Don't ask where people go

Chapter 104 Assassin

Chapter 104 Assassin
"Since Qi Yuming is here, it's no small matter. And Shangguanmin..." Fang Zilan struggled to sit up, feeling that she couldn't exert any strength in her body.

A Wan helped her sit up, and said in a low voice: "Although this time is not as dangerous as last time, I'm afraid you won't recover for a while, so you should take good care of it."

"I..." Fang Zilan was about to say something when he heard an indifferent voice from outside the door, "Irrelevant people, get out of the way."

The voice was somewhat familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had heard it before.

Immediately another voice sounded, "You want to take Master Fang's life because of me."

His voice is as gentle as jade, neither humble nor overbearing, it is Qi Yuming.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sound of metal clashing and fighting.

Fang Zilan, who was separated by the door, tried to get up, but staggered and almost fell off the bed.

A Wan hurriedly supported her shoulders, "With Qi Yuming blocking it for you, don't be brave."

Fang Zilan recalled that he had seen Qi Yuming make a move before, he was not bad at all, and ordinary people couldn't hurt him, so she felt relieved, and sat back to the original place with A Wan's support.

The next moment came the voice of the person coming again, "I never touch children, get out of here."

"I'm not a child anymore." Shangguan Min's voice was cold, and Qi Yuming's tone was a bit more serious, "Why don't you stay in the house, what are you doing here?"

Fang Zilan's heart tightened, Shangguan Min is good at riding and shooting, if he fights in close quarters, he might not get anything good.

Shangguan Min didn't answer, and Leng Feng's contention resumed, without giving anyone a chance to speak.

As time went by, the rain of swords, lights and swords outside the house became more and more intensive, and the sound of fighting soon attracted Vice General Cao, who also joined the battle.

Fang Zilan listened intently, both sides were not weak and it was difficult to distinguish between them.

However, as time passed, one party was obviously in a weak position and retreated steadily, and had retreated to her door.

"How could it be?" A Wan looked at Fang Zilan in disbelief, obviously she also heard that Qi Yuming, Shangguan Min and Deputy General Cao were at a disadvantage.

Fang Zilan's face was pale and solemn, "It's the one under Lu Tang's command."

"Then they..." A Wan clenched her fists involuntarily, Fang Zilan shook her head lightly, "They won't last long. A Wan, I have to go out."

A Wan turned her head and looked outside the house, "But you look like this, going out is tantamount to death, it's better..."

"A Wan." Fang Zilan interrupted A Wan in a deep voice, "I know you have a way."

"Are you really desperate?" A Wan turned her head abruptly, her face was pale and her voice was as cold as ice, "Do you know that even the Immortal Da Luo can't save you if this goes on like this!"

"I'm not asking too much, just recovering my strength is enough." Fang Zilan forced the corners of her mouth to curl up, "Awan, let's give the needle."

A Wan bit her lips tightly, "You only need to recover your strength, how can you beat him?"

Fang Zilan still curled her lips and smiled calmly, "Awan, didn't I say that? The me next to you is the most powerful in the whole world."

A Wan looked at the extremely determined look in her eyes, and the smile on her face that was as light as flowers in the snow, which would dissipate in the next moment, as if she had been bewitched by some kind of bewitch, she stopped talking and concentrated on giving her needles.

Until someone slammed into the door, the voice of the visitor sounded again, "Since we are our own masters, we can only offend."

Before he could finish his sentence, the door of the room swung open.

Fang Zilan stood by the door and smiled, "Since your Excellency is coming after me, why should I not see him?"

Before Qi Yuming, Shangguanmin, and Deputy General Cao could react, the incoming swords had already pierced Fang Zilan.

She dodged to dodge, and with a swipe of the plum sword in her hand, she was separated from the visitor, and the two of them exchanged positions in an instant.

The moonlight in the courtyard was bright, the stars were dim, and the fine snowflakes in the sky were falling with the wind, but after a while, a thin layer of snowflake blanket was spread on the ground.

Fang Zilan stood tall on the snow in the courtyard, her shadow was stretched very long.

She turned her head slightly and her lips were tightly pressed, her lonely and cold appearance made people dare not look at her directly.

"You come to avenge Lu Tang, you come to me, it has nothing to do with others." She said, holding a sword flower in her hand, and the plum sword in her hand was shining coldly under the moonlight, "You and I fight, if I lose You take this life. But if you lose, you will be ordered by me from now on."

"Arrogance." The visitor snorted disdainfully, raised his sword and came towards Fang Zilan, every move was merciless, and the deadly sword moves made the other three people in the courtyard tremble with fear.

However, Fang Zilan never confronted the enemy head-on, and blindly retreated and dodged, making the approacher gradually lose his composure. A sword danced airtightly, but could not completely envelop her.

Although Fang Zilan's body skills are flexible, but in the pursuit of such a fast sword master, it is inevitable that he will suffer. There are sword wounds on his arms and legs, which makes people feel worried.

The visitor obviously also saw that Fang Zilan was unable to do what he wanted, and his moves became more and more dangerous, and they went straight to her throat. The movements were so fast that even Qi Yuming, who was beside him, had no time to stop him, so he had to shout, "Be careful!"

It was too late and then it was too fast, I saw a smog suddenly overflowing under the moon, covering everyone's sight, only the blood was like a little red plum falling from the smog on the snow, dizzy into blood flowers, a little red glaring.

After a few people took a closer look, Fang Zilan was already standing under the tree in the courtyard Shi Shiran, and the person who came was clutching his chest and fell in front of her, spitting hard, "This kind of indiscriminate method is also not good enough. It's you women who make it come out."

"It seems that you are not convinced?" Fang Zilan walked in front of him and looked down at the visitor, "What's wrong with the woman? You look down on women so much, aren't you born by a woman?"

"You..." He coughed violently, Fang Zilan held the plum sword and pointed directly at his eyebrows, "If you are not convinced, we will fight again."

"No need." He stood up straight with his sword, "Even if the means are despicable, winning is winning. What's more, your swordsmanship is indeed superior to mine, I am convinced."

"Since you are willing to admit defeat, then you will be at my command from now on." Fang Zilan put the sword behind her as she said.

He nodded and said: "Okay." After saying that, he raised his hand and stabbed directly at himself with the sword, actually wanting to die.

Unexpectedly, Fang Zilan was prepared long ago, raised his hand and used the plum sword to miss his sword, so that he only stabbed himself, but did not lose his life.

"Repaying the Lord with your life, you are a loyal servant." Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows, "Unfortunately, I don't know if it's worth being loyal."

Her words obviously angered him, "I don't allow you to say Master Lu Tang!"

"The mouth is on my body, what can you do to me?" Fang Zilan's lips curled up slightly, and a trace of disdain flashed across his face.

Qi Yuming who was at the side suddenly said, "Lord Fang, Master Lu Tang is dead."

 The visitor assassins come together, Fang Zilan: I knew it, there must be nothing good.

(End of this chapter)

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