Chapter 1008 Dust
"I have already sent someone to inform the Jingzhao Yin Mansion about the truth." Wei Subaru narrowed his eyes, with a cruel look on his face, "Master Fang, please don't push yourself too far."

"What if I want to make an inch?" Fang Zilan's hand covered the hilt of the plum sword, and Wei Subaru folded his arms and snorted coldly, "Master Fang can give it a try."

Fang Zilan held the plum sword tightly, and before he could move, he heard a panic outside the camp, and the neighing of horses from far to near.

She looked back and saw Mrs. Ouyang riding on a tall black horse, wearing a red cloak flying in the wind, holding the whip in one hand and pulling the rein in the other. Qibo doesn't look like a woman in the backyard at all, and her expression is awe-inspiring like a general who just returned from the battlefield, completely different from before.

Mrs. Ouyang got off her horse, ignored the astonishment of the people around her, and went straight to Wei Subaru, "Master Wei Guogong, Mrs. Ouyang Wei has something to ask for today." After she finished speaking, she knelt down on one knee, holding a jade talisman in both hands and presenting it in front of Wei Subaru. In front of Wei Subaru.

Fang Zilan looked around curiously, but saw Wei Subaru's expression froze, "This is the life-saving talisman the old man gave you, what does it have to do with me?"

Hearing that Mrs. Ouyang looked up at Wei Subaru, she said neither humble nor overbearing: "Master Wei, according to seniority, you should call me aunt."

Before she finished speaking, Wei Subaru grabbed her neck and lifted her up from the ground, "Then Auntie, what do you want?"

"Lord Wei, be merciful!" Fang Zilan hurriedly stepped forward, only to see Mrs. Ouyang having difficulty breathing, but she showed no sign of struggle.

Seeing that Wei Subaru seemed to have lost interest, he threw him aside casually, and Fang Zilan hurriedly supported him, "Mrs. Ouyang, how are you? Are you hurt anywhere..."

Mrs. Ouyang patted Fang Zilan's arm, indicating that she was fine, then stood up straight, looked at Wei Subaru firmly and said, "I want Zirou to be safe, and I want her to come back alive."

Fang Zilan's expression changed suddenly, "Mrs. Ouyang, what did you say?"

"The Ouyang family didn't want Ouyang Zirou to join the Ministry of Industry, so they used sleeve arrows and improved bows and crossbows as an excuse to direct and act in quite a show." Wei Subaru sneered, "Why, Madam Ouyang regretted it now?"

Mrs. Ouyang turned pale, "I never thought of..."

"Even if Ouyang Zongrui's mud can't support the wall, he is quite courageous under your connivance." Wei Subaru interrupted her coldly, "When you acquiesce in Ouyang Zongrui ordering soldiers from the camp in the suburbs of Beijing to give false testimony, then You should have thought that he would attack Ouyang Zirou. After all, Pei Poming dared to poison Duke Ping, let alone your lawless son?"

"It's because I have no way to teach my son..." Mrs. Ouyang's voice weakened, "Master Wei Guogong, I implore you to save Zirou and bring her back safely for Wei's sake, okay?"

"Mrs. Ouyang, you are so confused." Wei Subaru shook his head, and said helplessly: "This is the end, do you think Ouyang Zongrui will leave Ouyang Zirou as a handle to be caught by others? If you look for it now, you may have to Found Ouyang Zirou's body."

"Sir, wait a minute." Awan's voice suddenly broke into everyone's ears. She walked quickly to Fang Zilan and took the mask from her hand. She didn't care about the looks of others and examined it carefully.

Li Qiyou's expression sank a little, and he looked at Fang Zilan and said, "Who is this? He acted so boldly."

"My lord, calm down." Fang Zilan said calmly, "This is the medical lady from my mansion, and she came to the palace with me this time to pay her respects."

Hearing her words, A Wan raised his head in a polite manner, and said respectfully: "A Wan has seen the prince."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Fang Zilan and said: "There are many rules in the palace, so A Wan delayed coming here for a while, Mr. Fang, don't blame him."

Li Qiyou's expression became more and more gloomy, and he said in a cold voice: "Master Fang, what do you mean by this? Could it be that you can't trust me?" Awan smiled broadly, "My lord, don't be surprised, my Master Fang is worried about the country and the people, and he only cares about himself." I always don’t care about things. People around me must worry about it, and it’s always right to be cautious.”

Li Qiyou snorted coldly and stopped talking. After checking, A Wan handed over the mask in Fang Zilan's hands.

The people watching all around were whispering to each other, and A Wan frowned a little displeased by her gossiping like no one else, but because of her status, she couldn't get angry, so she could only let them point and point.

"Miss, the inspection is over, is there any problem?" Li Qiyou's tone was not kind, and A Wan said neither humble nor overbearing: "No. The prince's gentlemanly demeanor is A Wan's villain's heart, and I hope the prince will be happy."

She naturally showed no timidity, and spoke with humility, and with Fang Zilan by her side, Li Qiyou didn't dare to embarrass her for a while, so he had to let it go.

Seeing that Li Qiyou kept a straight face and did not speak, others naturally did not dare to speak too much, and the scene was suddenly deserted.

Until Pei Xiaoze stood up and broke the deadlock, "Does the lord have anything to say?"

His words eased the atmosphere just right, Li Qiyou nodded slightly, and checked the details of the social drama performance with everyone one by one, and after confirming that they were correct, he went to the high stage of Zhuque Street with everyone.

The high platform is backed by the palace wall and the city tower, and connected to Zhuque Street outside.The street was already full of people who came to watch the opera. The fence not far in front of the high platform blocked them out, but it still couldn't stop their excitement. Everyone's face was filled with joyful smiles. And lively.

Fang Zilan looked at the people outside from behind the stage, unconsciously infected by their happiness, the corners of her lips were gently pulled up and she smiled softly.

Awan also had a cheerful expression on her face. She waved to Fang Zilan and shouted loudly: "I can't get in, so I will watch outside with Deputy General Cao. Be careful!"

Fang Zilan also waved to her, signaling her not to worry, and then watched her bouncing around and Vice General Cao blend into the crowds of the market.

Zhuge Yu looked at the bustling crowd with a relaxed expression, and said involuntarily: "The New Year's Eve in the capital is indeed very lively."

His voice was very soft, but Fang Zilan still heard it.

She turned her head to look at Zhuge Yu, her eyes twinkled and she said, "Ah Yu, it's the Chinese New Year."

A simple sentence made him feel extremely warm.

Wei Subaru on the other side folded his arms and looked at the two amusedly, and said to Pei Xiaoze beside him, "Look at the appearance of the two of them, it seems that they are celebrating the first New Year in their lives."

Pei Xiaoze smiled, and said noncommittally: "Master Wei is in a peaceful state of mind, making it hard to see joy."

Wei Subaru withdrew his gaze, and whispered as if talking to himself: "Every year is like smoke and dust, very boring. It's just passing the time, and it's no different when I look at it."

boring?Seeing Wei Subaru's unrestrained appearance, Pei Xiaoze felt envious in his heart, but he returned to normal after a while.

(End of this chapter)

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