On the day Li Shengxuan summoned Fang Zilan and King Rong An to enter the court at the same time, all the officials unanimously claimed that the White Jade Tiger Talisman should be handed over to King Rong An for safekeeping.

As for the reasons, they are all high-sounding, the White Jade Tiger Talisman was originally used to command the army in the southeast, and King Rong An is the younger brother of Emperor Tai'an, the head of the respected clan, so it is very suitable to put it in his hands...

Some people even vaguely mentioned that this move can not only suppress the southeast battalion, lest Zhou Lang use his military exploits to show off his power, but also deter the Xiahou family in Baiyue...

Fang Zilan watched with cold eyes, and saw all the officials spitting and staring, relegating the soldiers of the southeast battalion who fought against the invasion of Miluo, and the Xiahou family who wiped out the pirates and kept the people safe, so that they had no choice but to guard against their wolfish ambitions. .

When wars broke out everywhere, they were Dajing's impenetrable line of defense, even if they were smashed to pieces, they would not hesitate to do so.

At the time of Haiqing and Heyan, they were the generation of tigers and wolves with great achievements and hidden evil intentions, and they were the thorn in the flesh of their colleagues.

The cunning rabbit dies, the running dog cooks.When the birds are gone, the good bow is hidden.Nothing more than the case.

Even if Xiahou's family stayed behind in Baiyue's old land, there are still people who miss her, let alone her, the Duke of Yue who stands out in the capital?

Amidst the echoing voices in the hall, Zhuge Yu's objection seemed particularly abrupt, "Your Majesty, the White Jade Tiger Talisman has always been held by the generals who guard the southeast. I think it is inappropriate to hand it over to King Rong'an."

As soon as he said this, all the officials were in an uproar.No one thought that he would stand up. After all, when he raised this matter a few days ago, he acted noncommittal, as if it had nothing to do with him.

Of course, all the officials really felt that this matter had nothing to do with him. The head of the official department, the future head of the Zhuge family, who was always known for his strategizing, had nothing to do with Tiger Talisman?
Because Zhuge's family has faded out of the battlefield for so many years, those people in the hall have long forgotten that someone in Zhuge's family once held this white jade tiger talisman, and in the shadow of swords and swords, covered with blood, protected the people of one side.

"I agree with Lord Zhuge's words." With a serious face, Wei Subaru took a step forward and stood shoulder to shoulder with Zhuge Yu, "King Rong'an has a high status, and he won't be able to touch something like the White Jade Tiger Talisman, so don't force it."

"Master Wei Guo, you..." King Rong An didn't expect Wei Subaru to stand up and object. Daying, let alone King Rong An..."

"What did you say?" Wei Subaru squinted his eyes, and interrupted the censor's words without haste, the chill radiating from his body made the censor shiver uncontrollably, and said in a panic: "nothing……"

King Rong An secretly scolded the group of pens at Yushitai for being weak, and they dared not speak up after being frightened by Wei Subaru, but he was not good at speaking for himself, for fear that it might seem like he wanted the white jade tiger talisman impatiently, Then the idle appearance of not fighting or snatching that he had painstakingly managed before was all in vain.

When the two sides were in a dilemma, Fang Zilan suddenly heard a faint voice, "I heard that all the officials wrote a letter, originally intending to use the white jade tiger talisman as a congratulatory gift for Princess Rong'an's wedding, but now it turns out that the king of Rong'an wants to use the white jade tiger talisman as a congratulations." Have it for yourself?"

An understatement made King Rong An's face change imperceptibly, "Your Excellency, Lord Yue, be careful, this king did not..."

"Let's not talk about whether it is appropriate to use the white jade tiger talisman as a gift." Fang Zilan cut off King Rong An's words unceremoniously, and said to himself: "Let's say that Princess Rong An is a living Bodhisattva in the hearts of the people in the southeast, with a kind heart. It is beyond the reach of human beings. How can such a fairy-like person accept such a gift as a white jade tiger charm? Isn't it defiled?"

As soon as Fang Zilan's words came out, all the officials looked at each other in blank dismay, and couldn't think of any rebuttals for a moment. After all, Princess Rong'an kept a secret and never appeared in front of others. Who knew what she was thinking?
But just as Fang Zilan said, the more famous he is, the more indifferent and uncontested, because once he is involved in the power vortex, even a living Bodhisattva can't protect himself, let alone Princess Rong'an?

"It doesn't matter whether you let her go or not." Fang Zilan sighed softly, "As long as I can see Warners, I will always find a way to bring her back. But what I'm afraid of is that I won't see Hua Nasi at all tomorrow." Nas, that would be bad."

"If we don't see Warners tomorrow, what does Sister Lan intend to do?" Zhuge Yu looked at the person in front of him firmly, feeling more uneasy in his heart.

A look of determination flashed in Fang Zilan's eyes, "Then we can only go deep into the tiger's den, and fight against people and kill gods and kill gods until we can rescue Warners."

"It's too risky to act so boldly." Zhuge Yu shook his head disapprovingly, but Fang Zilan raised the corner of his mouth, "Ah Yu is worried about me?"

Zhuge Yu didn't answer Fang Zilan's question, and she didn't care too much, and continued on her own, "I remember that Mr. Zhuge was also one of the group of people who were suspicious of me back then. Even though I tried my best and escaped death, Mr. Zhuge never really trusted me. Why do you worry about my life and death now?"

She changed her address calmly, and her expression became a bit fierce, "If I die, the stone in the hearts of Mr. Zhuge and His Majesty must also fall, right?"

"Times change, people change." Zhuge Yu said quietly, his clear eyes became much deeper, "Master Fang has extraordinary courage, insight and skills, and his style of conduct makes people have to admire. There is no evidence Before, I chose to trust Lord Fang. It's just..."

He paused as he spoke, "Master Fang is too desperate as a woman."

Fang Zilan laughed softly. There was bitterness and helplessness in the smile, but it was more unwavering, "Mr. Zhuge came from a family, and he got used to it going smoothly. He never expends too much effort. But I am different. If I don't work hard, Maybe it’s not even possible to survive.”

Hearing this, Zhuge Yu couldn't help being stunned, and only then did he realize that he was also the one who was prejudiced.

This world is not fair to everyone. Some people can get rich clothes and food by virtue of their birth, but some people have to do their best just to have enough food and clothing.

Fang Zilan in front of him, as a woman standing in the high position of the Lord of the Northern Territory, is tantamount to walking on the edge of a knife.

With so many pairs of eyes staring behind him, it is hard to guard against open and hidden arrows.She didn't have the confidence to be invincible, but she chose to fight for her own place with a knife and a sword.

"One more thing, I..." Fang Zilan's voice pulled back Zhuge Yu's thoughts. He looked at the person in front of him who was showing embarrassment and hesitated to speak, and said, "Sister Lan, you may as well speak up if you have something to say. As long as I can do it If you arrive, you will go through fire and water."

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