Chapter 507 They Are Going All Out
Tong Li knew that these two people were competing, so she didn't bother to pay attention to them, so she simply pretended to be deaf and dumb, pretending that she didn't hear or see anything, and walked unhurriedly to sit opposite Ming Si.

In the past, Tong Li had doubts and prejudices about his intentions, but now knowing that he is her brother, her expression towards him has improved a lot.

To be honest, she had already cut off her emotions and desires, and devoted herself to cultivation. She never thought that she would have an older brother. Even before, she was the head of the family. The sudden appearance of such an older brother in front of her made her very uncomfortable.

"That... I never asked your name."

Ming Si's originally elongated face met Tong Li, and his attitude changed 180 degrees. He coughed lightly, and said embarrassedly: "Then you can call my second brother Si."

Seeing Ming Si's awkward appearance, Wu Jin couldn't help laughing, and mercilessly demolished him: "Teacher, don't listen to his nonsense, you used to be called Brother Shu."


"Ming Si used to jump up and down all day long, and was often beaten by your elder brother. You said he was hiding from XZ like a mouse, so you named him Second Brother Mouse."

"Hahaha" Wu Jin laughed loudly in the huge house.

Tong Li glanced at Wu Jin, who couldn't help laughing, and then looked back at Ming Si's already smelly face, and his eyes were already burning with raging anger. As long as Wu Jin dared to say one more word, he would pounce on Wu Jin and bite him to death. Wu Jin.

"Second Brother Si" Tong Li hurriedly called Ming Si in order to prevent the two naive men from fighting.

Sure enough, when Ming Si heard the words "Second Brother", his anger was instantly extinguished, as if a spring breeze had blown his heart, all anger disappeared.

"Yeah." Ming Si tried hard to purse his lips to keep himself from laughing out loud, as his elder brother's superficial airs had to be put on hold.

Now this girl looks much better, like a younger sister.

Seeing that his anger subsided, Tong Li breathed a sigh of relief, but was quite worried about their arrival: "Will it not affect you if you come here?"

Mingsi snorted coldly, disapprovingly: "What impact will it have? We won't come to help you. We have a premonition that a large number of demon soldiers may appear tomorrow to cause harm to the world. For the sake of peace in the world, we reasonably come to inspect, what impact will it have. "

At the end, he gave Wu Jin a look: "Really."

"Hmm." Wu Jin could still tell clearly in front of such a big deal.

"Yes, we are here to maintain the safety of the world, not to help you, and we can't help you with anything."

In fact, everyone knew in their hearts that Mr. Chizhou would definitely not let it go tomorrow, and no one knew what tricks he would use. Just in case, they... came to inspect.


"Thank you." Tong Li didn't tell the truth, but thanked them sincerely.

"I'm giving you trouble."

The two looked away in embarrassment, but the corners of their mouths curled up involuntarily.

Tong Li hesitated for a while, but still felt like asking them: "Can I bother you one more thing?"

Ming Si raised his eyebrows: "What?"

Tong lowered his eyes and said softly: "If I fail tomorrow, can I ask you to help me keep these two children."

"I don't want Pei Jiuyin to be alone, maybe with two children to accompany him, he will live better."

She was really worried that he would go with her. With children as a bondage, he should be able to think about it.

The atmosphere of the three sank instantly.

Wu Jin shook her head secretly: "You don't need to be too negative now, your strength is not weak, you don't have to worry about Jing Beichen, you just concentrate on dealing with your Thunder Tribulation."

"No matter how bad it is..." No matter how bad it is, go home, and then you can come up to find Pei Jiuyin.

But that's the end of it with the one above.

Tong Li lowered her head, feeling depressed.

They all knew how much she wanted to survive this catastrophe, but some things were really difficult to overcome.

Wu Jin gritted his teeth and stomped his legs. He made a desperate move and took out something from his body and gave it to her: "You take this, it's a gift from Master to your baby."

Tong Li looked at the box in front of him, and looked at him with some puzzlement: "What is this?"

Wu Jin let go, the box fell down with gravity, and Tong Li caught it firmly.

"Don't worry about what it is, just take it with you, it should be useful to you tomorrow."

Ming Si frowned, as if he had already seen what was in the box, and instantly gave this person another high look.

It has to be said that Wu Jin has good intentions for her sister, although she keeps saying that she dislikes this and that all day long, and always pushes back and forth when asking him to do some things, but she does everything behind her back.

Let him feel ashamed when he is a brother.

"You can take it if you give it to you."

"Take this as well." Ming Si also tore something off his body and gave it to her.

It's a colorful bead, although she doesn't know what it does, but it looks very powerful.

"Does it really have no effect on you when you give me things?" She remembered that Wu Jin complained a lot when she helped her, and she was afraid that her affairs would have anything to do with her.


"Shut up, take it if I give it to you." "Don't you want to keep the baby in your stomach? Take it!" Ming Si became impatient and gave her something, mother-in-law.


"But you'd better stick to it until the end. A child without a mother grows like a grass. Are you willing to let your child be scolded for having no mother?"

Tong Li: "..."

Wu Jin laughed lowly.

"Although what he said is not pleasant, it is also true. You have to work hard yourself, so that what we have done for you will not be in vain."

Tong Li sighed, she didn't know the reason.

Let's talk about it in due time.

Ming Si looked at the door, feeling very uncomfortable: "There are people waiting outside."

Tong Li looked out and knew that Pei Jiuyin was outside.

This man... She said she would go back in a while, but she really gave him a while.

She sighed resignedly: "Then I'll go back first."

"Let's go, let's go, you're only tired of this little time, hehe." Although Ming Si was very dissatisfied with Pei Jiuyin's behavior, the man came to take him away before he had a word with his sister.

If it wasn't for the sake of tomorrow's affairs, he would never let her leave so soon.

Tong Li said goodbye, got up and left.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Pei Jiuyin standing straight at the door, his eyes fixed on the door, and as soon as he saw her come out, he immediately rushed up.


Tong Li smiled: "Let's go."


Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

Pei Jiuyin and Tong Li were lying on the bed, talking in low voices about their happy life in the future.

But Tong Li knew that everything he thought and said was just empty talk.

Now that things have come to this point, as long as he is happy, she will follow him.

Hope to have a good result tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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