Chapter 502 It Hurts You, I Hit It
"Tongtong, it's not a question of whether I want to or not, but that I can't control myself"

"If I can do it, I also want to forget you, a cruel woman, but your name is engraved in my soul and in my bones."

Regardless of whether it was the last life or this life, he only recognized her, and no one else.

Listening to his suppressed voice, Tong Li didn't know what to do now.

"Then tell me what I should do."

What can she do.

What can they do other than gamble on the remote possibility.

Pei Jiuyin remained silent, he had no choice but to do anything about the result: "Why don't we ask Jing Beichen again."

Tong Li frowned, feeling sorry that he didn't listen to what he said just now: "Don't get close to him again, last time he made you worry about it, he just wanted to destroy a layer of protective cover on your body so that he could attack you."

Speaking of this, she remembered one thing: "How is your heart now? Let me see."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand to untie his clothes, Pei Jiuyin stood still and let her do what he did.

Tong Li's hand strength was a bit strong, the clothes were not unbuttoned, but a few buttons were broken, she didn't bother to care, her eyes fell on his chest.

His chest was still so firm, generous, and safe, with no scars on it except for the strong lines.

But what she wants to see is not the health on the surface, but the heart that has been knifed for her inside.

Tong Li put her little hand on her heart, and felt its rhythmic beating quietly.
Plop, plop, a very healthy heart, no one thought that just a few months ago, this heart had been cut open by his owner.

Tong Lixing's eyes narrowed slightly, and she raised her head to meet his gaze: "At that time... a stab from here, did it hurt?"

"No pain."

The corner of Pei Jiuyin's mouth curled slightly: "As long as it's for you, it won't hurt, it was born for you."

Tong Li felt that this man really loved her beyond redemption.

"Do not talk."

Tong Li held her breath and concentrated, and let out a little bit of aura to explore the situation inside.

Pei Jiuyin felt that he was quite healthy and in good spirits.

"Tongtong, my body looks like it has been since that injury."

Tong Li stared at him calmly, Pei Jiuyin immediately sealed his mouth after receiving her signal, and dared not say anything.

It was completely quiet now.

Tong Li manipulated a trace of spiritual energy to walk in his heart. She learned the lesson from last time, and this time her movements were very gentle.

Although she was very careful, as soon as the heart sensed the invasion of foreign powers, it immediately launched an attack to expel the foreign powers, and the expulsion force was very strong and very fast. Basically, it found the foreign powers and chased them desperately.

Her own strength has been greatly improved, and she withdrew as soon as she found something abnormal, but she was still shocked by it.

Pei Jiuyin noticed that Tong Li's body shook, and then her face turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye. He held her trembling hand and asked nervously, "Tong Tong, what's wrong?"

"Did it hurt you?"

Tong Li's chest rose and fell violently, and she gasped for air, feeling puzzled. She thought his heart had been injured and he should be weaker than before.

Unexpectedly, there was an extremely powerful force in him.

Tong Li looked at him with puzzled eyes: "Did anything happen to your body during this time?"

Pei Jiuyin's heart and eyes are full of a childlike body, so he can't control his own affairs.

"Your face is pale? Is there any discomfort?"

"Don't panic, I'm fine."

Hearing this, Pei Jiuyin calmed down, and suddenly punched himself on the chest.

Bang... a loud sound.

He really didn't have any strength left for himself with this hammer.

"It's the one that hurt you, I'll beat it for you."

Tong Li's face was full of black lines, and when he was about to strike his second hammer, he was caught in time.

He couldn't laugh or cry at his behavior: "Are you stupid, why beat yourself?"

But Pei Jiuyin said righteously: "It hurts you, you should hit it."

After speaking, his arm struggled a bit, and he wanted to continue to beat himself.

Tong Li was speechless.

"Didn't you say that your heart is mine and you can't fight without my consent."

Pei Jiuyin paused, and when he realized it, he smiled happily: "Okay, yours, I'll listen to you."

Seeing his smirk, Tong Li finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Tell me, what happened to you in the past few months."

Pei Jiuyin hugged her arm tightly.

Tong Li patted him: "Put me down first, I want to stand for a while, sitting like this is uncomfortable."

"Oh." Pei Jiuyin reluctantly let go of Tong Li.

The weather outside is sunny, and the golden sunlight refracts into the living room like a streamer, hitting Tong's body. If you ignore her tall belly, you will have a feeling that she will disappear in the next second .

Supporting her waist with one hand, Tong Li walked back and forth a few steps, and her body immediately felt much more comfortable. Now she feels better standing than sitting, at least she can breathe more smoothly.

Pei Jiuyin clung to her stomach, walked over to support her: "Are you tired?"

With such a big belly, he looked tired and wished he could suffer for her.

Tong Li rubbed her stomach, with a loving smile on the corner of her mouth: "It's okay."

"Tell me what happened to you in the past few months."

Pei Jiuyin twitched her lips, but still explained her own affairs: "I don't know what happened. Since I woke up, my body has suddenly become very light. I don't have the pain and discomfort I used to have, and the wound on my chest is gone."

"And..." He walked to the table, pulled out a dagger from under it, removed the knife sheath, and then drew the knife on his hand. This movement was clean and neat, without any hesitation, Tong Li had no time to stop it.

Before she could swear, she saw the wound on Pei Jiuyin's hand healed at an extremely fast speed. The wound was so big just now that not even a drop of blood flowed out.

Tong Li walked over and touched the arm he had just passed, frowning slightly: "How could this be?"

Pei Jiuyin shook his head: "I don't know."

"Are there any other changes besides this?"

Pei Jiuyin thought about it seriously: "I often dream at night, the first half is about you, and the second half is inexplicably interspersed with other scenes."

"Do you remember those dreams?"

Pei Jiuyin shook his head: "I don't remember."

"But every time I dream, I feel subtle changes in my body. Sometimes I feel like my body is going to explode, sometimes I feel my body is very relaxed, and sometimes my body is very tired, and it is difficult to walk."

He had a dream the day before yesterday, and then he fell at the foot of the mountain.

Tong Li understood, according to her guess, his body may be completely sealed off for his own protection, so that he himself can no longer hurt himself.

So she wanted to go into his memory to find out, but she couldn't.

But this also made her heave a sigh of relief, at least Jing Beichen can't hurt him anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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