Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1001 Jackal

Chapter 1001 Jackal
The second master chuckled, "Miss Zixiu thinks, what are we?"

"The jackal." Fang Zilan said concisely, the smile on the face of the second leader froze for a moment, and blurted out: "Why is it a jackal?"

"The jackals are hiding in the dark, ganging together, waiting for the opportunity." Fang Zilan had a panoramic view of the changes in the expression of the second master, and his expression became colder, "Don't you look alike?"

Before she finished speaking, she felt a pair of green eyes above her head staring at her.

When the twilight merges, the mountain plain becomes even darker, and being stared at by a pair of eyes in the dark makes people feel uncomfortable.

So Fang Zilan raised her eyes and looked over, it turned out to be a banner with a wolf's head painted on it, and the eyes she felt were wolf eyes.I don't know what kind of paint was used to draw it, but it is shining with faint light, making it more and more lifelike.

"Miss Zixiu's eyes are like torches, which is really admirable." The second master followed Fang Zilan's eyes and said solemnly: "The jackal is our totem."

As soon as this remark came out, Fang Zilan's expression changed imperceptibly, and she quickly exchanged glances with Li Shengxuan, both of whom saw vigilance in the other's eyes.

"In the big capital, very few people regard jackals as totems." Fang Zilan said casually: "It's the barbarians in the north who love them even more."

"Barbarian?" The second leader's tone was very disdainful, Fang Zilan heard it in his ears, and couldn't help frowning: "Am I wrong?"

"It's just a defeated general, how can we compare it?" The second leader looked arrogant, and Fang Zilan was puzzled. He couldn't hear what he said.

If she or Li Shengxuan called the barbarians in the northern border the defeated generals, they wouldn't feel disobedient, but it would be inexplicably weird to say it from a bandit like Erdangjia.

"Unexpectedly, among the bandits, there are people who care about the affairs of the court." Li Shengxuan said suddenly, but an unfamiliar voice answered him, "Why can't bandits care about the affairs of the court?"

Not far away, torches were lit one by one, illuminating the faces of the speakers.On the handsome oval face, the eyebrows are like knives, and the eyes are like stars, sharp and beautiful.

Fang Zilan stared blankly at the speaker, "The bandit leader of Feiling Mountain is a woman?"

"You really don't remember?" A look of worry flashed in Li Shengxuan's eyes, and Fang Zilan couldn't help asking: "What happened back then?"

"When I was sent to guard the imperial mausoleum outside Beijing, Ah Jun hurried out of Beijing to look for me late one night, saying that the situation was urgent. One of his friends had a conflict with the hidden guards in the palace of the imperial city, and his life was hanging by a thread. Please, please help me." Li Shengxuan seemed to be lost in memory, and said with a sense of loss: "I have known him for many years, and this is the first time I have seen him begging me like that, so I don't care much about it."

He said with a self-deprecating smile, "It's a pity that I was busy mediating all night, but I didn't even see his friend. The next day, it was reported that Zi Xiuye ​​broke into the underground palace of the imperial city and killed several secret guards." You became famous in the first battle, but I was punished, and I was also demoted and fined, and I was confined to the house for several months. If Aunt Zhao hadn’t interceded, I’m afraid I would have been punished even more severely.”

Hearing this, Fang Zilan coughed lightly, and couldn't help but ask, "Who is Ah Jun?"

"Zhuge Jun." Li Shengxuan spoke quickly and softly, but Fang Zilan still heard it, and said in a daze, "He said, I'm his friend?"

"Now that I think about it, sister Qin must be worried about you, and it's not easy to leave the house, so she asked Ah Jun to come to me." Li Shengxuan did not directly answer Fang Zilan's words, but said to himself: "She always favors you guys Sister, if I was in the mansion at that time, she would definitely be desperate..."

"Sister Qin..." Fang Zilan repeated the title in a low voice, and realized that Li Shengxuan was referring to Fang Ziqin.

As the eldest daughter of the prime minister's family, Fang Ziqin has both ideas and skills, so before she left the cabinet, she was like a big sister in the hearts of the children of the middle and middle Beijing. Those who are close are sought after, and those who are not related are respected.It is said that anyone who is similar to her age, no matter how big or small, will call Sister Qin.

Although Fang Ziqin was indeed older than Li Shengxuan by a few months, he never expected that he would call her Sister Qin, and Zhuge Jun... Master Yuan?
Fang Zilan suddenly realized something, Fang Ziqin should have married into Prince Xiang's mansion at that time, but sent a letter to Zhuge Jun late at night for her.But there are so many noble people in Beijing, why is it him?
Also, in Lianhua Palace, Master Liao Yuan, who had always been calm and composed, offered to help when he heard someone from the palace chewing Fang Ziqin's tongue behind his back.She thought it was strange at the time, but now it all makes sense...

"What are you thinking?" Li Shengxuan's voice pulled back Fang Zilan's thoughts, she shook her head and said, "It's nothing."

Seeing this, Li Shengxuan said thoughtfully, "You don't seem surprised."

"If one day, after you wake up, someone tells you that you are the daughter of the Xiangfu, a killer, but not yourself." Fang Zilan's voice was bitter, "After that, no matter what anyone says to you, you It won't be a surprise."

Li Shengxuan was stunned, "You... not just amnesia?"

"Why do you ask that?" Fang Zilan had no expression on her face, and continued without waiting for Li Shengxuan's answer, "But it doesn't matter what others say, what I want is ultimately up to me."

"This is you." Li Shengxuan took the teapot on the table, poured two cups of tea, and handed one of them to Fang Zilan, "For your words, the Hong family can protect it, but Feiling Mountain..."

"I know you can't trust them, and neither can I." Fang Zilan took the teacup and stopped Li Shengxuan's words, "But I'm willing to be their guarantor."

Li Shengxuan said in a deep voice, "How do you guarantee them?"

"If you can find out the truth this time, are you really able to deal with all the people involved one by one?" Fang Zilan didn't answer the question instead, Li Shengxuan was silent for a moment, and said through gritted teeth: "It's not now, in the future..."

"Let's talk about the future." Fang Zilan interrupted Li Shengxuan's words, "I only look at the present. Since you have a sense of proportion, you will leave a way for those involved, why can't you leave a way for them?"

"How can they be compared with those in the imperial court?" Li Shengxuan lowered his voice, but couldn't suppress the hidden anger, "They are bandits..."

"If any of them collude with the people in the army, I have no idea what you want to do with them, except for the Hong brothers and sisters." Fang Zilan said word by word: "But for others, I hope they hide in the mountains and forests. out."

Li Shengxuan took a deep breath, and tightened his hand holding the teacup, "If they can't do it..."

"If they can't do it, I will kill them with my own hands and leave none behind." Fang Zilan resolutely said: "This matter started because of me, and it should stop because of me."

(End of this chapter)

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