Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1039 Stagnation

Fang Zilan looked complicated and said, "You already know who I am, right?"

"Yes." Shangguanmin nodded, took a deep breath, and then confessed, "When I was in the northern border, I accidentally found a plum branch pattern in your study, but I was just passing by when I took a look. Miss Awan pulled it out, and seeing her face as if facing a formidable enemy, I knew that this pattern was not simple. And..."

He paused, lowered his eyes and said: "After the death of the Northern Plains Seven Wolves, my father, Shangguan Jing, was suspicious, so he searched for it for a while. Although I was young at that time, I still had some impressions. One of the clues was this pattern. My father found out the owner of this pattern through people in the rivers and lakes - Zixiu, the number one in the world."

Fang Zilan's eyes were deep, "So, you knew I was Zixiu when you were in the north?"

"Yes." Shangguan Min raised his head, looked directly at her and said, "I also know that the killer friend you mentioned is yourself. You used a trumped-up old case to unjustly kill my father and kill Shangguan. family."

"Although what I said is half false, it is also half true." Fang Zilan said with a calm expression, "Your father did communicate with the enemy for your mother. That letter is true, not because I wronged him. If you don't believe it, you can go to Mobei, there is a half of the stele, and the piles of dead bones buried under it are the people from Dajing who were used by your father to trade."

"How do you know?" Shangguan Min asked, Fang Zilan avoided his eyes, "Because I have seen with my own eyes how they died tragically and how they were thrown into the yellow sand..."

She didn't continue, but changed her voice, "Your father did something wrong and dragged down the whole family. And what I did, stirring up trouble and fueling the flames, is nothing good."

Shangguan Min's eyes were red, and he gritted his teeth and said: "But your words have awakened me, His Majesty can't trust Shangguan's family, otherwise he won't investigate and close the case hastily..."

"You are wrong." Fang Zilan interrupted him in a cold voice, "You say I was wrong, I admit it. However, your father's case is solidly proved, and it is not closed hastily at all. There are people from Zhuge's family, the Ministry of Justice, and the Empress Dowager. We are investigating. Not to mention His Majesty, he has always been cautious about cases involving people in the army, otherwise, on New Year's Eve last year, Lao Li and the others would have died."

Shangguan Min was stunned, "Didn't you stand up and save everyone in the northern border?"

"I've stood up, but it's not me, but Your Majesty, who is keeping everyone in the northern border." Fang Zilan looked at Shangguan Min, and said thoughtfully, "Since you've already spoken, then you come to the capital this time and ask me to take them in." You are a disciple, you have premeditated, right?"

Shangguan Min was silent, and she continued on her own, "And Huangfu Xin, you said something you shouldn't have said when you were drunk, and you accidentally let him hear it, so you became friends, but you did it on purpose. Is it right?"

Shangguan Min breathed a sigh of relief, "Yes. If I want to rectify the name of the Shangguan family, I have little strength on my own, so I can only rely on it. Most of the people in the northern border army stand in line with the Huangfu family, and Huangfu Xin is the next head of the Huangfu family. They will not be prejudiced against me, and they are the most suitable for me to use. As for..."

He hesitated for a moment, then slowly said: "This time I came to Beijing, my purpose is to let you accept me as a disciple. Even if you didn't take the initiative to propose that day, I will use other methods, even by all means..."

"Shangguan Min." Fang Zilan said word by word: "Do you have to make what you have planned and done so embarrassing?"

There was a strange look in Shangguan Min's eyes, but he still said without changing his expression: "Speaking of which, I would also like to thank Mrs. Fang. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have known Ouyang Zirou, let alone let her be interested in me..."

"That's enough." Fang Zilan's face was full of helplessness. She raised her hand and frowned slightly, "So what do you want me to do now? Kill you with one sword as Wei Changtai's accomplice?" "You... don't want to kill. Did you kill me?" Shangguan Min looked a little confused, and Fang Zilan snorted coldly, "If I want to kill you, I don't have to wait until now."

Seeing this, Shangguan Min tentatively asked: "Then you are not angry, don't you hate me for deceiving you?"

"To be honest, I don't think you're cheating. At most, you're just hiding something." Fang Zilan turned her face away, "Everyone has their own goals. Some people look ambitious when they show it to the outside world, and some people can't announce it to others." Oral, but it does not mean no action. But no matter which one is, it is just a personal choice."

She said in a low voice, "I told you as early as in the northern border, if you want to rectify the name of Shangguan, I will wait and see. If you want to blame me for revenge, I will wait for you Become strong enough to fight me. No matter what you do, I will never stop you."

Shangguan Min turned his head stubbornly, "If you don't kill me, you will die by my hands sooner or later."

Fang Zilan laughed softly, "I've heard this sentence from too many people, and it's not even alarmist to me. I still say that, if you have the ability."

"You..." Shangguan Min's face was full of disbelief, "But this is the end, you have no reason to believe me!"

Fang Zilan smiled even more, and said in a drawling tone: "If you don't think there is one, then let me find one for you?"

Shangguan Min was so choked by her that she couldn't speak, but she heard her asking to herself: "Wei Changtai sent people to question you every day, why didn't you tell the origin of that pattern? You never revealed my truth." identity?"

"Wei Changtai and his ilk, I don't even bother to be with him." Shangguan Min still tilted his head with a cold expression, "Your true identity is my most powerful card, and it must be used at the right time."

"Really?" Fang Zilan was noncommittal, and said quietly: "Do you know who Zixiu is?"

"The number one killer in the world..." Shangguan Min's voice was very soft, Fang Zilan nodded slightly, "A killer who is notorious and has been involved in lawsuits. As long as this identity spreads in the capital, I will have no place to stand. At that time, someone will write a letter to His Majesty, requesting to investigate the lives tied to me, asking to be executed or my best result..."

"No!" Shangguan Min abruptly interrupted Fang Zilan's words, but she ignored them and continued to say in a deep voice, "This kind of opportunity is rare in your life in the northern border."

"I..." Shangguan Min was about to open his mouth to argue, but Fang Zilan took the conversation away, "Even if you disdain to be with Wei Changtai, revealing my true identity is enough to save you peace, not what it is like now, let me decide you life and death. Such a good time, why don't you use it?"

Shangguan Min bit her lips tightly, "I said, even if you die, you will die by my hands."

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