Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1009 Regret

Yao Wu interrupted the general's words with disdain, "It's true that I am a soldier of Dajing, but I am a living person. Originally, I also had close relatives of flesh and blood, but what do I have now? If it weren't for the fact that there are no people in the southeast camp who I care about. , do you think I am willing to come to Jiangnan Camp? Not to mention General Shen, even Zhou Lang, you are not even half as good as him!"

"Yao Wu, you..." The commander clenched his fists tightly, and as soon as he opened his mouth, Fang Zilan stopped him, "General, did you see that? This is the person you are protecting. Blindly pampering will not win you respect, On the contrary, it will make people think that you are weak and deceptive."

She paused, and moved the plum sword in her hand inch by inch, "Since that's the case, it's better to make everyone fear you."

Before she finished speaking, Yao Wu screamed again and again, and a piece of flesh was gouged out.She snorted coldly in disgust, and flicked the blood on the sword neatly, "Today, I will ask you to teach you a lesson."

"What do you mean..." The general murmured, but Fang Zilan ignored his intentions, and still looked at Yao Wu and said, "As a soldier in the capital, you are not responsible for protecting the territory, nor for the lives of the people. , greedy for life and afraid of death, unworthy of being an army. Colluding with bandits and bandits, disregarding fellow soldiers for profit, hurting innocent people in order to get rid of crimes, unworthy of being a human being."

Yao Wu's expression froze, and then he seemed to be willing to fight for it, and said angrily: "If you say that to me, then what is it that you have in your hands? As the general of the Jiangnan camp, he knew that his deputy general was colluding with the bandits. He neither dares to punish nor participate, but what kind of general is he just a submissive?"

Fang Zilan was not surprised, but said in a low voice: "So you would rather collude with bandits than replace them?"

"What did you say?" Yao Wu didn't expect Fang Zilan to say that at all, and his face was full of disbelief.

"I heard from Your Majesty that you came to Jiangnan Camp to make meritorious service." Fang Zilan clasped the general's hand tightly, signaling him to calm down, but he still spoke to Yao Wu, "Since the general of Jiangnan Camp is useless , then it’s okay for you to replace it.”

As she spoke, her expression turned a little sharp, "If I were you, I would fight with bandits and gangsters, find a chance to wipe them all out, and stand upright with military exploits, replacing the inaction leader..."

"It's easy for you to say." Yao Wu spat, and said, "Do you know who the general in your hand is, and why he can become the leader of the Jiangnan camp?"

"Military merit and background, either or both." Fang Zilan answered quickly, but Yao Wu smiled contemptuously, "Military merit? What military merit does he have to help Qiluo City? If he hadn't married the Dugu family How could your daughter become a battalion leader?"

Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows, and when the general was trying to explain something, she pinched his throat so that he could not make a sound, and let Yao Wu continue.

"Whether it is in the past or now, it may be possible to establish yourself in the army based on military exploits, but it is impossible to become a battalion commander!" Yao Wuyue said more excitedly, and his voice became much louder. "The Duke of Xianyue is the only exception, and the last exception.”

"Exception?" Fang Zilan repeated the word in a low voice, with unspeakable sadness in her heart.

Even if Yao Wu is extreme and unscrupulous, she is very clear that this is the fact.

The so-called exception is different from everyone.She was handpicked by Li Shengxuan, and from the first day she joined the army, she was the commander of the first battalion and the commander of the three armies.

Others were also dissatisfied, but she proved her strength with one victory after another.But today's Yao Wu and others don't have such an opportunity at all.A soldier with no status and background can only survive for three generations, but he can only survive to become a lieutenant general, which is insane.If it weren't for a coincidence, if there were no in-laws to sneak into the camp, it would be a lifetime that could see the end at a glance.

Fang Zilan rested her chin in one hand and tapped the table lightly with the other, "Ah Yu is so smart, you might as well make a guess."

"Sister Lan is going to pay for Fang Liren to leave the Fang family?" Although Zhuge Yu asked a question, his tone was very firm, "Sister Lan said last night that Fang Lihui was willing to let him go?"

"It doesn't make sense, I can only take a gamble." Fang Zilan stretched out her hand to hold the teacup on the table, and rubbed the smooth porcelain surface with her fingers, "If it is as A Yu said, Warners is willing to Fang Liren gave up everything, and he couldn't let Fang Liren be trapped in Fang's house. If he offends Patriarch Sasan, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Sister Lan, don't you find it strange?" Zhuge Yu raised his eyebrows, "Fang Liren has been the head of the Fang family for many years, not only can't get a penny from the Fang family, but also use a large sum of money to redeem himself, what is this? reason?"

Fang Zilan picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, "Ah Yu might as well speak up if you have something to say."

Zhuge Yu said indifferently: "Since Your Majesty ascended the throne, the Prime Minister and the Empress have been neglected for a long time, and the Fang family's business is not as good as before. Now Fang Lihui is taking the opportunity to make money, and Fang Liren accompanied him to set up this game, just waiting for Sister Lan to do it This is a big mistake."

"Maybe the setup is true, but I may not be the one who takes the blame." Fang Zilan said calmly, "Ah Yu thinks, how is the Fang family's business?"

"The Fang family's business is very good. Although the popularity has not been as good as before in recent years, it is still a golden brand in the hearts of the world." Zhuge Yu spoke cautiously, and the corners of Fang Zilan's lips curled slightly, "In this case, I can't be taken advantage of. I not only want to help Fang Liren contributed money, and he had to use all the money to invest in the Fang family. The decline of the Fang family was due to His Majesty's neglect of the prime minister and queen, but the neglect was indifferent, and His Majesty would not move them rashly if the foundation was not stable. What's more, if the Fang family got another With the support of the upstarts, the situation is different.”

Zhuge Yu's expression changed slightly, "Sister Lan has decided to go to the Fang family's muddy water? You know that His Majesty has doubts about you. If you get involved with the Fang family, His Majesty may not allow you."

"It's up to me to decide whether it's relevant or not?" Fang Zilan smiled self-deprecatingly, "My surname is Fang, and I happen to have the same name as the third lady in Fang Xiang's mansion. Your Majesty is very suspicious. I have a relationship with the Fang family. It doesn't matter, it can't be washed off."

"Since sister Lan knows, why doesn't she avoid suspicion?" Zhuge Yu's tone showed a hint of concern, and Fang Zilan smiled, "Ah Yu is caring about me?"

Zhuge Yu was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

Fang Zilan still smiled, "Ayu, are you concerned or not? Your Majesty's Sacred Heart is arbitrary. Believe it or not, it's up to him to think. Instead of racking my brains to cater to his wishes, it's better for me to be frank and at ease." .”

Zhuge Yu breathed a sigh of relief, "Forget it, Sister Lan, you have this kind of personality. You don't cling to others and you don't make trouble. You never care about what other people say, and you just want to follow your heart."

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