Chapter 1023 Fear

As soon as the Mid-Autumn Palace Banquet is held, it is singing and dancing to promote peace, talk and laugh.Fang Zilan looked at the dancer in red in front of her, and felt a little dazed. How could there be an end to the change of dynasties?The previous dynasty is long gone, and Ji Ningtian's plan is nothing more than a mirror image, and it is hard to become a reality.

Rise and fall are suffering, what people in the world seek is to live and work in peace and contentment, what they care about is not the past or the present.

Thinking of this, Fang Zilan finally made up her mind. She picked up the jug on the desk, poured a full glass of wine, and drank it all in one gulp.Then she stood up and walked to the center of the hall.

"Today's mid-autumn festival is full of splendor, and the beauty of the full moon is rare. Fang Zilan, the minister of the Yue Kingdom, is willing to dance the sword to add to the fun."

As soon as she finished speaking, Ji Ningtian looked over calmly.As for the cheating in the Mid-Autumn Festival banquet, he imagined many situations, such as deliberately making things difficult, poisoning the food and drinks, and even using singing and dancing to assassinate in public.

But he never expected that the sword dancer would be his Lan'er.Is this Li Shengxuan's request, or Lan'er's own intention?
Li Shengxuan readily agreed, Fang Ziqin hesitated to speak, the Empress Dowager and the Empress Dowager exchanged glances, and in each other's eyes they saw the dignified expression of facing a formidable enemy.

However, no one expected that at this juncture, it was Li Qiyou who said: "Lord Fang, there are female relatives present at the table today, so it might be inappropriate to dance swords."

"My lord, the ladies at the table are not mediocre and cowardly." It was a little girl next to Wei Subaru who spoke, and she stood up gracefully, "Wei's Xing'er, if Master Jiumufang's demeanor can be achieved today. Seeing Mr. Fang dancing his sword, I think there will be no regrets in this life."

Ouyang Zirou also got up and bowed, "Zirou from Ouyang's family also wants to take a look."

Mrs. Ouyang's hands hidden in her sleeves were tightly clenched into fists. The palace banquet was full of dignitaries. Fang Zilan would not propose sword dancing for no reason, there must be some conspiracy.The sword has no eyes, it is a murder weapon, these girls' families are getting together now, if something happens... But before she can signal Ouyang Zirou, there are wives and young ladies from other families joining in.

Seeing the situation so far, Li Qiyou didn't say much anymore, and watched Fang Zilan take her plum sword from the guard's hand, drew the sword out of its sheath, and gently and skillfully drew the sword flower.

Fang Zilan's eyes were reflected in the cold light of the sword, calm and without any killing intent, but with indescribable certainty.

If you make up your mind, you have to do it anyway, why think too much?As for the consequences, let's wait for her to do it.

Amidst the admiration of the crowd, Fang Zilan stood up and fell back, and in a blink of an eye he had already made three moves.She counted the moves silently in her heart, although she didn't look sideways, she was planning to move.Don't be too deliberate, it's not good to let others see it in advance.

But under the watchful eyes of everyone, as long as she makes a move, there is nowhere to escape.

Thinking of this, Fang Zilan took a deep breath, and when she jumped up, she suddenly changed direction, pointing at Ji Ningtian with the plum sword in her hand.

For a moment, everyone else in the hall was stunned, only Li Shengxuan looked on calmly - Ji Ningtian didn't move at all, letting Fang Zilan's plum sword force him in front of him, and he was only one step away from touching his neck.

Fang Zilan didn't pause for a moment. She knew Ji Ningtian wouldn't dodge, but would she really kill Ji Ningtian?
Fang Zilan continued speaking, "The people from the Southeast Camp who came to Mushan Pass to investigate the situation were also imprisoned without interrogation. With such behavior, it doesn't look like Mo Bin knows anything."

"It's more like knowing something..." A Wan answered, then shook her head violently: "No, it should be to hide something."

Fang Zilan said noncommittally: "It seems that the pond in the southeast is deeper than I thought."

A Wan remained silent, but looked up at the narrow window on the top of the cell wall.

It was getting late and the light was getting darker, and she felt uneasy in her heart.That side was dark and unclear, just like the situation between her and Fang Zilan. "It's time to eat!" After an unknown amount of time, the jailer's voice interrupted Awan's thoughts. She was shocked to realize that she had stood for too long and her legs were numb. Just when she wanted to move, she felt her center of gravity was unstable. She couldn't help but exclaimed.

The next moment, Fang Zilan, who was originally sitting by the wall with her eyes closed, suddenly appeared beside A Wan, and stretched out her hand to firmly support her waist.She grasped her arm subconsciously, and met her eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, "Our little Awan has been watching for so long, can we see anything?"

"No..." Awan moved a little, but Fang Zilan chuckled, "Then look up now."

"What?" A Wan looked at Fang Zilan in a daze, only to see her raise her chin, motioning her to look at the small square window.

The jailer who came to deliver the food happened to hear their conversation, and couldn't help being curious, looking through the fence to the small window in their cell.

A little bit of starlight poured in from the small window, although it was dim, it still cast a tiny ray of light.

"I remember someone once said that no matter how low the eaves are, you can always see the world." Fang Zilan's voice was firm and clear, and said word by word: "Even the dim stars can always illuminate a window. "

So, don't be afraid of the unknown.

She didn't say the last sentence, but A Wan suddenly smiled, "I saw it."

As long as the belief is firm, even if you can't see it now, you will eventually see the moonlight in the future.

Only the jailer was stunned for a long time, and then sighed quietly: "This girl can see it." He squatted down, put the food outside the fence, turned and left.

After the jailer left, Fang Zilan walked to the edge of the fence and brought in the food.A Wan also came over, tested the poison with silver needles, and after confirming that there was no problem with the food, the two of them ate briefly and waited for the night to fall.

It was night, and everything was silent.The crisp sound of "click" seemed particularly abrupt in the quiet cell.

Holding the hairpin in one hand and the lock in the other, Fang Zilan gave A Wan a wink at her side, she understood and gently pushed the door of the cell, and walked out first.

After Fang Zilan fastened the lock again, she followed up and took A Wan's hand, blocking her, "Follow me."

A Wan nodded, and the two went straight to the cell where Vice General Cao was being held. Unexpectedly, the road was unimpeded, and they didn't even see a jailer.

Seeing this, A Wan deliberately slowed down, frowned and said softly: "Fang Zilan, don't you feel something is wrong?"

"It's not quite right." Fang Zilan kept walking, "But the matter has come to this, we can only advance, not retreat."

She said that she had reached the door of the cell where Vice General Cao was, and she saw Vice General Cao sitting against the wall, and the pirate who was imprisoned with him was lying on the ground in a disorganized state.

Seeing the two of them coming, Deputy General Cao stood up, and was about to say something, when Fang Zilan unlocked and walked in with ease, and said softly, "Everyone fainted?"

(End of this chapter)

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