Fang Lihui walked into the room and saw the two of them saluted first, and then sat in front of them in a graceful manner, with a somewhat unruly look, "For disturbing Mr. Fang's cleanliness, Lihui will make up for it first." no."

"Mr. Fang, you don't need to be too polite. If you have something to say, you can just say it." Fang Zilan looked at Fang Lihui calmly, and he nodded: "Then I will make a long story short. Miss Sassan will leave for Persia soon, and I will also meet with my cousin Let’s go back to the capital together, so I came here in advance to inform Mr. Fang.”

Fang Zilan's face was still indifferent as usual, but his heart couldn't stop chilling, "How does Mr. Fang know that Wannas is going back to Persia?"

"I had tea with Ms. Sassan just now, she said it herself." The corners of Fang Lihui's lips curled slightly, but there was no smile in his eyes.

Fang Zilan tapped the table with her fingers, her expression uncertain, "It's a pity, it seems that there is no destiny after all."

She looked at Fang Lihui fixedly, and said in a deep voice, "Is Mr. Fang satisfied with this result?"

"The year Murong Qing was born, I happened to meet a Miluo priest for divination. What did the Miluo priest say..." Zhen Zhu suddenly lost her thoughts, unable to remember those words, so she waved her hands and said, "I forgot the original words of the divination and prophecy." Anyway, it probably means that a catastrophe is about to be born among the Miluo nobles, who will not only wash the Miluo royal family with blood, but also re-establish the world."

"It's so vague, who knows if it's Murong Qing?" Fang Zilan obviously didn't believe it, but Zhen Zhu's expression became a little serious, "It just so happens that there were nine newborn babies among the Miluo nobles that year, except for Murong Qing All died young, this prophecy naturally fell on Murong Qing's head."

"I don't think it's a coincidence." Fang Zilan snorted coldly, "Since Emperor Miluo dared to poison Murong Qing, why didn't he dare to poison other noble children?"

"Well, Qianjinfang was entrusted to investigate it, and only two of them were confirmed not to have died of natural causes. The others have no evidence, and Qianjinfang can't guess at will." Zhen Zhu shrugged, "But this is the prophecy of the Miluo priest. Who dares to underestimate it?"

"Miluo priest?" Fang Zilan said noncommittally: "When the Yinyang family was still alive a hundred years ago, it is not an exaggeration to say that the Miluo priest's prophecy was an oracle. The high priests were all martyred, so how can there be any priests prophesying in the world? It’s just a trick used by the Miluo royal family to manipulate the people.”

"Sister Xiu, you are wrong." Zhen Zhu bit her lip, her eyes filled with awe, "The last high priest of the empire, who is also the most powerful fortune-teller of the Yin Yang family according to later generations, left behind a daughter. "

A look of shock flashed across Fang Zilan's face, and Zhen Zhu said slowly: "Qianjinfang learned this information by accident. This woman was originally hidden in Yancheng Villa, but was later secretly invited into the court by Emperor Miluo and became a priest of Miluo. The current Miluo priests are her descendants."

"Then how credible do you think the Miluo priest's prophecy is?" Fang Zilan's eyes were deep, and Zhen Zhu didn't dare to look into her eyes. The annual divination has become the current 30-year divination, and there may be deviations, but all of them are fulfilled."

Fang Zilan chuckled softly, "Everything is true? I can believe it for the time being that Murong Qing will cleanse the Miluo royal family with blood, but redefine the world? I don't believe it. The world is so big that there is more than just Miluo. I regard this as a big capital. What are they? And where are the barbarians in the Northern Desert of the Western Regions?" "I don't know about that." Zhen Zhu put her chin in her hands and said thoughtfully, "Let me think about it, before, Sister Mi'er and I As mentioned before, the last priest predicted that Miluo would be defeated within 30 years if it sent troops. After the prophecy, Miluo was defeated by Baiyue and Dajing successively. Even the civil wars between neighboring tribes were avoided by inviting Dajing to mediate. The flames of war are on their own heads."

Fang Zilan asked strangely: "Since the priest's prophecy is so accurate, why didn't the Miluo people listen to persuasion and go to war?"

"Brother Wan said that there are always young people who are not afraid of death, and they just want to try to see how high the sky is and how thick the ground is." Zhen Zhu stretched her waist, "This is called not hitting the south wall and not looking back, and not seeing the coffin without looking back." Weep."

Fang Zilan smiled, pretending to be regretful and said: "Unfortunately, the priest's prediction this time is not that Miluo's troops will be defeated, otherwise I will have the opportunity to make a big fuss."

"Why is there no chance?" Zhen Zhu stood up, held her hands behind her back and held her head high, and said with a serious look: "The people of Miluo are fighting fiercely among themselves, and they still have the intention to send troops to attack, and they are not afraid of ruining all the wealth they have accumulated so hard."

Fang Zilan coughed, and said solemnly: "Brother Wan can't talk with his hands behind his back."

Zhen Zhu hurriedly put her hands in front of her body, and deliberately lowered her voice, "If something goes wrong with Mu Chuji in this battle, will the new emperor of Miluo, Mu Churui, let Murong Xun go? Will the royal family leave the Chen family and Murong Qing to raise tigers? Once people are pushed into a hurry, what can't be done?"

"Brother Wan, do you mean to kill Mu Chuji, force Murong Xun to turn against him, and let the Miluo people fight in the nest, and Dajing will reap the benefits of the fisherman?" Fang Zilan thought for a while, and said: "I should be able to kill Mu Chuji , but forced against Murong Xun..."

She didn't go on, Zhen Zhu said triumphantly: "Our Qianjinfang can do this. We are good at spreading news to confuse people. Our Qianjinfang is a good hand. Sister Xiu, don't worry, Sister Mier has already arranged it. In a few days, the priest prophesied that Murong Qing's blood would wash away the Miluo royal family and re-establish the world, and it would spread throughout Miluo."

"Not enough." Fang Zilan's expression was gloomy, "If Chen and Murong Qing are really dead, do you think Murong Xun will turn against him? The people he cares about are no longer in this world. Don't take their lives back, unless he is dazzled by hatred at this time, he will not fight back."

Zhen Zhu was puzzled and said, "Why not enough? If it were me, revenge must be on my mind."

"Ordinary people may be like this, but Murong Xun is the loyal king of Miluo, a gentleman who would rather change his name and watch his disciples perish in order to be loyal. The possibility of rebellion because of his wife's death is not so great." Fang Zilan squeezed The teacup turned around, and a crack on the side of the cup was particularly conspicuous. She held the crack under the light, as if talking to herself: "Mu Churui's suspicion of Murong Xun is like this crack."

"Someone just needs to touch it." She moved her fingers as she spoke, and the teacup burst open without using any force. "Tell me, what would Mu Churui think if he learned that Murong Xun had killed Mu Chuji?"

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