The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 472 Is It Possible To Let You Marry Me?

Chapter 472 Is It Possible To Let You Marry Me?

After Jing Beichen disposed of the prey, he began to build a fire pit. He had done these actions thousands of times, and he had already been familiar with them by heart.

After the fire was lit up, he put the prey on the fire to roast. After more than half an hour, the roasted meat on the fire grill was grilled until it was oily and shiny, and the aroma was overflowing. No one could help but salivate.

But Tong Li is not interested in these things at all, and she hasn't had a full meal for many days, and she looks a lot thinner.

Jing Beichen picked up the dagger on the ground, glanced at Tong Li, his eyes darkened, and then slid his hand...

Not long after, Tong Li moved her nose, and obviously smelled a fragrance.

These days, she has basically lost her sense of smell, and the sudden smell made her open her eyes instantly, and then she saw a freshly roasted meat leg that Jing Beichen came over.

She didn't know what kind of leg it was, but now this baked golden and shiny leg successfully gave her an appetite.

Jing Beichen smiled: "Master, eat it, you used to like the leg of lamb I roasted for you the most."

Tong Li frowned, looking at the leg of lamb with a little distaste, wondering if she wanted to eat it.

Jing Beichen was not in a hurry, so he held it up quietly. He understood Tong Li's temper, so don't push too hard in everything. She would naturally accept it when she figured it out, and she wouldn't say a word if she didn't accept it.

Finally, under Tong Li's deliberation, she reached out to take it.

She hesitated and opened her mouth to take a bite: The leg of lamb was not oily or dry, the meat was tender and the taste was just right.

It did bake well.

Seeing that she was willing to speak, Jing Beichen was also happy in his heart: "Master, my craftsmanship has not deteriorated."

Tong Li chewed the mutton leg slowly, and paused when he heard his words, before humming slightly inaudibly after a long time.

Although the voice was low, Jing Beichen still heard it, and he smiled even more happily. This was the first time that so many Tiantongli responded to him directly, and it also stirred up a little fluctuation in his heart.

Tong Li went to wash off the oil stains on his hands after eating. In fact, he still had some desire for meat in his heart, but he was afraid of throwing up after eating too much.

I don't know if it's because I'm full, but after drinking a sip of water, I feel that my spirit seems to be much better, and I can even walk with my feet on the ground.

Tong Li, who had cleared his mind, became much more organized in his thinking. After Jing Beichen came back, Tong Li asked as soon as he sat down.

"What was the method you said before?"

Jing Beichen was a little surprised, how long did it take, did he give up?
But isn't that what he wants?
He didn't answer immediately, but lowered his head in deep thought, as if he had some scruples about that method.

The two were not far apart, and the atmosphere became quite dignified.

A gust of wind blows, and the sound of salsa comes from the quiet jungle, like a light piece of music, which makes people drowsy and sleepy, especially for pregnant people, it is commonplace to go to sleep after eating.

Jing Beichen raised his head, and his face rarely became a little more serious: "Yes, but once you choose this road, there is no turning back. I can guarantee the safe birth of you and your child, but as for how to do it, you can't interfere. Of course I won't Break your heart, you can stop halfway, but you will pay a heavy price."

He narrowed his eyes slightly: "Master, are you sure you want to continue on this road?"

Tong Li put her hands on her stomach, leaned her back against the tree trunk slightly, and said with a little weakness in her eyes: "I know."

She couldn't kill these two lives that were connected with her blood. If she really had a way, she would give it a go.

Jing Beichen was not surprised by her answer. He looked up at the deep autumn sky. A pair of wild geese flew by just now. He didn't know what the pair of wild geese were hindering him. With a wave of his hand, a wild goose tipped With a cry, the flapping of its wings stopped, and the wild goose fell vertically. Another wild goose beside it saw it, screamed and let out a long cry, and bent over to the wild goose that had lost its power.

In the end, their results can be imagined.

Jing Beichen looked at the two geese, laughed disdainfully from his nostrils, and said lazily: "I heard that one of the geese is dead, and the other won't live alone. I didn't expect it to be so."

Tong Li frowned.


Jing Beichen stood up from the stone, raised his head in a beautiful arc, spread his hands, and moved his fingers slightly, and a cool wind blew slowly. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the cool wind: Master, this is Your choice, as for the final result.
He smiled easily: "Let's go, Master."

The master's call at the back was very meaningful.

"What's your condition?" Tong Li didn't believe that this person would be so kind to help her.

Jing Beichen was silent for a while, then laughed and said, "Is it okay to let you marry me?"

Tong Li's face darkened: "I don't need your help."

Jing Beichen laughed loudly, walked in front of Tong Li to block the person, and the corners of his mouth could not stop: "Master, why worry, I said no conditions, but you don't believe me, and you asked me what conditions, I just said what was on my mind."

Tong Li's face turned even darker.

Jing Beichen continued to explain: "Master has shown me the grace of reinvention, this time it is just a small favor for you, how can you negotiate terms with Master so clichéd."

Tong Li met his playful eyes, and was extremely speechless towards this man.

Jing Beichen bent down slightly, and made a gesture of invitation to her: "Master, please come to the apprentice's house to have a talk."

Tong Li ignored him, patted the clothes behind him, and walked straight forward.

As soon as they left, a very cold wind blew up in the lonely jungle, and a man dressed in bright red appeared at the position Tong Li was leaning on just now.

The man leaned against the tree and watched their backs going away.

Just in the next second, a burst of black air hit, the face of the red dress changed, and he turned around and disappeared in place immediately.

Jing Beichen looked back when Tong Li was not paying attention, looked at the empty bushes, and snorted.

He took Tong Li to a small island isolated from the world, so that even if Pei Jiuyin searched the whole country, as long as they didn't show up, someone wouldn't be able to find him.


As for Pei Jiuyin, he is a little depressed now. Well, he is very depressed.

At this moment, he was lying in the middle of the bed like a corpse, holding Tong Li's recently worn clothes in his arms. The clothes had been wrinkled by him, but he was still reluctant to put them down.

It has been more than a month since Tong Li left, and everything is a foregone conclusion. He doesn't know how Tong Li is doing now, whether it has become worse, whether he can eat outside food, whether he can sleep well at night.

He really regrets it now, knowing that she has such a stubborn temper, why is her attitude so tough.

He didn't want to follow the old path of his previous life, but he ignored a mother's desire to protect her child, so that he lost him.

It's useless to say anything now, his Tongtong refuses to come back.

What should he do.

"Tongtong, are you coming back?"

(End of this chapter)

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