The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 473 Maybe these 2 children can only live 1.

Pei Jiuyin fell into a drowsy sleep, slowly turned sideways, curled his body into a small shrimp in pain, hugged the clothes in his arms tighter, buried his head in the clothes, and took a deep breath of the life-saving medicine.

Only by smelling Tong Li's breath can he deceive himself into thinking that she didn't leave, she just went out temporarily and will come back soon.

Waiting for her to come back is the only thing he wants to survive.

"You come back, I won't argue with you anymore, I was wrong, Ah Li, Ah Li..."

Tong Li on the island seemed to hear Pei Jiuyin's mournful cry. She stood under a sea of ​​flowers and looked at the blue sky. The sky was very blue and clear, but her face was very serious.

After coming here, Jing Beichen really put her first, and handled her affairs properly. Whatever she wanted, he offered him with both hands, except for the birth-preserving medicine she took every day. Not at all.

She can roughly distinguish some of the common birth-preserving medicines in it, but there is a very unique and important one, but she can't try it out.

What will it be?
If the medicine can't be found out, she can't leave
"Ma'am, it's time to take the medicine." A maid came over with a bowl of black medicine emitting wisps of heat. She had to drink a bowl of this medicine every day. It was slightly bitter but not smelly, a bit fishy.

"Leave it first." Tong Li glanced at it, replied lightly and ignored it, but she didn't drink, and the maid didn't dare to leave. Her order was that she could only leave after seeing Tong Li take the medicine with her own eyes.

After the medicine stopped steaming, Tong Li drank the medicine, and the maid dared to go back and return.

Tong Li went back to her room to sleep after drinking, and she seemed to see Pei Jiuyin in her deep sleep.

He looks like a mess now, his hair is not washed or cut, his face is full of stubble and he is not trimmed, he is sloppy and haggard, and he has lost a lot of weight. How did he become like this?
The people below were reporting something to him. She couldn't hear the sound, but she could tell that the people below were reporting information to find her.

He listened to his subordinates' report without any fluctuation in his eyebrows or eyes. After those people left, he continued to sit on the stool in a daze.

He didn't respond until the next person came in to report, but he only lifted it lightly. After listening to that person's report, his eyes filled with disappointment again.

Seeing that, Tong Li was feeling very uncomfortable, how could this man make himself like this.

She walked slowly to his side, reaching out her hand to touch his face, but her hand passed directly across her face.

She didn't touch the person, but the man sitting on the chair suddenly started up, hope ignited under his eyes, and shouted into the air: "Tongtong, is it you?"

But he was the only one in the empty room in front of him, there was no one there, but he had a strong feeling that Tong Li was by his side.

Like a psychopath, Pei Jiuyin repeatedly said to the air: "Tongtong, are you coming back? You can do whatever you want, let me know if you are safe..."

Tong Li didn't see what was said later, she was awakened by the pain in her abdomen.

After waking up, she immediately checked her stomach, which made her face turn blue from fright.

Of the two small fetuses in the womb, one was vigorously developing and the other was obviously much smaller. …

what happened?The vitality has also dropped by more than half.

She checked around the baby, but she didn't find anything wrong, it just stopped developing inexplicably, which made her even more anxious.

Not daring to delay her any longer, she immediately got out of bed to look for Jing Beichen.

Jing Beichen is currently meditating and recuperating. In order to protect Tong Li's fetus, he also expended a lot of energy. Hearing that Tong Li came to look for him, he had to interrupt this retreat.

Tong Li rushed in and questioned him without even breathing: "Why is one of the fetuses in my womb so weak? Is there something wrong with your medicine?"

Jing Beichen's breathing was confiscated, his heart and lungs were rushed, he covered his mouth and coughed twice: "Let me see."

Tong Li stretched out her hand to him, Jing Beichen squeezed her wrist, felt her pulse, with a thoughtful expression on her face.

"How is it?" Tong Li's whole heart was in his throat, afraid that something would happen to the child.

"Well, one of them is really weak. I'll adjust the dose and see if it improves."

"Why is there such a situation."

A possibility flashed in Jing Beichen's mind, but she didn't intend to tell Tong Li for the time being.

He randomly gave Tong Li a reason: "Maybe the climate is not acclimatizing."

Tong Li: "..."

Did he think she would believe it?

Jing Beichen smiled: "Master is sometimes confused, but it's a good thing."

Tong Li's face sank: "What do you mean?"

"It means that maybe only one of these two children will live." Jing Beichen said lightly, but Tong Li was terribly frightened.

"No, you must keep both."

Jing Beichen had no choice but to say, "Master, you are a little too strong."

Tong Li didn't care about him: "You said you could help me keep my two children, so I came here with you."

Jing Beichen thought for a few seconds and replied: "I know, I'll think of a way."

Tong Li was very dissatisfied with his perfunctory attitude, but she had no choice but to go back first. After returning, she immediately entered a state of meditation, and continuously sent the spiritual energy in her body to the weak fetus.

With her continuous delivery, the fetus was able to rejuvenate.

Tong Li's hanging heart also relaxed a little.

Later, she found that although the little guy regained his vitality, he couldn't absorb nutrients on his own, as if he had lost some kind of motivation. She could only feed him some every few hours to maintain his growth.

The next day, Jing Beichen asked someone to bring the medicine, but Tong Li refused to drink it. She always felt that it was the medicine that caused the other fetus to become like this.

After Jing Beichen found out, he put down what he was doing and rushed over.

Tong Li looked very much like a little girl having a temper tantrum, with a straight face and her back to the bowl of medicine.

Jing Beichen stared blankly at Tong Li's vivid appearance.


"Why don't you take your medicine?"

Tong Li looked at him, her probing eyes deepened: "Tell me honestly, is it a problem with the medicine?"

She knew the habits of these two little guys, she would rather suck her dry than lose herself, suddenly became like this, except for the medicine, she couldn't think of what went wrong.

There was a vague smile on Jing Beichen's handsome face, Tong Li was not easy to fool her, and it seemed that he couldn't find any good excuse to fool her.

"It does have that kind of impact."

With a jerk, Tong Li stood up from his seat, stared at him viciously, and almost jumped on him and beat him up.

"You say it again."

Jing Beichen raised his hands in surrender, with a smile in his eyes, as if he didn't take this issue seriously.

"Master, don't worry, this problem is easy to solve."

Tong Li: "How to solve it?"

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