The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 504 Started to stab him in the heart again

Chapter 504 Started to stab him in the heart again
Then he said fearfully: "Where did you go? I couldn't see you when I got up. I thought I was dreaming yesterday, and I thought you were going to abandon me again."

Tong Li was startled, this man...!
She smiled softly from the bottom of her heart, patted him on the back, and calmed his fear: "It's okay, I'll just go downstairs and walk, it's okay, I didn't leave."

"Well, you didn't leave." Pei Jiuyin closed his eyes, sniffed the fragrance on her body, calmed his breathing, and only let go after he fully recovered.

"Sorry, I'm too sensitive."

He reached out to hold her hand, but felt a rough strip of cloth.

When I looked there, I saw that her hands were wrapped with gauze, which was terrible. He held his Ah Li in his hands for fear of falling, and held it in his mouth for fear of melting. If he got hurt a little, it would not kill him. ?: "Why did your hand hurt?"

Tong Li knew that this man would definitely be nervous, so she could only comfort him: "It's okay, it's just a little burn, it will be fine in a few days."

"Really?" Pei Jiuyin couldn't help worrying in his eyes, but he was not stupid, how could he get burned with Tong Li's skill.

Obviously Tong Li didn't want to say more, he was afraid that if he asked again, it would arouse her resentment.

He could only mutter in a low voice: "Obviously it was fine yesterday."

Tong Li withdrew his hand, he didn't want to talk about it, if he said he hurt it, he should blame himself later.

"Okay, I'm really fine, go wash up, have breakfast later, I'll wait for you downstairs."

"it is good."

When Tong Li walked, Pei Jiuyin rushed into the bathroom like the wind, brushing his teeth and washing his face quickly.

Appeared in the lobby in less than 3 minutes.

Tong Li: "."

Forget it, it's useless to say more.

"Come and eat."

"Yeah." Pei Jiuyin happily walked over and sat down.

Tong Li thought about what happened last night, glanced at him thoughtfully, and asked sideways, "Did you have any dreams last night?"

The corners of Pei Jiuyin's mouth curled up slightly, and a happy smile appeared on his face: "No, last night with you was the most solid night I slept in."

Tong Li nodded, "That's good."

"So did your body change today?"

Pei Jiuyin moved his shoulders, feeling his body seriously: "No."

"Come and eat." He has benefited a lot from Tong Li's concern, and his mood is so good that he flies away

The years here are quiet and good, but there is a little problem at the gate of the manor.

"Housekeeper Yao, let me in. I have something to tell Jiu Yin." Pei Liu excitedly came over early in the morning with objects representing rights and money. Although they had just met again, it seemed inappropriate for him to come here now.

Bah... What does it have to do with him? When Pei Jiuyin threw this stall to him, he didn't think about her situation. Now he just wants to throw this stall back. Give it to whomever he loves, don't stop him from being chic He doesn't want to be tied to this position for the rest of his life.

Isn't the sky blue outside?Isn't beauty fragrant?Let him face a pile of documents in the dark, it would be better to stab him to death.

But who would have thought that after coming here, they would not let him in.

It's the other way around.

The butler kept a polite smile on his face, and his tone was very polite, making it impossible to find any mistakes: "Master Liu, I'm sorry, the young master said that as long as you come, you can't put it in."

Pei Liuyi was taken aback, not quite understanding: "What does he mean by this?"

"Didn't his wife come back? It should be taken back to the company. You let me in, and I'll tell him."

The butler still had the same smile: "No."

Pei Liu put his hands on his hips, stared angrily, and walked back and forth angrily. Looking at the manor that was close at hand, he couldn't help but yelled loudly: "It's too bullying, it's too bullying, how can there be such a thing?" Those who lost their daughter-in-law and forgot their ancestral inheritance.”

"Lying soft and fragrant every day, I am not afraid that I will not be able to support my wife."

The butler had to interject: "Don't worry, Sixth Master, although the Young Master has no assets, the assets in Madam's body are beyond their lifetimes to spend."

Pei Liu had a heart attack.

How can there be shameless people.

"Heh, are the men from the Pei family going to be reduced to soft food?"

"I'm not afraid to piss the old man off."

The housekeeper continued to retort in a friendly manner: "Master Liu, don't worry, all the assets of the wife are given by the young master, and the young master manages them himself. The two of them inherit each other, and there is no soft food as you said."

Pei Liu hammered his chest, about to vomit blood: "Okay, okay, very good."

The housekeeper continued to smile and said: "The young master told me that as long as it is where he appears, you'd better not show up. If your appearance makes Madam feel a little emotional, he will only ask you."

"So, I advise Liu Ye to spend more time managing the company well. After all, we believe that you can do what the young master can do."

"If you have any dissatisfaction, you can go to the old man." The housekeeper also kindly provided him with a complaint channel.

Pei Liu's entire face was flushed, he wanted to say something but he didn't know what to say, he tore his hair in dismay, and could only put down his harsh words in resentment: "Okay, you're doing well, hmph."

"You all wait for me."

Then he left with a helpless anger.

The butler looked at the angry rear of the car and shook his head helplessly.


At night, Tong Li quietly got up while Pei Jiuyin was asleep, and she had an appointment with someone tonight.

On a river not far from Pei's house, Wu Jin stood on a big rock, closed her eyes and listened quietly to the running water.

Quack quack... A crow sound came from above, his ears moved slightly, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Tong Li standing behind him.

"What do you want from me?" Wu Jin actually felt that he had helped enough, and he didn't want to care about other things. You must know that every time you help her, you will stab yourself in the heart. Does she think he died not fast enough? ?Still looking for him?

But when Tong Li really spoke up, he couldn't help it.

Tangled to death, annoying.

How much he wanted to release Ming Si and give him this mess.

Their elder brother was kind enough to lock up Ming Si and protect him in a disguised form.

Gan... so this matter can only be his turn?

I'm suffocated to death.

Tong Li said calmly, "I have something to ask you."

Wu Jin's heart tightened, the questions she asked were extremely sharp, and when he heard that she wanted to ask questions, he became nervous.

Tong Li also understood his difficulty: "You don't need to speak, just nod or shake your head."

Wu Jin became even more nervous, it must be... definitely....

"Let me ask you, is Pei Jiuyin a dragon?"

She knows very little about dragons, she has only heard that it is a thing of the gods, and no one has seen it. She doesn't know if it really exists.

Wu Jin frowned and howled in her heart, how did she know, which goddamn bastard told her?
If you want to talk, just talk a little more, and then come to me and ask me halfway through, Gan... this damn thing.

Seeing the look in his eyes, Tong Li tightened her voice: "Yes or no, you just need to nod."

Wu Jin met her persistent gaze, nodded with difficulty, and shook his head again the next second.

Tong Li: "What do you mean?"

(End of this chapter)

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