The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 471 The situation is getting more and more dangerous

Chapter 471 The situation is getting more and more dangerous

Tong Li knew who was behind without turning her head.

A bastard who is afraid of chaos.

Jing Beichen walked slowly to her side and accompanied her to see the beautiful scenery below, with an unknown smile in his eyes, he couldn't help sighing: "Life is really changeable, we can stand on the highest place to see the scenery after going around around."

"Little Li'er, how about it, it turns out that I didn't lie to you."

"Human nature is all selfish. For the benefit of oneself, one can sacrifice others without hesitation to fulfill oneself."

"No matter how much that man loves you, in the end."

"You'd better shut up." Tong Li's expression was calm, but from her tone, she could tell how impatient she was with the person next to her.

Jing Beichen smiled, shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and locked his mouth with a chain, he will not make sarcastic remarks today.

After a pause, he couldn't help but ask again: "What is Xiao Li'er going to do next?"

Tong Li remained silent and continued to organize her thoughts.

Jing Beichen started the self-question and answer session: "Let me guess."

"Well! You must be thinking now, how can you keep these two children."

Tong Li's face remained indifferent, and to her, Jing Beichen was just a noisy grasshopper.

"Actually, there is nothing wrong with mother wanting to protect her children, but your two children are special."

"But it's not impossible to keep it."

Hearing these words, Tong Li's eyes finally reacted, she turned her head slightly and looked at the man indifferently: "What do you mean?"

Jing Beichen laughed lightly: "Little Li'er is so smart, so she can understand what I say."

Tong Li is indeed smart, and quickly thought of the reason: "So, did you do it on purpose yesterday?"

She knew that this man was worthless.

Jing Beichen was stunned for two seconds, then laughed heartily, and shook his head helplessly: "Yesterday was indeed intentional, but I did it for your own good, to let you see clearly what kind of person Pei Jiuyin is, which can be regarded as indirectly protecting this The lives of two children."

"It counts that these two children have been blessed with my life."


Sure enough, the most humble person is invincible, and he dares to stick any money on his face.

"And you two are not suitable at all."

Tong Li suppressed the irritability in her heart: "What can you get by doing this?"

Jing Beichen said indifferently: "I don't need to get anything, Master, I just don't want you to be deceived by the man's appearance, men don't have a good thing."

"You have never been involved in emotional matters, and you are easily deceived by men's superficial appearances. I just did something that allows you to see the true colors of these men."

"Master, you should thank me."

Tong Li's eyes darkened, she really felt that the apprentice she raised was seriously ill, how did he pretend that he was not discovered for so many years, but it is also possible that these thousands of changes made his whole personality distorted.


Jing Beichen has a rough skin and a thick face, it doesn't matter if he scolds casually.

Tong Li thought for a while, then turned and left.

She felt that Jing Beichen could think of a way to keep the child, so she had no reason not to think of it.

Jing Beichen didn't force it, he just stepped behind her, he knew exactly what she wanted to do, but no matter how much she tossed about this matter, there would be no result.


Since Tong Li left, Pei Jiuyin did nothing but searched for someone like crazy.

At first, he just sent someone to look for her quietly, but two days later, he still had no news of Tong Li, and his heart became more and more flustered.

He felt that after Tong Li left this time, he might never come back.

How could he bear it.

So now he is like a madman, turned the capital upside down, and if he can't find him in the capital, he will find other provinces. Even if he digs every inch of land in the country three feet, he will find people.

Naturally, his big-picture move also attracted the attention of many people. Some people who are full and have nothing to do will ridicule him behind their backs. For a woman, he made such a big move, even the company doesn't care, just to find a woman .

You must know that with his current worth, no matter what he wants, as long as he asks, others will just send him to the door, why hang him on a tree.

Tong Li's actions also angered many famous ladies who wanted to get close to Pei's family. They really didn't understand, why would someone run away without letting the high-ranking family not want them?
That is a clan they can't reach. If they were allowed to occupy a little bit of it, they would not run away if their legs were broken. But some people are still in the blessings and don't know the blessings, and they are still in the sky.

These people talked with great relish, but one nobleman seemed restless after hearing the news.

What happened to Tong Li has nothing to do with them, but there is one less person in their family. The two were still entangled before. They are praying now that it must not be that bastard who abducted him.

The Pei family is now in full swing in the capital city. When their family sneezes, the capital city will be shaken. If that unfilial son really kidnapped someone, then they should soon be able to disappear like the Guan family.

Whether Guan's family or Pei Jiuyin's family, he could have ruthlessly crushed him to death. If it was their family, it might be destroyed to the point where there is not even a scum left.

It's better to get the person back quickly.

Tong Li is not idle either, she is indeed not in the capital city, but travels through various jungles, looking for various rare medicinal materials.

She tried her best to prevent the fetus from sucking her vitality. Before Pei's house, there was a lot of spiritual energy for nutrition, so her life was pretty easy.

But after leaving Pei's house, the child needed more and more vitality as time went by.

Although she found a lot of precious medicinal materials to refine, but this little thing is far from enough to fill the gap.

Tong Li leaned against a big tree to rest, her current body is like autumn leaves, gradually withering, maybe in a short time, she will be like those leaves, and her final destiny is to turn into a tree. pile of dirt.

Jing Beichen threw the prey beside her, Tong Li looked up, closed his eyes again, and continued to recharge his batteries.

This man is like a candy, following her all the time, no matter how much he beats and scolds, he won't leave. In the end, she gets annoyed too, so just follow her if you want.

Jing Beichen followed Tong Li to roam the mountains and rivers, he knew what she wanted to do, and he would not stop her.

There are some things that only after trying, can she know that everything she has done is futile. No matter how hard she tries, she will either seek help from him or die in the end.

Whichever it was, he was eager to help.

Jing Beichen was sitting on a stone beside him, he seemed to be in a particularly good mood, humming a little song, while happily handling the prey he had just brought back.

Now it's a bit like when they came out to practice before, the master was resting and he was preparing to eat.

After eating, they continued on their way. It would be nice if everything could go back to the way it was before.

(End of this chapter)

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