Until late at night, Jiang Hanze was still tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, and couldn't help reaching out to hold the knife placed beside the bed. Unexpectedly, as soon as he touched the handle of the knife, he heard someone outside shouting, "There is a night attack!"

Fang Zilan's figure passed by in a flash, and went straight to the tent where General Shen's body was parked.While going there, she secretly cursed, the vigilance of Miluo people is really not that good, she wandered around and even found General Shen’s body, but they didn’t find it, and in the end it was up to her to make some noises on her own initiative to yell. Call it a night raid.

The few people following Fang Zilan didn't know that she was deliberately attracting people, until they were surrounded, one of them couldn't help but leaned forward and asked in a low voice: "Master Fang, it seems that the Miluo people have been prepared for this battle. .”

"What needs to be done is that they have been prepared." Fang Zilan said and sent out a signal, and a dazzling white light flashed across the night sky.The Miluo people who surrounded them looked up subconsciously, and they were caught off guard by them in a blink of an eye.

Jiang Hanze, who came here after hearing the news, couldn't help frowning when he saw the signal. What does this mean?However, before he could think about it, he heard the report from his subordinate soldiers, saying that he had passed away.

Is it their real purpose to set fire to the food and grass in order to divert the tiger away from the mountain?Jiang Hanze didn't care much, so he had to call the deputy general to lead someone to put out the fire, while he ran to the tent where General Shen's body was, and bumped into Fang Zilan.

"Is it General Shen?" Fang Zilan stood in front of several people, only to hear the person behind him answer: "Yes, it is General Shen!"

Fang Zilan nodded slightly, but did not turn her head back, "You take General Shen and go first, and I will leave the rear."

"I want to leave, let's see if you have the ability." Jiang Hanze came very quickly, and the moment he saw Fang Zilan, he knew he had made the right bet—as expected, they came for General Shen's body.

"Want to keep me?" Fang Zilan took a step forward to separate Jiang Hanze's knife, and said with a contemptuous smile, "I'm afraid you are tired of working."

Jiang Hanze felt the power from the blade, and his wrist shook involuntarily.Fang Zilan took advantage of the opportunity to stab her with a sword, then dodged to avoid the spear attacking her from the other side, and took a few steps back.

She had no intention of fighting at all, seeing that they escaped with General Shen, she casually threw some medicine powder.After reuniting with the soldiers who set fire to the food and grass, they returned to Qiluo City under the cover of night.

Deputy General Cao, who was in charge of receiving them, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw them coming back, "Boss, how are you?"

"General Shen brought it back." Fang Zilan got on his horse and said cautiously: "Let's go, let's go back and talk about it."

After everyone returned to the camp, Zhou Lang held General Shen's body and cried for a long time. Fang Zilan didn't have time to pay attention to him, and only ordered "burial General Shen generously", and then asked Vice General Cao to count the casualties in the night attack, and called other lieutenants to enter the camp. Account discussion.

"Boss, six brothers were killed in this night attack, and eight more were injured." Deputy General Cao reported the general situation, and Fang Zilan nodded slightly, "I see."

"Lord Fang, our night raid burned the food and grass of the Miluo people. I think they won't do much in the next few days." One of the lieutenants looked serious, "However, the appointment tomorrow morning..."

He didn't go on, Fang Zilan understood, and said: "Jiang Hanze is injured, either he will fight with his wounds, or a different general will fight. Do you know if there are any other generals in the Miluo army who can be named? "

One of the deputy generals guarding the city said: "A few days ago, when General Shen had not arrived at Qiluo City, Jiang Hanze also attacked several times. Once, I saw a general-looking person next to him, but I didn't know who it was."

He was not sure. Fang Zilan frowned slightly and said, "Isn't it Murong Xun?" "No." The deputy general who spoke shook his head, "That man looks very young, but he is very skilled. He only has a few moves. Our general fell into his hands."

Fang Zilan asked: "Is that person better than Jiang Hanze?"

Seeing him nodding, Fang Zilan quickly ran through all the disciples of Murong Xun she knew, but there was no one who could match her name.

"Apart from being young and capable, what other characteristics does that man have?" Vice-General Cao asked, and the Vice-General replied, "That man has an excellent appearance. I have never seen anyone as good-looking as him. But he is so proud Very, he never looked people in the eye when fighting us. After killing our general, he said something meaningless."

"Proud?" Fang Zilan repeated the word thoughtfully, thinking about it, and immediately told them about tomorrow's arrangements, then checked around, made sure there was nothing wrong, and went back to the tent to take a nap.

Just when the two sides were in a stalemate, Zhuge Yu's voice came from outside the tent, "The imperial edict has arrived."

Fang Zilan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but the man laughed, "Lord Fang, I thought you had a lot of ability to ask me for someone, but it turns out that you are just bullying me with your majesty's power."

Fang Zilan watched Zhuge Yu's figure appear in the big tent, then turned his eyes to him, and said in a clear and clear voice: "I am not lying to your majesty, but I am not deceiving. Today I ask your majesty Please, I just want to tell Master Wei that there is no one in this world who can really do whatever he wants."

Holding the imperial decree, Zhuge Yu stood still in the center of the big tent, with a cold expression that Fang Zilan had never seen before.

Without squinting, he looked directly at the person in the chief seat, and asked coldly, "Master Wei, where is Deputy General Cao?"

Only then did Fang Zilan notice that, completely different from Zhuge Yu's unkindness, the opposite man deliberately restrained his aura, the coercion dissipated, and was replaced by a flash of astonishment.

Fang Zilan's intuition told her that the change of a man was not due to the imperial decree, but the person who delivered the decree.

It's just that at this time, she has no time to take care of his relationship with Zhuge Yu, and she is only focused on Vice General Cao, without thinking too much about it.

She wasn't completely relieved until he had someone bring Vice General Cao up and saw that Vice General Cao was unscathed.

Zhuge Yu walked up to the man with the imperial edict in hand, leaned over and placed the edict on the table. Then he straightened up and said, "Your Majesty's edict is here. Is there anything else Sir Wei wants to say?"

The man seemed not to have heard his words, and asked uncertainly: "Are you from Zhuge's family, Zhuge Yu?"

"Yes." Zhuge Yu replied, still in a businesslike and indifferent manner, "Except for Deputy General Cao, the soldiers from Mr. Fang's family were also taken away from the camp in the suburbs of Beijing. As for the regulations, Mr. Wei knows what to do .”

As soon as Zhuge Yu finished speaking, he laughed deeply, "It's interesting that you actually help Mr. Fang, please come and ask me for someone."

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