Chapter 501 Do You Want To Visit My Grave?
Pei Jiuyin: "?"

Tong Li knew that he didn't know anything, and he did what others said, without thinking about himself at all, and he wasn't afraid to put his own life on it.

"Haven't you ever wondered why your painstaking effort has an effect on me? And you yourself burst out with powerful power from time to time. Have you never doubted that you are not an ordinary person?"

When Pei Jiuyin heard her words, his eyes were stunned, and he was very puzzled: "I'm not an ordinary person? Then who am I?"

Tong Li shook her head: "I don't know."

Pei Jiuyin let go of her, put one hand through her legs, and the other around her waist. With strength in his arms, he carefully hugged her to his lap.

He did such a simple action no less than a thousand times in his dreams, but every time he woke up the facts told him that everything was a dream and a lie.

Today I can finally hold her in my arms.

very nice.

Pei Jiuyin's generous palm rested on her high belly: "No matter who I am, as long as I can help you, I will be willing. As long as our family can be happy together in the future, I don't care about anything."

"Even if I trade my life, I have no regrets."

"Tongtong, don't leave me alone, okay?" He couldn't take it anymore, the pain of losing her again, if there was another time, maybe he would really kill himself.

Tong Li's eyes darkened slightly, and her heart was full of mixed emotions. If she had a way, she didn't want to leave him, but God gave them too many tests. If she had to abandon someone, she hoped that he would be well.

Maybe this matter shouldn't lie to him again, after all, this time, if they can't make it through, then they will really be farewell forever.

Tong Li's expression became extremely serious: "I have something to tell you."

Pei Jiuyin felt the aura on her body become serious, and his heart also raised: "What?"

Tong Li: "I..."

"Don't say it, don't say it, I don't want to hear it."

Just as Tong Li uttered a word, Pei Jiuyin suddenly interrupted him. In the end, he chose to escape. Tong Li's serious attitude made his heart feel like ten thousand ants biting him, making him feel extremely uncomfortable. What she wanted to say was definitely not simple.

He fears…….

"Just like that, I don't want to hear anything."

Tong Li was very upset, his eyes moved to the scenery outside the window, and his tone was full of helplessness: "But I can't stay here for a long time."

"Even if you don't want to hear it, when the time comes, I might..."

"I don't want, I don't want any possibility." Pei Jiuyin hugged her tightly, wishing to rub her into his body, so that she could never leave him again.

The tone also became pleading: "Tongtong, don't go."

Tong Li touched the back of his neck with her small hands, calming his emotions one by one: "Pei Jiuyin, I know you are suffering, but I can't escape these things."

"In another ten days, I have a thunderstorm. If I can survive it, I may ascend. If I can't survive it, then I will go with my child."

This is the cruelest thing to do to him, no matter which one he can't have her in this world.



"The reason why I am still alive until now is because of my master." Tong Li slowly said some things that he encountered after leaving.

This kind of thing was perfectly normal to her, but to Pei Jiuyin, it was still too unreal.

"Feisheng, does that mean you want to be a fairy?"

He couldn't help asking himself in his heart: Is there really a god in this world?
Maybe there is, the girl in his arms is indeed different from others.

But if she becomes a god and wants to leave him: "Then what should I do?"

"Are you going to take the child and abandon me?" Pei Jiuyin's muscles tensed up. Thinking about that scene, he couldn't accept it.

Tong Li looked at him, not knowing how to comfort him.

"The last time I left a letter, I originally wanted to cut off everything between us. I just wanted to take a look at you quietly when I came back this time. As long as you are safe, I have no regrets whether it is promotion or death."

Tong Li raised her hand to caress his cheek, her eyes were full of distress: "But you are still so worrying."

She held his face and placed a kiss on his lips: "Pei Jiuyin, we may really be destined not to be together in this life."

"But if we can successfully ascend, we may have another life."

"If you don't succeed, then you will let me go completely."


Tong Li wanted to show a smile to make him feel relieved, but found that it was so difficult for her to even raise the corners of her mouth.

Pei Jiuyin's dark pupils kept shrinking, and a rush of hot blood rushed straight to his forehead. The pain in his head made him unable to see the person in front of him clearly. His fists were clenched tightly, and his muscles were as stiff as steel. Layers of sweat: "I don't want it."

"What does it matter to me in the next life? I want this life, and I want you by my side. If you dare to leave, then I won't live anymore."

"Tongtong, I'm not joking with you. If you dare to leave again, come back next time, you can wait to visit my grave."

Pei Jiuyin controlled her neck with both hands, lowered his head, and kissed her lips roughly.

Talking about the next life is just empty talk, and it will never be him in the next life. Although he has the memory of the two lives, this kind of opportunity does not always exist.

He won't take that risk.

No, never.

"Hmm..." Tong Li's tongue hurt slightly, and she groaned softly. Pei Jiuyin's kiss was extremely domineering, as if she wanted to eat someone in. She held back without struggling. After all, she owed him, and he could bite if he wanted to. Bite it.

Just when he thought he would go further, Pei Jiuyin let her go.

Pei Jiuyin stared blankly at the red lips that had been sucked red by him, a smear of bright red appeared around his lips, he raised his hand, and scraped away the smear of bright red with his slender fingers.

"Does it hurt?"

Tong Li didn't answer, just looked at him.

"It hurts more here." Pei Jiuyin took her hand and placed it on his chest.

"It hurts here every night, and I suffocate thinking about you every night. The first thing I do when I wake up every day is to look for you, but no matter how long I look for it, I can't find you."

"In the past three months, the belief that has kept me going until now is to find you."

"But you told me that it is impossible to come back in the future."

"Tongtong, you can't be so cruel, or you can dig out my heart and I'll give it to you. Don't leave, okay?" Pei Jiuyin put his face close to her ear, and rubbed her gently.

Tong Li bit her red lips lightly to hold back the bitterness in her heart: "But some things are not up to us."

Pei Jiuyin grabbed her hand with a little force: "Then can't we delay this so-called robbery?"

"No." Tong Li replied very simply, if it could be delayed, she would not want to, and she also wanted to give birth to these two children safely.

"Pei Jiuyin, don't be like this, okay, the more persistent you are, the more uncomfortable you will be."

(End of this chapter)

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