Li Shengxuan looked at Fang Zilan steadily, "Just take care of the affairs of the government office. Di Rong's ministry will send envoys to Beijing next month, and King Rong'an will also bring the princess to Beijing. You must not leave the government office or outside. error."

Fang Zilan's expression was serious, Di Rong's department pays tribute every year, and it is not unusual to send envoys to Beijing every April.But why did King Rong'an enter the capital?With the princess...

Seeming to see through the doubts in her mind, Zhuge Yu explained: "Princess Rong'an has reached the age of marriage. Years ago, the Empress Dowager promised that King Rong'an could go to Beijing to choose a son-in-law. Although the situation in Beijing has changed in a few months, But the marriage of the clan's daughter should not be taken lightly."

"So that's how it is." Fang Zilan muttered in a low voice. The mansion is in charge of southeast affairs, and besides officials big and small, King Rong'an has the most dealings with him.

Since the Mushanguan Rebellion and the epidemic, King Rong'an kept himself quite a lot, and he was also courteous and courteous when interacting with government officials, hiding his cruel heart and secret dirty tricks very well.

As for the ghost gate, it seems that there is no connection with King Rong An.But Fang Zilan's heart is like a mirror, Ji Ningtian just didn't let her find out, after all, how could he give up such a powerful chess piece like King Rong An so easily?

Seeing that Fang Zilan was thinking, Li Shengxuan said in a low voice: "Since you know what's in your mind, then I can rest assured."

Know what?Fang Zilan couldn't help but secretly smiled wryly. The last time she met King Rong An, she said that it was either you or me in the future. She never thought that it would be less than two years before they would meet again.

Someone said: "Not to mention the second young master of the Zhuge family, haven't we only met the young master of the Wei family once? It's really hard to find a celebrity in front of your majesty."

Wei family?Fang Zilan looked at Zhuge Yu subconsciously, but saw that his face had faded a little, and he couldn't see any expression.

She thought for a moment and was about to go in when she heard: "Master Fang, Mr. Zhuge, you two are finally here."

The two turned their heads and saw that the person who spoke was Li Qiyou.But the person standing beside him was actually Wei Subaru.

"Come and have a look today when I have time, it's not good to always ask the prince to invite you." Fang Zilan smiled slightly, speaking in a polite and distant manner.

Li Qiyou knew that he had lied to Fang Zilan, so he forced himself to smile awkwardly.

Wei Subaru raised his eyebrows happily, "Lord Fang, Mr. Zhuge, we meet again."

Zhuge Yu's face was cold, and his voice was a little bit lower, "What is Lord Wei here for?"

"My nephew, who is worthless, was bedridden by the wind and cold, and only I, the uncle, came to take his place." Wei Subaru spoke calmly, and Zhuge Yu snorted coldly and stopped answering. Some embarrassment.

Li Qiyou was in a dilemma, he bit the bullet and smoothed things over: "Since you are all here, if you have anything to say, you might as well go into the hall and talk about it."

"Okay." Fang Zilan took the lead in striding into the gate of the palace, and Zhuge Yu followed behind her, ignoring the two people standing in the courtyard.

Li Qiyou stopped talking because he was bored, and entered Lianhua Palace with Wei Subaru.

After Fang Zilan and Zhuge Yu entered the palace, the originally noisy palace suddenly fell silent, and the princes of various families looked at each other, with some expressions on their faces, some shocked, some stunned, and more wary.

It wasn't until Pei Xiaoze came out to break the deadlock that their expressions gradually returned to normal, but they still couldn't stop whispering.

Pei Xiaoze walked up to the two of them generously, "Lord Fang, Mr. Zhuge, I haven't seen you for a long time, are you two okay?"

"Thanks to Mr. Pei for your help, everything is fine." Fang Zilan smiled, no longer just being polite.Zhuge Yu also nodded politely and said, "Thank you, Lord Pei. I'm thinking about you."

The two of them had just greeted Pei Xiaoze when Li Qiyou and Wei Subaru walked in, and the hall was extremely quiet.

After Li Qiyou explained the purpose of Wei Subaru's visit, there was an uproar in the hall.

No one expected that Lord Wei Subaru, who was guarding the capital with heavy troops in his hands, would also come to rehearse the New Year's Opera.

"What's so rare this year? Not only is Mr. Fang and a woman appearing on the stage, but even Mr. Wei has come to rehearse a social play?"

"That's right, Mr. Fang is a newcomer, it's reasonable to say, but Mr. Wei has such a status that he also came to rehearse a social drama."

"The upstarts are popular, and they are very popular. With Lord Wei, Lord Fang and other celebrities in front of His Majesty here, we are not worth mentioning in social drama..."

The princes of the aristocratic family who were just whispering to each other at first, have become more and more violent now, and have turned into pointing fingers like no one else.

Li Qiyou, who was standing in the center of the crowd, heard the words around him clearly, and his face couldn't help turning blue and purple.

He was about to say something to break the situation, when Fang Zilan raised his voice and said: "Since you have time to talk, you must have rehearsed. So why don't you tell me, how is this social play rehearsed?"

She was neither humble nor overbearing in every word, but there was an indescribable indifference, as if she was the one watching the fun.

All of a sudden, the voices in the hall were suppressed by her words, everyone's heart trembled, and they didn't dare to speak casually.

Then she heard her turn to Li Qiyou and said, "My lord, what do you think?"

Li Qiyou knew that he was able to preside over the overall situation here only because of his status as a relative of King Yucheng, and there were many people present who disagreed with him.Now that Fang Zilan has given him the steps, of course he has to go down the steps, and it's not good to refute her face and put himself on the fire.

He immediately said loudly: "What Master Fang said is that the rehearsal of social dramas is not a one-day job. It is better for you to put more effort into social dramas."

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he heard a voice sneering and sarcastic: "My lord speaks lightly."

Hearing that the people around made way for the owner of the voice, he was a rough-looking young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

He walked up to the crowd and said angrily, "The New Year's Club play is about exorcising evil spirits. However, during the rehearsal every day, Mr. Fang who pretends to be an evil spirit is not there. How do we rehearse well?"

Fang Zilan laughed softly, "I never thought I would be so important."

The teasing meaning in her tone was obvious, which made the young man's ears blush, "Master Fang, what I'm talking about is serious, you..."

"I know." Fang Zilan interrupted him seemingly unintentionally, "So I'm here, do you have any other opinions? If not, start the rehearsal immediately. There are many things in my house, so I might not be able to do it tomorrow Come here."

Fang Zilan's upright appearance choked the young man speechless, he stared blankly at her and turned to the crowd and said: "And you guys, if you have nothing to do, let's start the rehearsal quickly. As the New Year's Eve is approaching, all the prefectures are very busy, everyone get together It's not easy, and I understand the exchange of feelings, but where do you have the spare time to watch the excitement here?"

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