Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1038 Reliance

Most of the people in the army are not of noble origin. In their eyes, the merits of real swords and guns are far more important than blood background.Even if there are only government soldiers in the courtyard, it is no exception.

What's more, they are the soldiers of the Wei family, how can they allow someone to openly insult their own Patriarch—Wei Guogong Wei Subaru?
Wei Yi has a soldier talisman in his hand, it is not difficult to transfer troops, but if the soldiers who want to transfer bow their heads and ears, he can't do it at all.

Fang Zilan watched the hustle and bustle in the courtyard with cold eyes, and pulled A Wan back to the door.

A Wan looked at the situation in the courtyard in disbelief, and said: "How many people have no brains to say such things in public? Isn't Master Wei Yi a fool?"

"It's not stupid." Fang Zilan commented: "It's more like a lunatic who can't get what he desires."

Awan pondered for a while before she understood what she meant, "You mean Duke Wei's name and honor?"

Fang Zilan nodded, and Awan frowned and said: "But he is already the Minister of the Ministry of War, even if he is placed among the children of the aristocratic family, he is also a very high official rank."

"People's hearts are easy to move, and greed is boundless." Fang Zilan's eyes are full of coldness, "In your eyes, the Minister of the Ministry of War is an important minister in the court, but in Wei Yi's eyes, it is nothing if you get it."

A Wan couldn't help but exclaimed, "How could it be?"

"The Wei family has controlled the Ministry of War for a long time. Wei Yi is not only the first son of the Duke of Wei, but also the most favored among the many children of the Wei family." Fang Zilan calmly said: "In his heart, the Duke of Wei should be him, What's more, the Minister of the Ministry of War?"

"It's really unsatisfactory." Awan clicked his tongue, looked at Fang Zilan and said, "Then what are we waiting here now? Watching a play?"

"Of course not." Fang Zilan shrugged, "The soldier talisman is in Wei Yi's hand, I want to take it."

A Wan asked curiously: "It's all a mess, how do you get it?"

"So I'm waiting." Fang Zilan looked at Wei Yi who was dodging left and right in the crowd, and explained: "Waiting for a chance to save Wei Yi."

"Let's not talk about whether you can lead him back under the chaotic sword, but you actually expect him to reciprocate and take the initiative to give you the soldier talisman?" Awan said in shock: "Just now you said he was a lunatic..."

"There is no hope." Fang Zilan sighed, "But now there is no other way, unless His Majesty personally decrees, how can Wei Yi recognize the facts?"

Awan looked worried, and was about to say something, when she heard a uniform sound of iron armor, and then a loud female voice said: "The queen's imperial edict!"

Hearing this, Fang Zilan and Awan were both taken aback, empress?

The gate of the Ministry of War was pushed to the full open, and Qiu Shui, who was beside Fang Ziqin, was dressed in court attire of a female official, holding the decree in her hand, and said without anger: "The empress has a decree, the Minister of the Ministry of War, Wei Yi, privately uses the military talisman, controls the Ministry of War, and temporarily detains the Ministry of Punishment." Prison, wait for His Majesty to return to Beijing before dealing with it. Come and take it away!"

After she finished speaking, the imperial guards swarmed up behind her, dispersed the government soldiers in the courtyard, and brought Wei Yi out.

Wei Yi looked dull, and murmured: "How is it possible... I want to see His Majesty!"

"After Your Majesty returns to the capital, whether you want to see Lord Wei or not is another matter." Qiu Shui said sternly: "Master Wei, take care of yourself." "You..." Wei Yi wanted to say something else, but was banned before he could speak. Wei dragged him away.

After the dust settled, Fang Zilan bowed respectfully to Qiushui, "Thank you, Miss Qiushui."

Qiu Shui hurriedly returned the salute and said, "Lord Fang, you've broken me. I'm just following orders. Sir Fang, please take a step to speak."

Fang Zilan nodded slightly, and walked to a secluded corner with Qiushui, "I don't know what advice Miss Qiushui has?"

"In front of Mr. Fang, I dare not speak out, but the Empress has something to ask me to bring to Mr. Fang." Qiu Shui's expression softened a little, "The Empress said, if the patriarch of a family with many children is moody and biased, it is easy to be ruined." A crazy person who destroys himself. My lady is afraid that Mr. Fang will not care about herself, so she just did it, and I hope Mr. Fang will not be offended."

Fang Zilan was silent for a while, before saying: "The Empress knows about Master Wei Yi?"

"I know." Qiu Shui nodded and said: "Among the Wei clan, Master Wei Yi has been held in the palm of his hand since he was a child. He has had everything he wanted. But suddenly someone took everything away from him. It is reasonable for his mentality to be unbalanced."

"Cousin?" Fang Lihui hurried up to Fang Liren, only to see Fang Liren slap a piece of paper on his chest without making a sound. Hui, the Fang family will leave it to you."

"Cousin, what did you say?" He stared blankly at the person in front of him. This person who once valued the Fang family more than his life, actually used such a flimsy piece of paper to give up everything that should have been in his heart. Fang's family.

Ignoring Fang Lihui's reaction, Fang Liren walked up to Fang Zilan and Zhuge Yu, "Master Fang, Mr. Zhuge, I have made it clear that I want to go to Persia with Wanas."

Before Fang Zilan and Zhuge Yu could say anything in the future, Fang Lihui quickly walked up to Fang Liren and threw the paper on him, "Fang Liren, are you crazy? Abandoning the Fang family for a woman?"

Fang Liren stood upright and let the piece of paper fall to the ground without blinking his eyes, "I am here to bid farewell to the two adults. The two adults have helped me a lot, and Fang Liren will never forget it."

Considering that Fang Zilan and Zhuge Yu were present, Fang Lihui couldn't get angry directly, he gritted his teeth and growled, "Fang Liren, what are you doing?"

"What are you doing?" Fang Liren looked at Fang Lihui at the side with a relieved look on his face, "Lihui, the Fang family will be handed over to you in the future. You are more suitable than me for the position of head of the Fang family."

"Who cares?" Fang Lihui sneered, "Fang Liren, I don't need your charity."

"I gave everything for the Fang family. I'm tired." Fang Liren raised the corners of his mouth, his eyes were full of indescribable fatigue, "Now, I want to live for myself once."

"Okay, okay, it's really good!" Fang Lihui clapped his palms with a folding fan, applauding almost resentfully.

Seeing this, Fang Zilan just wanted to speak when Zhuge Yu grabbed her sleeve.He tugged at her sleeve, signaling her not to come forward, and asked them to solve it by themselves.

"Fang Liren, are you going to leave the Fang family?" Fang Lihui tightly held the folding fan in his hand, his shoulders trembling slightly exposed his sullenness, "You can leave as soon as you say, there is no such thing as cheap. The Fang family gave birth to you and raised you. How much kindness you have received from the Fang family, and how much favor the Fang family has received from you, let us figure it out together today."

Fang Liren looked at Fang Lihui in front of him, he had never seen a loss of composure, he was silent for a moment, finally nodded and said: "Okay."

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