The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 466 The Man Who Resurrected From the Dead

Chapter 466 The Man Who Resurrected From the Dead
There were seven or eight pregnant women picking out clothes for their children. She was also a pregnant mother, so she naturally understood the joy in their hearts. Besides, it would not be appropriate to suddenly kick them out.

"But." The driver was a little embarrassed.

"It's nothing, and those few people can't pose any threat to me."

Tong Li walked in straight away, and a salesperson immediately came over to greet her.

The driver sighed, and quickly glanced back and forth at the women, thinking that there shouldn't be any problems, everyone should be more alert.

The people who can sell things here are all good people. The salesperson saw the bodyguards behind Tong Li, compared her clothes, and her beautiful appearance, so she knew that this lady was either rich or expensive. Then she smiled even more flatteringly.

"Hi madam, are you picking out clothes for your baby?"

Tong Liyue is still young, and her belly has not yet appeared. Looking at her ordinary belly, the salesperson is a little uncertain.

Tong Li nodded: "Yes!"

"Could you tell me how old your baby is this year?"

Tong Li likes to be quiet, and doesn't like to be followed by someone chirping when she is shopping, so she refuses her sales.

The salesmen didn't give up, they were paid with a commission. This lady looked like a super rich man. If she bought anything, her performance could top the first half of the year. Naturally, she didn't want to give up this golden lump.

But when she wanted to say something again, the bodyguard next to her immediately stopped her.

The salesman faltered instantly in the face of the majestic bodyguard. He just stood there without saying a word, scaring her so badly that her legs went limp. In the end, her companion came to give her a hand, so that she didn't make a fool of herself in public.

Tong Li, on the other hand, looked here and there in a leisurely way, and when he found something suitable, he threw it to the bodyguard behind him.

I have to say that the salesperson's eyesight is quite accurate. This lady who looks like a fairy is indeed a big employer. The toys, clothes, and bags she brought are countless things, tsk tsk tsk...

The clothes in their family are all in the style of luxury, and there are thousands or even tens of thousands of small pieces, and what the lady bought is the most expensive in their shop.

They roughly calculated in their hearts that this shopping cart would cost at least a million dollars. Even ordinary rich people would not buy so much. After all, babies have grown up a lot in a few months, and it is estimated that if you buy too much, you will not be able to buy it. It will be wasted if you have time to wear it.

But they also know that the really rich don't think of money as money at all.

Buy it, buy it, buy more, and their performance will be more.

Tong Li was shopping hard, and a gaze in the dark stared at her intently. She, who has always been keen, soon noticed something was wrong. This feeling was like the feeling that she was being monitored at home. Before, she thought It's a monitor problem.

Wasn't it?
She held a piece of clothing in her hand and looked through it calmly, quietly observing the surroundings from the corner of her eyes.

When her eyes moved to the corner, she was stunned when she saw that extremely feminine and handsome face.

It's him?

The temperament revealed by that person is not as careless as before, but rather gloomy and cold, and the aura emanating from his body is completely different from the previous him.

Kind of familiar.

But that kind of familiarity is not with Jing Beichen but... what is it?
Where does this sense of familiarity come from?

Besides, Jing Beichen hasn't heard from him since he disappeared last time. Will he suddenly appear here?The person who took him released him so quickly?

Jing Beichen smiled faintly at her, opened his mouth silently a few times, then quickly pressed down his peaked cap and turned to leave.

It also took away the aura that had just come here, as if this person had never been here before.

The bodyguards who are ordinary people still observe the people around them faithfully and diligently, and they will eliminate them immediately if they find danger, but they can't find such an outlier like Jing Beichen, so I don't blame them.

Tong Li put down the clothes in her hands, and said to the people behind her, "That's enough, you pay the bill, and I'll go to the bathroom first."


Tong Li turned around and went out. As usual, several bodyguards followed immediately. When they came to the door of the bathroom, the female bodyguard went in to check first, and then let Tong Li go in after clearing out the people inside. The system is perfect.

Originally, the female bodyguard also wanted to follow in, but was stopped by Tong Li.

After Tong Li entered, her sharp eyes scanned the surroundings. It was so quiet here, there was no movement, but just now Jing Beichen asked her to come to the women's bathroom.

"Little Lier"

A relaxed and smiling voice came from behind, Tong Li turned her head abruptly, and saw Jing Beichen in casual attire.

She frowned, and her voice was slightly hesitant: "Jing Beichen?"

"Why are you here?"

Jing Beichen smiled: "Well, it's me, little Li'er misses me."

Tong Li's expression remained the same when he heard this unscrupulous teasing, he took a step forward, then stopped suddenly, and took a few steps back.

Looking at Jing Beichen's eyes also became vigilant, she was very sure: "You are not Jing Beichen."

The smile on Jing Beichen's face faltered, and then he laughed softly. He couldn't help admiring in his heart. He felt that he was hiding well. The appearance just now was a copy of Jing Beichen's previous appearance. He didn't expect to be seen through so quickly. , I thought I could hide it longer, but it turned out to be boring.

"who are you?"

Jing Beichen knew that if he didn't reveal his identity, he would definitely not be able to talk about the next thing. He didn't see that the atmosphere had become tense, and the people on the other side were also ready to draw their swords.

He raised his hands high and made a gesture of surrender, with a smile on his face all the time: "Master is still so powerful. I didn't even say a few words, and you saw through me. I think I am very familiar with Master. I keep every word and deed in my heart, shouldn't I be happy?"

And then not.

Tong Li looked at him with a look of horror on his face.

She didn't see who he was, but she knew that this person was definitely not Jing Beichen, but she never expected to say "Master".

You must know that she has only one direct disciple in her life, and this disciple was killed by her own hands not long ago.

Her body was put in that river by itself.
Jing Beichen's black eyes were tightly glued to Tong Li's body, and her tone became familiar to her, cold and respectful: "Master, there is no need to doubt, I am your good apprentice, Chu Mo."

Tong Li's expression was very firm: "It's impossible that he has already."

"Is it dead already? You buried it yourself." Jing Beichen thought of the satisfaction he felt when he died in her arms. Yes, it is also a kind of happiness to die in her arms.

But who made him immortal.

"I know that Master has done a lot of redemption for me after my death." Thinking of Master's importance to me, I suddenly felt that my soul was sublimated.

At that time, he thought that he was really dead, and he was always unwilling.

Tong Li calmed down, but she still firmly believed: "You are not him."

(End of this chapter)

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