"Compared with my identity, I think General Mo has something more to explain, doesn't he?" Fang Zilan looked calm, but Mo Yang turned cold, "What do you mean?"

"The reason why I appeared at Mushan Pass was because someone told me that General Mo was rebelling." Fang Zilan raised her eyes to look at the person in the chief seat, "The purpose of my trip is to find out the truth."

"You..." Mo Bin stared blankly at her, "How could you..."

"Therefore, General Mo." Fang Zilan interrupted Mo Bin's words in a serious manner, "About the rebellion, do you have anything to explain to me?"

"What rebellion?" Mo Bin calmed down, and said coldly, "Let's not say that this matter is nothing, even if it is true and there are other inside stories, why should I explain it to you?"

"General Mo, if you are willing to tell the truth, maybe I can still keep the Mo family." Fang Zilan's eyes flashed with regret, and he said in a low voice, "It's a pity."

"You still said that you are not from King Rong An." Mo Yang gave her a hard look, "Just keep talking about General Mo's rebellion, I think you were clearly sent by King Rong An to test my father. If not, why did you Have you been refusing to reveal your identity?"

"I refuse to reveal my identity to avoid unnecessary trouble." Fang Zilan spread her hands, "But if you insist on asking, for the sake of Mo Han's sake, I can't tell you."

Everyone's eyes involuntarily focused on Mo Han, and he pursed his lips with a troubled expression on his face, "Sister Lan, I..."

He was just about to say something when Fang Zilan interrupted him softly, "It's okay, since you trust your family, I'm willing to bet with you too."

"You mean, Han'er knows your identity?" Mo Bin looked back and forth between Fang Zilan and Mo Han in disbelief, but Fang Zilan nodded generously, "That's right."

"When did you know?" Mo Yang asked Mo Han who was sitting beside him, he opened his mouth hesitantly, but couldn't say anything.

"When did Mo Han know, and why did he know? Is there any point in asking these questions now?" Fang Zilan said lightly, and rescued Mo Han: "Even if I tell you, what can I do?"

"You!" Mo Yang's expression suddenly turned cold, he flicked his sleeves angrily, got up and walked in front of her, looked at her condescendingly, and asked, "Who are you?"

Fang Zilan pursed her lips, and was about to say something, when a panicked voice came in, "Master, the special envoy sent by the emperor to the southeast has arrived!"

Hearing the sound, everyone in the room looked towards the owner of the voice, and saw Dakuan running to the front of the hall panting, "Master, the special envoy is already outside the door, we dare not stop..."

Fang Zilan and A Wan exchanged glances, and both saw a trace of doubt in each other's eyes, but in just a few days, the special envoy came so quickly.Was it because Li Shengxuan couldn't wait, or did someone else do something else?
"General Mo doesn't stay behind closed doors, why?" Qingyue's voice came from the courtyard, Fang Zilan looked over subconsciously, and saw a man in blue walking forward, with a handsome face and natural and unrestrained actions, The words just now came from his mouth.

Not far behind him, uniform soldiers stood upright, all from the southeast battalion.

Seeing this, Fang Zilan's heart tightened. This person does not have the White Jade Tiger Talisman, but he can dispatch soldiers from the southeast battalion.It seems that this special envoy may not necessarily have less authority than her.If so, it would be difficult for her to keep the Mo family.

Mo Bin kept his composure and let the man in blue walk in, but saw him walking in front of Fang Zilan, and bowed respectfully: "Su Yun, the special envoy to the southeast, has met Mr. Fang, the Duke of Yue."

Su Yun?Fang Zilan quickly searched for information related to this name in his mind, and soon remembered that he was one of the nine great ministers—a descendant of the Su family, Yu Shi Su Yun.

How can a civil servant dispatch troops?This is interesting.

Fang Zilan thought so, got up and said back: "Master Su, you don't need to be too polite. You have come from a long way, it's hard work."

She didn't get angry because of her pretentious appearance, which made the surrounding Mo family speechless. After a while, Mo Bin asked in a daze, "Are you the new Duke of Yue, Master Fang Zilan?"

"Yes." Fang Zilan glanced at him, and then returned to Su Yun, "Since His Majesty sent Mr. Su here, there must be something important. I don't know what it is?"

Su Yun said in a low voice: "Master Fang has not heard from him since he left the southeast camp. His Majesty is concerned about it, and specially ordered me to come to Mushan Pass day and night to help Lord Fang deal with the affairs of the Mo family."

Fang Zilan looked at him with raised eyebrows, "Since that's the case, I don't know how Mr. Su plans to help me with the Mo family's affairs?"

Su Yun spoke indifferently, "Mo Bin rebelled, and the whole family of the Mo family was executed."

Hearing this, Madam Hu took a step back in disbelief, and Mo Bin quickly supported her.Mo Yang wanted to say something, but was stopped by Mo Han, who shook his head and signaled Mo Yang not to speak.

"Master Su wants to make the decision for me?" Fang Zilan looked cold, Su Yun cupped his hands and said, "I dare not. But..."

"Since you don't dare, back down." Fang Zilan interrupted him, and said solemnly: "There is something hidden about the Mo family, I have sent someone back to report the letter with the white jade tiger talisman. It will not be too late to deal with it after reporting to His Majesty .”

Su Yun stared fixedly at the person in front of him, and suddenly the corners of his lips twitched slightly, "Master Fang, are you going to disobey His Majesty's orders?"

"Your Majesty wants you to help me, not to replace me." Fang Zilan's face was frosty, "It's not up to others to comment on how I do things."

The curvature of Su Yun's lips remained unchanged, "Master Fang behaved like this, but do you want to protect Mo's family?"

"It's none of your business whether I protect the Mo family or not?" Fang Zilan's eyes flashed a trace of hostility, and Su Yun smiled even wider, "Master Fang, whether the Mo family can be protected is up to you."

After he finished speaking, he smiled, took out the imperial decree from his sleeve, and said: "Your Majesty has an order. Mo Bin rebelled, and the whole family of Mo's family will be executed. Execute immediately."

As soon as he finished speaking, the soldiers who had been guarding outside rushed in like a tide. The members of the Mo family in the inner hall hadn't figured out the situation yet, so they had to be taken down.

"Wait." Fang Zilan sternly yelled, stopping the soldiers from moving, "The White Jade Tiger Talisman is not here, why should Lord Su order the soldiers of the southeast battalion? Even if Lord Su obeyed His Majesty's order, this move is also an arrogance. "

Her words were hitting Su Yun's deathbed. He was here as a special envoy in name, but he was actually here to supervise her execution of the Mo family.If she insisted on refusing to let him carry out the punishment, after all, the name would not be justified, and it would be unavoidable that she would be said to be an overreacher and be criticized by others.

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