Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1037 Rumors

"Gong Wei has always been aloof and aloof, but he doesn't receive many courtesy from Mr. Fang, let alone other people?" Huangfuxin pretended to be curious and asked: "Does Mr. Fang himself not know?"

Fang Zilan clenched her fists tightly, she could tell that Huangfuxin's words were baseless, and she insisted on dragging herself into the water.However, based on the fact that her apprentice, Shangguan Min, is in Daying in the suburbs of Beijing, it is difficult for her to win the trust of others.

Li Shengxuan heard this, although there was no expression on his face, there was a wave in his heart.

At first glance, Huangfu Xin's words were aimed at Fang Zilan, but they were actually meant to listen to him.

Although Fang Zilan does not have monstrous authority, she has a power that no one can match.The things she has done are spread all over the world and praised by thousands of people.More than in the capital?Even if it is placed in the frontier, there are probably very few people who will not sell her face.

Great merit overshadows the master, and virtue prevails over the emperor, which has always been tolerated by emperors.Even if he can tolerate it, others can't tolerate it either.


Li Shengxuan looked at Huangfu Xin. When he was in Qiluo City, he had seen this little general line up troops and charge to kill the enemy. He would not be such a malicious tongue-twister.

It's not that he is conceited, but he knows that the battlefield can best see human nature - between life and death, the choice of a person is the most real, and it is worth a thousand words, which is why he trusts Fang Zilan.

In the current situation, it is hard not to doubt, what role did Huangfu Xin and even the Huangfu family play in this rebellion?
Compared with Fang Zilan and Li Shengxuan's thoughts, although everyone present was not thinking deeply, they were still surprised.

A conspiracy brought out the Dukes of Wei, Yue, and Huangfu Xin whose purpose was unknown.It is not a trivial matter to think about the involvement of three of the nine noble families.

Fang Zilan's face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost and snow, and she said in a deep voice: "Don't push Zirou. If she doesn't respond, there will be no reaction. Let's recover from the injury first."

Awan opened her mouth and said unwillingly: "People from the Jingzhao Yin Mansion have come to the door. Can't we fight for justice for Mr. Ouyang?"

"Fair." Fang Zilan repeated the word, and said sadly: "If you want to fight for justice for Zirou, the Ouyang family must confess. Among them are her brother, mother, and even other relatives we don't know. You have to pay the price. Therefore, if she doesn't speak up in person, no one else can make a decision for her, whether to fight for this fairness."

Awan's expression froze, she was thinking that Ouyang Zirou had suffered a great wrong, and the world should know about it, and the person who hurt her should pay the price.But she forgot that the people who caused her to fall into such a situation were all her close relatives connected by blood.Once it is brought to court, I am afraid it will be more painful than breaking his hand.

"Then if Master Ouyang has been keeping silent like this, could it be..." Before A Wan finished speaking, Xiao Xuan'er who came hurriedly interrupted, "Master Fang, something happened to Ouyang's family."

Fang Zilan looked solemn, "What happened to Ouyang's family?"

"Patriarch Ouyang may die." Xiao Xuan'er said in a low voice: "Mrs. Ouyang ordered someone to invite the elders in charge of the clan, and put Ouyang Zongrui under custody, saying that she wanted to open the ancestral hall and move the family law."

"It seems that Mrs. Ouyang won't shield Ouyang Zongrui anymore." Fang Zilan said thoughtfully, "It's just that she still cares about the dignity of Ouyang's family, and she doesn't want to hand over Ouyang Zongrui for disposal."

"Mrs. Ouyang ordered people to surround Ouyang's house. No one can enter or leave, and I don't know what's going on inside." Xiao Xuan'er frowned slightly, and Fang Zilan was also taken aback, "Does Patriarch Ouyang care?"

Xiao Xuan'er's expression became more solemn, "This is the strangest thing. I heard that the head of the Ouyang family is seriously ill in bed, unconscious and unable to take charge." Fang Zilan calmed down and said coolly: "It turns out that the news of the death of Duke Guo Guo has been reported. The Pei family used the same rhetoric before."

"Master Fang means..." Xiao Xuan'er was startled, and Fang Zilan said in a deep voice, "Since Ouyang Zongrui will kill Zi Rou, why wouldn't he take the initiative to kill Ouyang's family?"

"But..." Xiao Xuaner wanted to say something, but Fang Zilan cut her off, "Once Patriarch Ouyang dies, as long as Mrs. Ouyang keeps her mouth shut and does not expose Ouyang Zongrui's evil deeds, no one will know the truth."

"Unless..." Xiao Xuan'er bit her lip, "Master Ouyang Zirou can stand up and identify herself."

"It's as hard as climbing to the sky." Fang Zilan's expression was gloomy, "Not to mention that Zi Rou is seriously injured and it will take time to recover, but she just got out of the lawsuit, so her credibility in the eyes of the world is much lower, far less than Her pious elder brother and mother."

"The palms and backs of the hands are full of meat. Will Mrs. Ouyang really give up one for the convenience of the other?" Xiao Xuan'er's voice was very soft, but Fang Zilan could hear it clearly. She was silent for a long time before saying: "Send Wang Lingyuan tomorrow When you return to Ouyang's house, you will know everything."

Xiao Xuan'er was startled, "Master Fang wants to send Miss Wang back to Ouyang's house?"

"Wang Lingyuan is now Ouyang Juncheng's wife. If she stays in our house for a long time, she will be easily gossiped." Fang Zilan prevaricated, Xiao Xuaner hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded and said: "I understand."

After Xiao Xuan'er left, Huangfu Xin walked in and bowed respectfully to Fang Zilan, "Master Fang, I have something to ask."

Fang Zilan said clearly: "Do you want to fight for justice for Zirou?"

"Yes." Huangfu Xin remained motionless in his bowing posture, like a stone sculpture.

"You know it's hard." Fang Zilan looked calm, and Huangfu Xin resolutely said, "I know."

Fang Zilan's expression became a little fierce, "Ouyang's family may not stand by Zirou's side, and you are already in danger of going to Beijing privately, how can you fight for fairness for her?"

"Even if Miss Ouyang's family betrayed her, and even if I can't protect myself, I still have to try." Huangfu Xin looked up at Fang Zilan, his eyes were extremely firm, "Even if I risk my life and everything, I will seek justice for her." .”

"Huangfuxin, if I send a message to Huangfu's family, you will be arrested and returned to the northern border immediately." Before Fang Zilan finished speaking, Huangfuxin said: "Master Fang will not."

"You're wrong." Fang Zilan said in a cold voice, "Huangfuxin, if you haven't fulfilled your responsibilities, I can't trust you. Zirou's fairness, if she wants it, I will help her fight for it."

She paused, "As for you, if you don't return to the northern border today, I will send a message to the Huangfu's family. If I can see you tomorrow, I will personally escort you into the palace and hand it over to His Majesty."

"Lord Fang..." Huangfuxin opened his mouth, and Fang Zilan cast a sidelong glance at him, "Family, country, and people are more important than Mount Tai. My heart is like this, and so is Zi Rou. Otherwise, she wouldn't have entered the imperial court and ended up like this situation."

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