"Cousin, I didn't mean to provoke you with the past, but the opportunity for revenge is close at hand, if I miss it, I will never have it again." Princess Erya seemed to have a fire burning in her eyes, paranoid to the point of madness, "My life, What counts?"

"Erya..." The cousin's eyes were flushed, "Have you thought about the consequences? After this move, it is necessary to completely break with Dajing, and Miluo is not a kind person. It is sandwiched between the two countries. How can Di Rong's department survive?" Way to survive?"

"The homeland of the old country has long since ceased to exist." Princess Erya's expression gradually became resentful. "It is not a pity that the current Di Rong tribe is destroyed. As long as the Wu clan is prosperous, nothing else matters."

"Since you've made up your mind..." The cousin said slowly, "Then it's okay for me to do it."

"No!" A trace of panic flashed across Princess Erya's face, and the cousin couldn't help frowning: "Why? You've already put a Gu on Fang Zilan, whose life..."

"If I say no, I won't do it!" Princess Erya interrupted her sharply, "That Gu is fed with my blood essence, and no one can control it except me, even my cousin."

The cousin suddenly reacted, "Er Ya, what have you done?"

"Cousin, no matter what I do, it is for the Wu clan." After finishing speaking, Princess Erya cruelly pushed her cousin out and locked the door from the inside.

"Erya, don't do something stupid!" the cousin shouted, but she restrained herself a little for fear of attracting too many people, but she didn't get any response.

Princess Erya sat at the table, gently opened the wooden box in her hand, and there was a Gu worm inside.

She didn't tell anyone, and she started to set up this trick when Zi Lan first found her a few years ago.The purpose of guiding Fang Zilan to the Miluo Palace to find the high priest is to make this situation more perfect.

Now, not only has she set up a perfect situation, but there are also people helping her, how can she let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?

Thinking of this, Princess Erya took out a knife and cut open the veins of her wrist. She fed the blood to the Gu while muttering something in her mouth.Speaking of which, this is the first time she has practiced such powerful witchcraft, so I hope she won't be disappointed.

Fang Zilan straightened up and asked sternly: "Whose idea was it to massacre the city, kill the people in Beijing, force me to open the city gate, and order you to assassinate me? Murong Xun or Mu Chuji?"

"Bah!" One of them spat, "Only you are worthy of mentioning our lord's name..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a scream. Fang Zilan cut off his ear neatly, grabbed his hand, and broke off a finger, "I just like tough bones like you, but it's a pity..."

She deliberately paused, and kept moving her hands until all five fingers were broken, before she said leisurely: "This bone is still not hard enough, why did it break when you broke it?"

Seeing his companion blood dripping with pain, the person next to him said tremblingly, "I said, it's His Royal Highness King Qi..."

"Mu Chuji is cruel enough." Fang Zilan commented lightly, "He has come up with such a vicious plan, so what is Murong Xun doing? Is he serving in the army?"

Another person rushed to the interface and said: "King Zhongzheng is already on his way to Qiluo City, and should arrive in two days."

"It's good when we arrive." Fang Zilan's hanging heart finally let go.Now that she has confirmed that the Miluo people have only one line of soldiers and horses, and they have not hidden soldiers and horses to attack other places, she can focus on defending Miluo City with all her heart.

She calmed down and sat down on the main seat, "Okay, for the sake of your cooperation, I'll leave you with a whole body. Someone, drag them down and hang them on the tower, as well as the dog feeder." , if there is no time to chop them into pieces, hang them up together. If they are chopped into pieces, hang their heads up." After everyone was dragged out, Zhou Lang looked at Fang Zilan and asked: "Master Fang, those who were rescued into the city What should we do with the people? I’m afraid there’s no place in the city to accommodate them.”

"Before Qiluo City is surrounded by Miluo people, you lead people to send them out of the city overnight through the north gate, and send out the people who don't want to stay in the city together." Tired, "If it takes another ten days and a half a month, once the Miluo people besiege the city, no one will be able to get out."

Zhou Lang's heart sank, "Master Fang, are you going to defend Qiluo City to the death?"

"Yes." Fang Zilan raised her hand and lightly pressed the center of her eyebrows, "As the Duke of Dajingyue, I will not retreat a single step. Miluo people want to continue to invade Dajing unless they step over my corpse."

She said with a sigh, "But they are ordinary people, all they want in life is to live in peace, there is no need to stay here with me to die."

Zhou Lang nodded slightly, "I understand." After he finished speaking, he turned and left, but was stopped by Fang Zilan, "Vice General Zhou, sending the people out of the city will definitely cause panic in the army."

She looked a little fierce, and said word by word in a deep voice: "In my army, deserters are never allowed."

"Lord Fang, don't worry." Zhou Lang said with a firm expression, "We soldiers must charge forward to protect the safety of the people of our country. How can we run away?"

"Okay." Fang Zilan let out a long sigh of relief, and Zhou Lang didn't stay any longer, and walked out of the big tent.

Fang Zilan watched Zhou Lang disappear, and suddenly coughed violently. Deputy General Cao said anxiously, "I'll go find Miss Awan."

However, before Deputy General Cao walked out of the big tent, A Wan rushed in, "Master Fang, I heard that you were injured..."

"It's okay, I can't die." The corners of Fang Zilan's lips hooked slightly, and Awan stamped her feet angrily when she saw the blood on her body, "So much blood, you still say it's okay?"

Deputy General Cao touched the back of his head, and couldn't help but said: "That girl Awan, the boss has other people's blood on her body..." After he finished speaking, before Awan could react, he slipped out of the big tent with oil on his feet.

"You heard it too..." Fang Zilan looked at A Wan innocently, and she interrupted her unceremoniously, "The injuries were all caused by others, right? Then I'll leave now."

A Wan pretended to leave, but Fang Zilan called out helplessly, "Come back."

Hearing this, Awan stopped, but had no intention of coming back.Fang Zilan coughed, with a hint of mercy in her voice, "Awan, I'm injured..."

Before she finished speaking, A Wan quickly walked to her side, "Let me have a look."

Fang Zilan stretched out her hand obediently, and Awan let out a long sigh of relief after passing her pulse, "It's okay, the poison is relatively stable, and it shouldn't break out in the near future. I'll treat your injuries for you, and you should take a good rest." .”

"Okay." Fang Zilan nodded, let A Wan move, and fell asleep at some point.

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