The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 503 Is it Pei Jiuyin's Dragon Soul?

Chapter 503 Is it Pei Jiuyin's Dragon Soul?

"Let's do this first, and let me know if you feel uncomfortable."

Pei Jiuyin nodded: "Yes."

"I'm going to take a walk in the garden." She is heavy now, and she can't stand for too long, and she can't sit for too long. Pregnancy is too tiring.

"it is good."

"Be careful."

Pei Jiuyin helped Tong Li go out, both of them subconsciously avoided that unsolvable topic.

Since there is no question of the result, there is no point in saying more. What they need to do now is to cherish every day that follows and wait for the result of the trial on that day.

It's just that these two people didn't talk about it, but they both had their own little calculations in their hearts.


Tong Li Pei Jiuyin's return was such a sensation, naturally there was no way to hide it from the outside world.

Soon Jing Beichen also received the news.

The weather outside is sunny and clear, but the air in some rooms is extremely depressing.

The few people below knelt on the ground holding their breath and remained motionless.

Jing Beichen sat lazily on top, and when he heard the news of Tong Li's return, he didn't even bother to lift his eyelids.

"Have those people from the Mihong tribe been brought out?"

"Returning to the Lord, I have already brought it back, but there was an accident at that time, and three people were lost."

"However, we will make up the staff quickly. To prevent accidents, we will prepare a few more people. A total of 20 people are here."

Jing Beichen nodded in approval.

"My lord, what about Pei Jiuyin?"

"He's even more majestic now, and it's hard for us to get close to Pei's house. His awakening is probably just around the corner."

"And if he wakes up before Miss Tong's thunder disaster, I'm afraid that those people from the Mihong tribe will have nothing to do with her, and I can feel Miss Tong's cultivation base soaring in the distance, her catastrophe may have changed."

At that time, he couldn't believe that a dying person could have such a great fortune in just three months, maybe he encountered some chance.

Jing Beichen's expression froze: "Oh, Shenwei? So what, I didn't say to fight him."

"Don't provoke him, as long as he gets through these ten days in peace, even if he has great abilities, he won't be able to reverse this matter."

He never fights a battle that he is not sure about, so what's the use of Tong Li's rapid ascension, she is pregnant with a ghost fetus, and God will not let a fetus with a ghostly aura fly up.

So no matter how hard she tried, it would be futile in the end, and he just had to wait for the fisherman's profit.

"Hahahahahaha." There was an arrogant and mocking laughter in the sky, and he didn't know whether to laugh at himself or others.


At around two o'clock in the morning, there was silence all around, and Pei Jiuyin fell asleep soundly with Tong Li in his arms from behind.

With his beautiful wife in his arms tonight, he slept very peacefully.

Tong Li has been sleeping very lightly since she became pregnant. She was sleeping soundly. Suddenly, the man behind her let go of her, and then slowly pulled out the hand that was under her body, and...

She turned around slowly, wanting to see what happened, but saw Pei Jiuyin floating in mid-air, and the aura from the ground kept gushing out, all rushing into Pei Jiuyin's body.

Tong Li had never seen such a huge formation before, and she was dumbfounded. Such a majestic spiritual energy suddenly poured into a body, so this body must not explode?
She slowly got up from the bed, took two steps back, and watched the treacherous scene.

The aura was still continuously flowing in, and Pei Jiuyin didn't feel any discomfort.

A thought flashed through her, and she suddenly realized: No wonder Pei Jiuyin has such domineering power in his body, it all comes from this underground dragon vein.

Perhaps this dragon vein is more than just a dragon vein!
Tong Li's eyes narrowed slightly, and his fingers were slightly squeezed together, a soft light appeared under the palm of his hand.

She hesitated for a few seconds before throwing out the light.

As expected, when Pei Jiuyin's body was threatened and attacked, his body erupted with ferocious spiritual power, eliminating all threats approaching him.

Tong Li was secretly surprised when she saw her strength being swallowed up in an instant.

"Roar..." A deep dragon moan sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a flickering dragon soul curled up around Pei Jiuyin's heart. It may have been injured before, and it didn't seem to be in good spirits.

Tong Li looked at the dragon soul that suddenly appeared, and was stunned for a long time, unable to recover.

She has only seen dragons in books, never in real life. Although this is just a dragon soul, it is enough to surprise her.

The little dragon soul swims in the room like a dragon swimming in flowing water, absorbing all the spiritual energy in this room.

Tong Li's eyes followed the dragon soul closely.

After the spiritual energy in the room slowly settled down, it also absorbed almost the same amount.

After the little dragon soul absorbed the spiritual energy, it looked much more energetic. It didn't return to Pei Jiuyin immediately, but slowly floated towards her, floating in front of her stomach.

It seemed to be very interested in her stomach, wandered back and forth in front of her stomach a few times, and then stuck to her stomach.

Tong Li only felt a burst of heat in her stomach, and then a slight tingling pain. Although she knew that this dragon soul did not mean anything to her, its approach made her stomach very uncomfortable.

She took two steps back, and the Dragon Soul looked at her blankly, as if asking her why she avoided it.

Tong Li twitched the corners of her mouth, tried her best to smile, and stretched out her hand to signal it to come up.

Xiaolonghun tilted his head, and then obediently jumped onto her palm.

Tong Li whispered softly: "Are you Pei Jiuyin's dragon soul?"

She finally knew what Pei Jiuyin was. The dragon chant she heard at Jing Beichen's house before was not her illusion, but the dragon soul hidden in his body would come out to protect him when he was in danger.

Suddenly, Tong Li's palm hurt, and he couldn't help but flicked the things on his hand. Withdrawing his hand, he saw a burning wound on the palm of his hand being scalded by the dragon soul.

Seeing the pained expression on Tong Li's face, Xiao Longhun seemed to realize that he had done something wrong, so with a whoosh, he flew back to Pei Jiuyin's heart, and then quickly disappeared into it.

The spiritual energy in the room slowly returned to the ground, and Pei Jiuyin also slowly fell back on the bed from midair.

Everything is back to normal.

Looking at the burning wound on her hand, Tong Li frowned deeply.


In the early morning of the next day, Pei Jiuyin's eyelids moved, and he opened them suddenly.

As in the past, the first thing I opened my eyes was to look for Tong Li.

Seeing that the bedside was empty, he didn't react at first, but in the next second he sat up straight from the bed.

He remembered that Tong Li came home yesterday, and there was her smell in the room.

That's right, I didn't get dizzy.

What about her?

Pei Jiuyin looked around in a panic, there were other people besides him here, and as soon as he thought of some possibility, he immediately jumped off the bed and ran out in three steps at a time. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Tong Li standing up from the door .

"Tongtong." Pei Jiuyin hugged him in panic when he saw him.

(End of this chapter)

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