On the plane, Tong Li's face was cold, the coldness in her eyes could freeze for three miles, which shows how bad her mood is.

Jing Beichen was very concerned, holding a mirror to look at his handsome face from different angles: Tsk tsk tsk...The cheekbones are bruised, the corners of the eyes are also bruised, and the corners of the mouth are torn. So crippled.

Sure enough, pregnant women really should not be messed with, they are easily irritable and will beat others.

But he was inexplicably happy in his heart.

"Master, you are really cruel." Jing Beichen said regretfully, everyone said that beating people doesn't slap people in the face, but she just slapped him in the face, and didn't give him any face, let him show his prestige among the subordinates.

"Heh." Tong Li sneered.

"You should be glad you're still useful."

Jing Beichen was stunned for a moment, and while it was funny, he also shook his head secretly in his heart, the injury on his face was not intentional, if he really made a move, with his current strength, Tong Li would not be able to hurt him at all.

Ben wanted to say something, but seeing her annoyed look, forget it, let's not provoke her.

The plane flew in the air for seven or eight hours, getting closer and closer to their destination.

What they are going to this time is Kunlun Mountain, the "ancestor of dragon veins", which is known as the first mountain by the world.

Looking down through the window, Tong Li saw that the mountains below were continuous and criss-crossed, and the green color showed its luxuriant pines and cypresses, but she felt that the aura contained in this dragon vein was not as good as that of Pei Jiuyin's underground dragon vein.

The spiritual energy here is too scattered, and it is even rarer to gather it together.

Although there are deficiencies, but in the current situation, there is no choice, so let's make do with it.

After the analysis, Tong Li withdrew his gaze and continued to close his eyes to rest.

She has always been puzzled about what caused the little guy to become like this. Jing Beichen said it very perfunctorily, but what is certain is that apart from the partial influence of the medicine, the environment there is not suitable for her to raise her. fetal.

So I found a place with abundant aura, and Kunlun Mountain was the best choice.

They chartered a resort at the foot of Kunlun Mountains for raising babies.

For Tong Li, as long as the baby can be born smoothly, it doesn't matter where she goes.

Jing Beichen actually didn't quite know what was going on with Tong Li, but he guessed that the child in her womb should be a Yin spirit. The fetus will naturally be restricted everywhere.

Now it just stops growing. If it goes on for a long time, it is estimated that it will be eaten by another child and eventually become a single child.

In fact, there's nothing wrong with that, he doesn't like that spiritual fetus either, it's the best thing to eat, but he didn't expect Tong Li to be so sensitive, and she noticed just a little abnormality.

Tsk tsk tsk, such a good opportunity wasted for nothing.

After the plane landed, Shuangliang rushed to the resort, and when Tong Li was arranged, Jing Beichen recruited someone to help him with something.


In the office building, Pei Jiuyin stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, his decadent expression had dissipated, but his eyes were still dull.

He just stands upstairs, and the humans below are as small as ants. The world is so big, it is not easy to find someone, but if you persevere, you will definitely find it.

So he can't be negative now, he has to cheer up, cheer up, and get back his A Li. …

Pei Jiuyin calmed down and analyzed Tong Li's most likely place to go. Tong Li didn't like crowded places. If she wanted to avoid him, lush dense forests were her best choice. He had been looking for it in major cities before. The direction is wrong.

But with so many dense forests across the country, which one would she be in?
Shennongjia?At that time, she liked Shennongjia very much, but if she wanted to avoid him, she probably wouldn't go.

Pei Jiu thought about several places and thought it was very possible, but the danger in the dense forest was unfathomable, and it was easy to avoid him with her skills.

The more he thought, the more factors he had to worry about. In the end, no matter what method he used, with the disparity in force, nothing they could do was enough.

The hope of finding someone seems to be getting slimmer.

Pei Jiuyin closed his eyes, took a deep breath, discarded everything in his mind, let himself go, and a nonsensical thought popped up.

I saw that he found a piece of paper and wrote the place names on it, a total of more than a dozen, then he twisted the paper into balls and scattered them on the table.

"Tongtong, tell me where you are, okay?"

He looked at the balls of paper on the table, struggled for a long time, and then stretched out his hand to grab one. In the tense atmosphere, he slowly spread out the paper. When he saw the address inside, his eyes darkened: "Then go to here."

Pei Jiuyin made arrangements as quickly as possible, but before he set off, news came from his subordinates that someone had seen someone who looked like Tong Li in Shennongjia.

Without saying a word, Pei Jiuyin immediately turned around and went to Shennongjia first.


After Tong Li came here, after a few days of recuperation, she found that the little things in her stomach had indeed improved, which made her completely relieved.

She was sitting on a rocking chair, covered with a plush blanket, and looked at the snowy scenery outside comfortably. The temperature in Kunlun Mountains was generally low. She didn't want to go out, so she stayed in the heating room and looked at the scenery outside, which had a special flavor.

I don't know if it's because of the age of the month, but now she is getting lazier and sleeps more and more. Fortunately, there is nothing abnormal about her body.

No way, she just praised the beautiful snow scene, and the next second, she fell into a deep sleep.

Half an hour later, Jing Beichen opened the door and came in. Seeing Tong Li sleeping again, he frowned, then walked lightly and squatted down in front of her.

In fact, there is one more thing that he didn't tell Tong Li, she is pregnant with a yin womb, and yin spirits must be born and restrained in the womb. He can suppress the harm to her body from the yin womb, but he can't suppress the spirit womb.

So this is his next plan.

Jing Beichen's eyes fixed on Tong Li's body intently, and the look in his eyes became deeper and deeper: "Little Li'er, don't blame me, I am following the way of heaven, and you are destined to have no good results if you go against the sky."

"Isn't it good to leave him? Why do you torment yourself so much. "

The sleeping person frowned slightly.

Jing Beichen raised his hand and gently patted the top of her hair, "Little Li'er, you were the one who provoked me first, you are so kind to me, give me everything I want, and I will give you what you want too." I'll give you everything, even though we are so good, wouldn't it be good to continue like this? Why did you leave me?"

"You asked me to wait for you in Wushan. I waited for you for 500 years, but I waited for the news that you were about to marry that person?"

"No, little Li'er, you are mine, and you can only be mine."

Suddenly his eyes burst into anger: "Pei Jiuyin really deserves to die, he already has the best of everything, why did he come here to snatch you from me?"

"He wants to have everything, but he doesn't want to lose anything. How can there be such a good thing in this world."

"Don't worry, I will take good care of you. If he dares to covet you again, I will definitely not let him go."

"You know? You have to be good."

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