Chapter 506 Two Uninvited Guests

"Pei Jiuyin"

Tong Li yelled out of the house, the severe pain made her more and more panicked, now that the child is not yet full-term, why does her stomach hurt so much.

It also doesn't look like a sign of imminent birth.

"Pei Jiuyin..." She called out again, but it took a long time to get a response from Pei Jiuyin. Usually he was always on call.

However, the situation on Pei Jiuyin's side didn't seem to be going well either.

He clutched his heart and curled up on the sofa, his shoulders were still trembling slightly, as if he was in great pain.

He didn't know what was going on, his heart hadn't hurt for several months, why did it suddenly hurt again?

He is very sensitive to Tong Li's voice, even with the door closed he can still hear Tong Li's call.

He tried to stand up, trying to find Tong Li, but found that he didn't even have the strength to stand up.

Pei Jiuyin rolled to the ground, moved a little bit, even if he crawled, he would have to crawl over: "Ah Li...wait for me."

Just when I thought I was going to die from pain, the pain on my body gradually eased and finally disappeared.

The pain came and went quickly.

The pain in Tong Li's stomach also disappeared.

As soon as Pei Jiuyin recovered, he couldn't care about himself and ran upstairs immediately.

"Tongtong..." He pushed open the door, but found that Tong Li was safe and sound, he was relieved immediately, and then leaned against the door panel with his tall body weakly.

"What's wrong with you?" Tong Li also noticed his abnormality, put his hands on his stomach, and walked slowly towards him.

When I got closer, I found that his forehead was covered with dense beads of sweat, and touched his clothes, as if he had just been soaked in water.

"What's the matter with you?"

Pei Jiuyin breathed slowly and calmly, his face was full of fatigue, and he spoke weakly: "Just now, my heart hurts suddenly, as if something is about to come out, it's very uncomfortable."

Tong Li frowned, looked at her pale face, and then looked down at her stomach: "I also had a stomachache just now."

Is there any connection between the two?


Pei Jiuyin resisted the discomfort in his body and stood up straight: "How is it now?"

Tong Li shook his head: "It's okay."

But it made her even more confused.

After this incident, Tong Li paid more attention to Pei Jiuyin's physical changes, but in the next few days, they became calm again.

However, their peaceful life was broken by a phone call.

As soon as Ning Xuesheng woke up, he immediately called Tong Li to inform Tong Li that those people had been rescued, although they tried their best to kill a few.

Tong Li's eyes darkened, but she just replied lightly, and then hung up the phone.

Those people... were rescued?

If you don't rescue him sooner or later, if you rescue him at this time, nothing good will happen.

She soon figured out the line, this group of people were Jing Beichen's lackeys, Jing Beichen might have wanted to relax her vigilance, and hadn't moved those people.

Now that it is useful, save the person, and there will be some action later.

In the past, she might have pursued it, but now she just wants to spend their few days with Pei Jiuyin.


The day before the thunder disaster came, two unexpected guests came to Pei's house.

Tong Li looked at Ming Si and Wu Jin who suddenly appeared, and was very surprised: "Why are you here?"

Pei Jiuyin saw two men at home, one was not a good man, and the other he had never seen before, but he hated this man inexplicably, especially the way he looked at Tong Li and the aura emanating from him, all inexplicably made her feel sick. He hates it.

"What are you doing here?" Pei Jiuyin's tone was cold, and he was naturally asking Ming Si, who knew exactly what this person was thinking about Tong Li.

Ming Si and Wu Jin ignored the astonishment in their eyes, walked to the sofa and sat down on their buttocks, their relaxed expressions were like their own home.

"Let's come and stay for two days."

When Tong Li heard it, she knew in her heart that tomorrow was the most important day for her, and they should be worried about her.

"But aren't you locked up?"

Ming Si was taken aback for a moment, and glared at Wu Jin angrily.

How could he admit such a shameful thing: "No way, I'm just troubled by some things. I'll come to you as soon as I'm done."

Tong Li glanced at Wu Jin, but did not expose him: "Oh."

"Then you've been busy for a long time."

Hades: "..."

Why is this girl so uncute, why can't she save him some face?
Pei Jiuyin looked at these people in bewilderment, why did they look so familiar.

And shouldn't that man be an enemy to them?
"Tongtong, he..." Pei Jiuyin wanted to remind her that the man in front of her was not a good person.

Tong Li interrupted him directly: "Help them arrange two rooms."

Pei Jiuyin: "..."

"But they..."

Tong Li patted his hand: "It's okay, just treat them as they came to watch the fun."

The corners of Pei Jiuyin's mouth slowly pressed down, and he looked at the two of them suspiciously, but Tong Li had already said so, so he could only agree.

Although there are still some incomprehensions in his heart, who told him that he loves to listen to his wife.

In the evening, after Tong Li comforted Pei Jiuyin, he went to another villa to find Ming Si.

As soon as they entered the door, they smelled a strong smell of gunpowder smoke. The two people were staring at each other viciously, and there was a sizzling electric current on their bodies. As long as there was a little flame here, the two of them would definitely explode.

"What are you doing?" Tong Li was afraid not to interrupt their glaring, and they would really start fighting later.

Tong Li's voice seemed to bring them back to their sanity, and the two looked at Tong Li angrily, and then returned to each other, humming in disgust, tacitly keeping the conflict temporarily.

"It's nothing, just beating flies. Where are you here? Flies are flying all over the sky, and you don't usually spray insecticide too much. Let some dirty things fly around, it's just polluting the air." Ming Si said angrily, and the words kept coming. Listen to know what to say.

Prime Minister Wu Jin, who can hold a boat on his stomach, ignored his words, walked towards Tong Li with a smile on his face, his voice was slightly cheerful, which was the complete opposite of Ming Si's full of resentment.

"My apprentice, I'm here, sit down, don't get tired."

Ming Si looked at his obsequious appearance, sneered, and couldn't help but sneer: "Disciple? I don't know where your face is from. Have you looked in the mirror? You can tell that you are not a good person with those sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks. Return it to Master!" ,laugh……."

In fact, he was extremely regretful in his heart, why didn't he think of this way to get close to his sister at the beginning, this dead crow said that it didn't matter, but secretly played tricks on him, returning master, bah...

He deserves it too.


He was also helping his sister, why he was punished, but he was safe and sound, it was unfair, God must be blind.

Right, that is it.

Wu Jin's smiling face just now immediately turned into a sinister smile, threatening Tong Li slightly: "Heh, disciple, do you think I am a good person?"

After all, the person who helped Tong Li the most was herself, not the simple-minded man with well-developed limbs.

(End of this chapter)

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