Don't ask where people go

Chapter 103 Visitor

Chapter 103 Visitor
A Wan looked at the people coming, blocked the front hall door, and said coldly: "Master Qi, why don't you stay in the barracks well, what are you doing here in Yanzhou City? And bring Shangguan Min with you?"

"Shangguan Min and I have heard about the matter of Shangguan, and we are here to see Mr. Fang." Qi Yuming didn't care about A Wan's attitude, but just explained the reason for his visit calmly, and asked, "Master Fang is sick again?"

A Wan snorted coldly and said, "Master Qi, where did you get the news, why don't you hope that Master Fang will be better?"

"Master Zhong told me, I think there is nothing wrong with it." Qi Yuming looked at A Wan's alert look with sharpened claws, and said somewhat amusedly: "Miss A Wan, we are here to visit Master Fang."

"Who knows what's on your mind?" A Wan curled her lips, "Master Fang is asleep, no one is there."

Qi Yuming smiled slightly and said, "Then we'll wait at the mansion until Mrs. Fang wakes up before going to see her."

"If you want to wait, you can wait. I still have to make medicine for Mr. Fang. You can do whatever you want." A Wan said and walked away.

Deputy General Cao looked at Qi Yuming with a smile on the side, and said embarrassedly: "Miss Awan has such a temper, our boss is used to it, Mr. Qi should not be as knowledgeable as her."

"Of course not." Qi Yuming shook his head with a smile, "But seeing Miss Awan like this, Master Fang is a little seriously ill this time?"

Deputy General Cao waved his hand and said, "Your Majesty Qi is too serious. My boss has an old wound from the battle, and it hasn't healed yet, and he has been running around so many times. Now he can breathe a sigh of relief, and he will have to heal for a while."

Hearing this, Qi Yuming couldn't help but sighed with emotion: "At the Battle of the Gilded City, Mr. Fang violated the military order in order to save General Shangguan, was beaten by Mr. Zhuge, and then went to the battle with injuries. Even a man may not be able to endure such a toss, but she is really hard as a woman."

"I see that the boss may not find it hard." Vice-General Cao agreed, and turned to the main topic: "I don't know that Mr. Qi returned to Yanzhou City suddenly, but what happened to the barracks?"

"There is nothing wrong with the barracks." Qi Yuming looked serious, "Lu Tangshi is on the way to exile, I am afraid that Mr. Lu Zhizhang will embarrass Mr. Fang and Mr. Zhong, so I came to Yanzhou City to have a look, if I can help In a busy place, I can share some of it."

"Master Qi has a heart." Deputy General Cao cupped his fists and bowed to express his gratitude, "However, the mansion is still peaceful during these days."

"That's good." Qi Yuming nodded, and said politely: "There is one more thing, I can't talk about it until I see Mr. Fang, and I hope Vice General Cao will not be surprised."

"Master Qi has something to tell the boss, is there anything strange about my old Cao?" Deputy General Cao smiled nonchalantly, and stretched out his hand to touch the back of his head, a little confused: "But the boss has not seen anyone except A Wan these days, and I have nothing to do with him." If I haven't met her, I don't know if she is willing to see Master Qi."

Qi Yuming was slightly taken aback, "Then we will disturb you at the residence."

Shangguan Min, who was following behind Qi Yuming, had lowered his head in silence, suddenly nodded at this moment, as if agreeing with Qi Yuming's decision.

"That's easy to say." Deputy General Cao nodded hastily, "There are a lot of vacant rooms in the house, and I'll let someone clean up one room, so you two can live in peace of mind."

"It's disrespectful." Qi Yuming followed Vice General Cao through the pavilion, thinking about what A Wan and Vice General Cao said just now. I'm afraid Fang Zilan is not recuperating and not seeing outsiders, but is in a coma.

Deputy General Cao glanced at the taciturn Shangguanmin from time to time, the more he wanted to comfort him, the more he didn't know what to say.

No matter what Shangguan Kuo did, he was Shangguan Min's brother after all. When Shangguan Min entrusted him to take care of him, who would have thought that such a result would happen?

Deputy General Cao sighed in his heart, and couldn't help but said: "Little brother Shangguan, if you need anything, just ask. As long as my old Cao can do it, I will be willing to do it. If I can't, there is my boss... "

"Thank you, Vice-General Cao." Shangguan Min softly interrupted Vice-General Cao's deliberate concern, "Master Fang saved my life, I am already grateful, what more can I ask for?"

Vice General Cao was at a loss for words for a moment, while Qi Yuming looked at Shang Guanmin and shook his head, "Vice General Cao, let him go."

While the three of them were talking, they had reached the backyard wing room. As soon as they arrived, they saw Awan standing at the door holding a medicine bowl, "Hey, are you two planning to stay here?"

"I have something to discuss with Master Fang, and I won't leave until I see her." Qi Yuming looked at A Wan calmly, "Vice General Li, who is in charge of my march, also knew about it, and he also asked me to bring a message to Fang My lord, is there anything else Miss Awan wants to ask?"

A Wan was so choked by Qi Yuming that he couldn't speak, so he could only gouged out a look at Deputy General Cao, "I will stay here, what are you doing so close to Mr. Fang?" After saying that, she walked away angrily holding the medicine bowl.

Qi Yuming laughed softly, "This Miss Awan is protected by Master Hufang."

"So being spoiled by the boss has such a temper, and people can't say anything." Deputy General Cao looked at A Wan's back helplessly, turned to Qi Yuming and said, "If Mr. Qi has nothing else to do, I will go out first."

Qi Yuming nodded and said, "Deputy General Cao is busy first, don't pay attention to me."

After he finished speaking, Deputy General Cao left, and Shangguan Min didn't stay any longer, and lived in the wing next to him.

Qi Yuming walked into the wing room and looked around, looked up and down, the interior layout was simple and the decoration was simple, which was quite in line with his temperament, so he simply suppressed his thoughts and settled down with peace of mind.

At dinner time, there were only him, Shangguan Min and Deputy General Cao, but Fang Zilan still hadn't been seen, and he felt more and more uneasy.

And A Wan kept guarding Fang Zilan, until she faintly woke up at night, A Wan really put her heart back in her stomach.

"You've been in a coma for nearly ten days this time. Although your pulse is stable, I'm still terrified. You..." A Wan didn't continue, Fang Zilan looked at her in a daze, opened her mouth hard, but didn't make any sound.

Seeing this, A Wan hurriedly took the teacup next to the table, and fed her some water, "You have been asleep for too long, and now you are not very sober when you just become conscious. Drink some water to calm yourself first, and then get up before it's too late."

Fang Zilan let Awan feed her water, stared blankly at the curtains on the bed, did not know how long it took before she slowly came to her senses, and said dumbly: "How long did you say I was in a coma?"

"Once today is over, it will be a full ten days." A Wan sat beside Fang Zilan, watched her expression gradually return to normal, and then said again: "Qi Yuming and Shangguan Min are here, saying they have something to see you. It’s not about the barracks, it’s not a big deal, you don’t have to worry too much.”

 Awan: I am the warm baby who protects Fang Zilan!

(End of this chapter)

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