.

A car in front opened the way in front of them, followed by a car behind, and other cars spread out and hid in various traffic flows after leaving the main road.

When Tong Li said that she was going for a drive, she really went for a drive. The car drove for nearly an hour, but it was still driving in a daze. As long as Tong Li didn't make a sound, the car had to continue driving.

Suddenly Tong Li saw a shopping mall, which was where Pei Jiuyin bought baby clothes with her: "Stop over there."


Then the co-pilot reported the journey to Pei Jiuyin non-stop.

When Pei Jiuyin heard that Tong Li went to the shopping mall to buy clothes for the children last time, he hung up the phone in a hurry without saying anything.

Not long after Tong Li entered the mall, suddenly dark clouds covered the outside, followed by the sound of crackling rain.

The driver felt a little strange, he had already checked the weather before going out, and it was sunny all day, why did it suddenly rain heavily.

Sure enough, the weather in the capital is like a child's temper, and it rains as soon as it is said.

Looking at the downpour outside, Tong Li frowned, clearly aware that the rain was not easy.

"Madam, you can go for a walk first, the rain comes and goes quickly, it should stop after a while."

"Yeah." Tong Li's eyes moved, more and more people gathered in the hall, and the smell of various perfumes mixed together, making it difficult to breathe. She raised her hand to cover her nose, took a few steps back, and looked again It's raining heavily outside, and the current situation can only be like this.

The driver followed Tong Li every step of the way, waved his hand to the back, and immediately came up with four or five bodyguards to clear the way for Tong Li.

Tong Li didn't go to the mother and baby store last time, but wandered aimlessly between floors.

After she had to say it and walked around, her spirits improved a lot. She was bored at home all day long, and she wanted to sleep besides wanting to sleep. If she continued to sleep, she would probably make people sleep stupid.

And walking in a place where people come and go is very popular, the little guy in the stomach seems to be much more lively.

The corners of Tong Li's mouth curled into a nice curve, and her mood improved because of it. She just walked to the window of a mother and baby store, wondering if the little guy inside wanted her to go in and buy something?
Just as she was about to go in, the driver beside her suddenly stood in front of her and lowered her head slightly: "Madam, wait a moment."

Tong Li knew what he wanted to do, and stopped him before he could make a move: "No need, this is fine."

Every time I go shopping, I have to clear the place, there is no breath of life, and it is like this at the moment, which is very good.

(End of this chapter)

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