The ancestors of Xuanmen stayed in the boss's room and didn't leave

Chapter 505 Secret meeting in the woods, the hero came to grab the bag

Chapter 505 Secret meeting in the woods, the hero came to grab the bag
Wu Jin pursed her lips tightly and remained silent.

Tong Li settled down, untied the bandage on his hand, and showed him his palm: "What is this?"

Wu Jin didn't know why, when he saw the dragon pattern imprint on her palm clearly, he gasped in shock.

He rushed forward and grabbed Tong Li's wrist, his eyes were as big as copper bells, he looked at it carefully, and then rubbed it with his fingers, this mark was engraved in the flesh, no matter how much he rubbed it, it would be removed not drop.

"How could you...?"

"Why do you have this mark on your hand?"

Tong Li broke away from his palm, and seeing his surprised attitude, she was even more sure that this thing was not simple.

"Yesterday when Pei Jiuyin was sleeping, a dragon soul ran out of his heart, and this is what the dragon soul left behind."

She was also very surprised. In the morning, it was still a burning wound, but at night it suddenly turned into a dragon mark: "So, what does this thing mean?"

Wu Jin looked cold, and waved her hand: "I don't know, Dragon Soul has its own intentions in doing this."

"Does that mean that Pei Jiuyin is really a dragon?" Tong Li asked again, she was very attached to the answer.

Wu Jin sighed, knowing that this girl would not give up if she didn't give her a little sweetness: "Yes, and no, you will naturally know when you recover your memory. Now you know whether these are useful."

"Heavenly Tribulation is only nine days away from you, you should think about what to do with your Jie, don't think about all these things all day long."

"Also be careful with Chizhou-jun, that dog. Chizhou-jun stabbed you in the back a lot when you crossed the catastrophe for the first time. This is your last time. He can't stand by and watch."

"Thank you for your praise from the jailer, but it's not a gentleman's job to speak ill of others behind their backs."

As soon as Wu Jin finished speaking, Jing Beichen's flattering voice came from the forest.

The two tightened their expressions and looked towards the front of the forest vigilantly.

After a while, Jing Beichen walked out of the woods slowly.

Seeing that it was really him, Wu Jin immediately entered the first-level alert state, and asked the visitor sharply: "Mr. Chi Zhou, what are you doing here?"

Chi Zhoujun had a calm face, folded his hands behind his back, and looked at Wu Jin with contempt and disdain: "It seems that the lesson given to the jailer of the underworld was not enough, and he still has the strength to meddle in other people's business."

Wu Jin's face changed, but he didn't back down in front of Tong Li: "Mr. Chi Zhou, you won't be able to stay quiet for long, Pei Jiuyin will wake up soon, and he will be the first to clean up you."

Jing Beichen seemed to have heard some joke, and laughed hahaha: "Wu Jin, I think you've lost your mind underground, and you're going to deal with me?"

"If you have the ability, just let the horse come over, I'm afraid you won't be able to wait for that day."

Seeing that he was so calm, Wu Jin became uneasy in his heart. He was most afraid that this bastard was playing tricks, and it was impossible to guard against.

"What the hell are you trying to do?"

Jing Beichen patted a leaf that had just fallen on his shoulder, and said unhurriedly: "Don't get me wrong, I don't need to do anything now, I just need to wait for Ah Li to fail, and then sit back and enjoy the success."

"And Pei Jiuyin won't get anything in the end."

Wu Jin rolled his eyes at him. Although he didn't have much confidence in Tong Li, how could he agree with his point of view in front of the enemy: "Oh, I think you are dreaming."

Jing Beichen didn't care about his stubbornness, and kindly reminded him: "Others don't understand, don't you? Ever since Ah Li insisted on keeping this baby, they have already lost, haven't they?"

"It's a good thing to lie to yourself."

"After all, it will make your life easier."

Wu Jin gritted his gums, two jets of hot air came out from his nostrils, and really wanted to go up and beat him up, but thinking of the huge gap between himself and him, he hesitated.

But Tong Li behind her was obviously ready to move, she wanted to test Jing Beichen's current strength, and now she had the opportunity.

Wu Jin, who was guarding behind him, could naturally see it, and prayed in her heart that this aunt would not make trouble at this time, okay.

"Don't move around, instead of struggling with him here, it's better to save your strength to deal with the catastrophe."

At this moment, there was another sound in the woods.

"Tong Tong. Tong Tong."

A familiar title, a familiar voice.

It's Pei Jiuyin.

Not long after Tong Li left, Pei Jiuyin suddenly woke up. He subconsciously looked to the side, but he didn't see the person next to him.

He was so shocked that he almost tore the house down.

After confirming that the person was not in the house, he ran out to find someone without thinking about it.

The strange thing is that this time, she seemed to know where Tong Li was, so she walked over according to her own feeling.

Tong Li and Wu Jin looked at each other, he had only come out not long ago, how did Pei Jiuyin find this place?
Jing Beichen glanced behind him, snorted coldly, and then disappeared in place with a whoosh.

It can be seen that he is very afraid of Pei Jiuyin.

Wu Jin gave Tong Li a meaningful look, and disappeared in place with a gust of wind.

"Tongtong..." Pei Jiuyin saw Tong Li in front of him, and strode over.

"How do you know I'm here?" She was sure that she didn't leave any traces when she came out, and it was impossible for ordinary people to follow her traces to find her.

Pei Jiuyin went up and hugged her: "Why didn't you say anything when you ran out? I'm so worried."

Since Tong Li ran out secretly, of course he couldn't let others know, tell you how can it be called sneaking away.

"I just can't sleep, and I can't take a break when I come out."

"Are you sure?" Pei Jiuyin was very suspicious of the authenticity of what she said. Their house was so big that they couldn't go anywhere, but they came to this dark forest, and the distance was not far away. He didn't believe it even if he said it.

Tong Li lowered her head, feeling that what she said was really not convincing.

Seeing her like this, Pei Jiuyin didn't understand anything, and she lied to him again, which made him feel depressed and panicked.

"Okay, it's cold outside, nothing to do, let's go back."

"Okay." Tong Li nodded, took his hand, and the two walked back slowly side by side.

Pei Jiuyin was still a little fussy. There were many things Tong Li didn't want to tell him when she came back this time, and she knew he wouldn't believe such an obvious lie tonight, but she just refused to tell him the truth.

forget it.

It's useless for him to ask about things Tong Li doesn't want to say.

For him now, it is best for two people to be together well, and everything else seems so insignificant.

"By the way, how did you find this place?" Tong Li still wanted to know how he found this place precisely.

Pei Jiuyin frowned and thought for a while, "I don't know, I just know you're here."

"There's a voice in my heart that tells me that I can find you just by walking forward."

Tong Li frowned, and touched the dragon pattern on her palm with her fingertips.

Maybe she should know what's going on.


The next day, Tong Li was sitting in front of the balcony reading a book, when suddenly she was kicked in the stomach, she smiled and touched it lightly twice.

Suddenly, her complexion changed slightly, and the pain in her abdomen was not normal, and it was getting more and more painful.

(End of this chapter)

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