Jing Beichen seemed to think of something, with a happy smile on his face, his eyes became tender: "When your calamity fails, I will take you home and never see that man again, okay?"

Then her eyes fell on her lower abdomen, the smile on her face remained the same, but there was no smile in her eyes, and her cold voice was full of threats: "You have to be good too, if you dare to hurt your mother, I will also hurt your mother." I won't let you go."


When Pei Jiuyin came to the vicinity of Shennongjia, he also found the person who provided the information. Based on the information, they searched around and found the similar person.

But to our disappointment, that person was not Tong Li.

Pei Jiuyin's mood can be imagined.

There was no news here, so they rushed to the place they had set before without stopping.

That night they came to QH City which is the closest to Kunlun Mountain.

Pei Jiuyin stepped firmly on the ground of QH City with both feet, and his heart, which had been silent for a long time, suddenly beat uncontrollably.

A voice somewhere told him that the person he was looking for was right here.

And this feeling is particularly strong.


A light flashed in Pei Jiuyin's eyes instantly, and his pupils, which had been hazy for a long time, finally saw light.

Although the Kunlun Mountains are long, they can't stop him from wanting to find his lover. Since arriving here, he has been looking for someone day and night.

After only half a month, the whole person lost a lot of weight.

Now he doesn't believe in any information investigation, he only believes in himself now, and only follows his own feelings.

"Master, I've been looking for you for so many days, let's take a rest." The bodyguard stepped forward and helped him resist the cold wind by the way.

These days, they saw that Pei Jiuyin was not afraid of the severe cold, and went out to find someone in person despite the wind and snow. He searched for a whole day, only sleeping for a while when he was extremely sleepy, and looking for someone at other times.

They knew that the master was afraid that his wife would leave this place. If he wanted to find someone as soon as possible, he had to hurry up.

But Kunlun Mountain is thousands of kilometers away. He only said that it was in Kunlun Mountain, but he didn't have the exact address. What's the difference between this and finding a needle in a haystack?They want to stop it, but the master will definitely not listen to them.

Pei Jiuyin let out a breath of steam, took off his coat, took out his phone and checked the time.

"No, keep looking."

The longer the time dragged on, the less hope of finding someone. His heart was panicking now, even more panicked than before. Something must have happened to Tongtong.

He wants to keep going, as long as he takes one more step, he will be one step closer to Tongtong.

It's just that he just took a few steps forward when a wave of dizziness hit his mind, his feet went limp, and his tall body fell forward feebly.

Fortunately, the bodyguard next to him was quick to support him in time to prevent him from falling and bumping.

Everyone looked at the fallen master and couldn't help but feel sad. During this period of time, the master has been looking for people only by his so-called feelings, so it's no wonder he wasn't tired.

Although the master's order cannot be stopped, it is obviously not suitable for this situation to continue.

"Take people back first."

After Pei Jiuyin was taken back, he slept for three full days before waking up. It can be seen that this man was exhausted to the extreme, and he would only rest when he was too tired to walk.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he pulled out the needle in his hand and got up from the bed, looking like he was going to go out and continue looking for someone.

"Master." The people in the corner saw that Pei Jiuyin was awake, and walked towards him with gentle steps.

Pei Jiuyin looked at the man and frowned: "How long have I been asleep?"

"Three days."

His face instantly turned black like the bottom of a pot: "Why didn't you wake me up."


"The doctor said that your body is exhausted, you need a good rest, otherwise..."

Pei Jiuyin was taken aback, put his hands on his forehead, and pressed it lightly, as if he knew his own body, and he didn't want to pursue the matter too much, so he asked casually, "Is there any news about Tongtong?"

"Yes, it has been found."

Pei Jiuyin stared blankly at the person in front of him, and it took him a while to react. He stood up abruptly, stepped forward, and grabbed his collar: "What did you say?"

For a moment, the bodyguard was taken aback by Pei Jiuyin's sharp eyes, and he couldn't speak very quickly: "It's just... Madam has news."

"Where is it? Where is she? Cough, cough, cough..." Pei Jiuyin was so excited that his breath was stuck in his throat and he coughed a few times.

But he doesn't care about it now, Tongtong. His Tongtong finally has news, and he knows she must be here.

The bodyguard stiffened his back, and replied mechanically: "Our people have seen Madam in the resort on Mount Fanjing, but there are many people guarding there, so we didn't dare to act rashly."

Pei Jiuyin calmed down, and there was a wheezing sound in his throat. It took him a while to ask, "Is she okay? Is she okay?"

"Ma'am is very nice. Every afternoon at [-] o'clock, I will bask in the sun by the meeting window for a while."

Hearing this news, Pei Jiuyin breathed a sigh of relief, slowly let go of him, pulled his hand back, opened the corner of his mouth a few times, and muttered to himself: "It's okay, it's fine."

"I'm going to find Tongtong, I'm going to see her." Then he rushed outside.

"Master, don't you want to wash up first? I'm afraid you will scare Madam when you pass by like this."

Pei Jiuyin stopped running wildly, looked at his hands, and then touched his face. His hands were a little prickly, and his hair had grown. If he was so unkempt, what would Tong Tong do if he disliked him.


"Call someone to come and cut my hair, hurry up."


Half an hour later, Pei Jiuyin washed off the filth on his body and trimmed his hair. His whole body became radiant. Apart from being a little thinner, his eyes were radiant again.

The bodyguard brought a bowl of porridge and handed it to him: "Master, you haven't eaten for several days, the doctor told you to drink some porridge first."

Pei Jiuyin glanced at the bowl of white porridge, without any hesitation, picked it up and drank it with two gurgles, then threw the bowl to the bodyguard, and strode out.

His strides were wide and fast, but he still felt that he was not fast enough, so he began to trot, and immediately asked someone to drive as soon as he got in the car.

He couldn't wait to meet people.

The road was slippery in the snow, and the car stumbled. It took an hour to drive to Fanjingshan Resort.

This resort used to be the resort with the largest number of people, but after it was taken over by people, its popularity has withered. The surroundings are very quiet, except for the sound of cold wind and the sparsely falling white snow, there is nothing else.

As soon as they approached the resort, someone came out to stop them.

They had expected such a situation a long time ago, and they came here after making sufficient preparations.

The people from the resort came out, and the people on his side also got out of the car. The two parties rushed forward, and the atmosphere at the scene became tense.

Just when everyone thought there would be a fight, the person opposite received a call, and the person just said to his own: "Put it in."

The people on the opposite side immediately dispersed to the two sides and raised the bar.

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