Chapter 1016
"I don't like trouble, so I can avoid it if I can." Fang Zilan watched a figure get off the carriage and was welcomed into Zuiyue Tower by Fang Lihui. It should be Yin Quanzhang.

"Speaking of..." Fang Zilan asked casually, "Do you know Yin Quanzhang?"

"Your question came later than I expected." Li Shengxuan hooked the corners of his lips, and Fang Zilan shrugged indifferently, "You may not have met all the adults in the state capitals, most of them are recognized by their political achievements, so I just asked I didn't expect an answer. If that's the case, what does it matter if it's sooner or later?"

"It does have something to do with it." Li Shengxuan smiled even wider, "Yin Quanzhang and I have not only met, but also dealt with each other."

"What did you say?" Fang Zilan, who was leaning on the railing, sat up straight suddenly, "Then why did you..."

Li Shengxuan put his arms around Fang Zilan's shoulders in a comforting manner, "The matter is now over, there is no room for maneuver. As long as Yin Quanzhang has never seen me before the end of the Spring Festival, it will be fine."

Fang Zilan was stunned and heard Fang Chongzheng say: "Master Fang, does he know who initiated this case in the north?"

"Lu Zhizhang." Fang Zilan answered without hesitation, and Fang Chongzheng said persuasively, "Has Mr. Fang ever thought about the roles played by the royal family and the Huangfu family in the northern region in this case?"

"Adding fuel to the flames." Fang Zilan's voice sank a little, and Fang Chongzheng asked: "Why?"

"I don't know." Fang Zilan's voice became lower and lower, showing a clear lack of confidence, "I thought that if the Wang family harmed anyone, they would never harm anyone in the army."

"You think you've thought long enough just because your lips are dead and your teeth are cold?" Fang Chongzheng taught earnestly, "Your life is decades, your family is hundreds of years, and the dynasty is at most a thousand years. What the Wang family cares about is not Wang Quanzhi's temporary ups and downs, It's not the honor or disgrace of Wang Quanrui alone, but the rise and fall of the Wang family over the past century. Do you think the Wang family will allow generals to override civil servants?"

Fang Chongzheng's words were like a ray of light, making Fang Zilan suddenly enlightened.

During those few days when she closed the house, she thought hard and couldn't understand why the Wang family became Lu Zhizhang's accomplices.There is a clear distinction between civil and military divisions in the northern border, and the Wang family has no reason to harm people in the army.

She didn't understand until she heard Fang Chongzheng's words.Most of the people in the army, such as Vice General Li and Qin, were promoted by her when she was in office. After she left, even the royal family would have worked hard, and it turned into a secret rivalry between military officers and civilian officials.

After a while, Fang Zilan sighed softly and said, "No. What Mr. Fang taught me is that I didn't think well enough."

"I don't think well." Fang Chongzheng repeated the word in a deep voice, his voice was a little cold, "To this day, after traveling this way, Mr. Fang only feels that he is not thinking well?"

Hearing the sound, Fang Zilan only felt terrified, as if a child who did something wrong was caught by his parents.But she still said calmly: "What exactly does Master Fang want to tell me?"

Fang Chongzheng asked instead, "I dare to ask Mr. Fang. In your heart, but the mountains and rivers in your heart are always bigger than the sky?"

Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, and then said quietly: "Yes." Her voice was a little hoarse, with an indescribable heaviness, but she was extremely firm.

"Then do you know that this responsibility should belong to the emperor in the Qiankun Palace?" Fang Chongzheng's tone was a little solemn, "You have eternal responsibilities in your heart, but the family of Gongqing said that the power and interests are greater than the sky. Yours Perseverance cannot reach the threshold of their high-ranking families, exhaust the inch of land they have granted to them, and cannot support the beams and pillars of their grand family."

Fang Zilan listened quietly, but only felt an unknown fire burning in her chest.

She couldn't help but retorted: "Mr. Fang lives in a temple, so the way of being an official is beyond my comparison. But even so, I dare not agree with Mr. Fang's words." She cleared her throat with a light cough. , continued: "You should seek your own government in your position. The affairs of the world are not the sole responsibility of the emperor. If not, what is the use of hundreds of officials? What is the use of having a family of ministers? When you are in a high position, you do not take the world as your own responsibility. Instead, you take the world as your own responsibility. The world is your own body. If you make a mistake here, you will end up in everything."

Fang Chongzheng was speechless, but a familiar figure flashed in his heart.

When they were young, who didn't worry about the world with enthusiasm, devoted themselves to life and forgot to die?The world can change, and who will stick to it?

Sure enough, they are family.

"Master Fang is young, so he must feel that what he has done is righteous and understandable." Fang Chongzheng spoke slowly, "But looking back after many years, it was just a moment of heroism. You did not hesitate to die for the sake of everyone in the northern border, but you Who can stand up to protect them after death? People live in the world for decades, and the trickle of water will last forever, and it is not a decision at a young age."

Fang Zilan chuckled suddenly, her voice was full of regret, "Master Fang is used to being wise and safe, so why bother with me, a young and frivolous junior who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth? Although life is not about seizing the day and night, there are always some things that need someone to do. I am a person who never turns back when I die, I am afraid that I am going to spoil Master Fang's kindness."

"Master Fang, do you think that there is anything in this world that you must do?" Fang Chongzheng's tone became colder, and Fang Zilan's voice weakened, "There is nothing that must be done by anyone. It's just..."

She stopped talking suddenly, and said after a long while: "There are many things in this world that no one wants to do. I don't want these things to be looked at coldly, and it will be silent." After she finished speaking, she felt funny.

Fang Chongzheng was right, she was indeed a brave hero.

But who can be the savior?She's not that arrogant yet.

Fang Chongzheng's hands in his sleeves were clenched into fists, and the past flashed back and forth like a revolving lantern.

He was powerless then, and he is helpless now.

He once felt lonely because of the fact that the Fang clan could only protect himself wisely, and he also envied his determination to sacrifice his life for the eternal, and he was even more dissatisfied that the Fang clan was not strong enough to protect everyone in his family, country, and world.

Later, as he got older, the hills and valleys in his chest were gradually honed into a smooth road. The loneliness, envy and unwillingness he thought were young had disappeared with time.

However, until this moment, he suddenly realized that so many years had passed, no matter how calm he was, he still hid a trace of regret that he couldn't suppress.

In the end, his expression was as indifferent as usual, and he said in a cold voice: "Since ancient times, there has never been a good death for a warrior. I hope Mr. Fang will take care of himself."

A sentence as light as a feather, but an unspeakable warning, made Fang Zilan uncontrollably excited.

Is there no good end?How could she not know.But even if there is no way ahead, despite all the difficulties and dangers, she still has to overcome obstacles to carve a way for herself.

If she were to retreat, she would not be reconciled anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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