Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1041 Variables

"Your Majesty Jue speaks lightly, don't you know that people's words are scary?" Fang Zitong looked cold, "My father was an official in the previous court, even if he was careful everywhere, he couldn't say that he had nothing to do with the previous court. Under the gold, the Fang family will be charged with unwarranted crimes."

"If the Fang family is really innocent, why are you afraid to investigate?" Pei Juanqing said in a low voice: "In front of the facts, people's words are not to be feared."

"It's not enough to be afraid of a good word." Fang Zitong said coldly, "Since Mr. Ping Guogong has already said this, we might as well open the skylight and speak frankly. The words of Ping Guogong today are so aimed at the Fang family. In addition to testing me, it is to add fuel to the flames during the investigation in the future, am I right?"

"Extremely right." Pei Juanqing raised the corners of her lips, clapped her hands and said, "Second Miss Fang, I really did see the right person. Only you can handle my business."

"Why?" Fang Zitong's expression was a little ferocious, "There are many aristocratic families in the capital, why is Mr. Pei targeting our Fang family alone?"

"Target?" Pei Juanqing repeated the word, and said meaningfully: "Second Miss Fang is right, it is targeted. Your father, who was an old man in the court, became the prime minister of the court just because the seller wanted glory. The origin It's not righteous, and morality is not worthy, so it's natural to attack in groups. Second Miss Fang, I am far more than the only one in the capital who is waiting to see your father's reputation ruined and the Fang family doomed."

Shocked by his words, Fang Zitong took a step back abruptly, but still held his face and said: "Master Sui Guogong said that he was talking about business, but in fact he was coercing and seducing, and he had no sincerity. How can I believe it?"

"The news is my sincerity." Zhuang Rong of Pei Juqing said seriously: "As long as Second Miss Fang marries me as my wife, I guarantee that no one in the capital will confide a word."

Fang Zitong sneered, "Duke Jui dares to ask me for a marriage certificate, so you want to know more than that?"

"It's really more than that." Pei Juanqing nodded slightly, and said generously: "But I'm afraid Second Miss Fang won't want to hear other news."

"I don't want to hear it, or is there no other news from Lord Juan?" Fang Zitong raised her eyebrows, and Pei Juanqing smiled, "Second Miss Fang, don't provoke me, you just listen to me, and you have the right to show me Marry your sincerity."

Fang Zitong lowered her eyes and bit her lips, only to hear Pei Juanqing say: "I heard that when Your Majesty was still King Xiang, the Princess Xiang who originally proposed to marry was someone else, but in the end she married Sister Ling. I don't know if Second Miss Fang knows the reason ?”

Fang Zitong remained silent, and Pei Juanqing continued, "It is said that something happened suddenly, and the original Princess Xiang suffered from the loss of her mother, so my sister had to marry her instead."

He paused as he said, "By the way, the only one who can marry your sister is your father, right? And the person who can marry your sister is your sister Fang Zilan. It's really interesting, why everything is related to your sister?" Related? What makes me even more curious is, why did King Xiangtang marry a concubine like Lingmei? And why did Lingmei's biological mother die so coincidentally..."

"That's enough." Fang Zitong cut off the words behind him suddenly, and his expression became much calmer.

Pei Juanqing knew too much, coupled with his means of power, even if he could not destroy the Fang family, it was enough to make the Fang family never have a bright future.

A strong man cuts off his wrist, but he still has a chance to fight.What's more, it's just a marriage contract, and it's far from exhausted.

However, she had never hated Fang Zilan so much.Because of her, her sister's marriage and her own were ruined.She closed her eyes tightly, and when she opened them again, there was only a look of solemnity in her eyes.

She sat back again, stared at the person in front of her, and said slowly: "I can marry you as my wife, but I want you to agree to my two requirements."

Pei Juanqing met her gaze and said, "Second Miss Fang, but it's okay to say."

Fang Zitong said earnestly: "First, all the news about the Fang family that the Duke of the Kingdom of Juan knows will not be revealed from anyone's mouth from now on. Second, in the future, the Duke of the Kingdom of Juan, the Empress Dowager, and the whole The Pei family must stand on the side of the Fang family. My father will not be harmed in court, my sister will not be harmed in the harem, and the Fang family will not be moved outside. No secret means are allowed."

Pei Juanqing looked at the person in front of her with great interest, and couldn't help but smile, "Second Miss Fang, the first request is my sincerity, and I will definitely agree to you. As for the second request, even if I agree to you now , would you believe it?"

"No." Fang Zitong answered neatly, "So I will marry you as my wife."

Pei Juanqing was stunned for a moment, only to hear her voice be like pearls, clear and moving but full of chills, "After I marry into Pei's family, I will be by the side of Mr. Gong Guogong day and night. If you have the intention of going back on your word, I will kill you." you."

She spoke lightly, Pei Yuqing's smile froze on his face, but only for a moment, and then his smile became wider, "Ms. Fang Er claims to be a weak girl, how can she kill me?"

"Your Majesty, you can give it a try." Fang Zitong's red lips curved slightly, and a smile escaped.She was born beautiful, but now under the light of the faint candlelight, she looks like a manjushahua born on the bank of the underworld, adding a bit of coquettish charm.

For some reason, Pei Juanqing's heart twitched, disrupting the original rhythm of the heartbeat.He picked up the cup of tea calmly, took a sip of tea, and collected himself.

Zhuge Yu couldn't help but whispered: "It's just that before I went to the capital, she said something similar to me. If I go to the capital, we will never see each other again in this life."

"Ayu is going to the capital after all." Fang Zilan answered, with indescribable regret in her tone.

"That's right." Zhuge Yu had a wry smile on his face, "I thought she was just talking in a fit of anger, and I can still go back to see her after I become famous."

"She didn't speak in a moment of anger, but because she couldn't bear it because of her selfishness." Fang Zilan's voice was a little hoarse, with a hint of deep meaning, and said: "She wants you to stay, but she doesn't want to erase your ambition. Disappointed, but there is still a glimmer of hope left. She left the choice in your hands, but she failed in the end."

Zhuge Yu looked at Fang Zilan blankly, and murmured in a low voice: "Sister Lan thinks I have failed her?"

"Yes, and no." Fang Zilan's tone was solemn and dignified, "What Ah Yu failed was the girl's love at a certain moment in the past, and what I did not disappoint was my love for her all the time. I remember when I was under the Gilded City, Ah Yu Yu told me that there are always things that are more important than life in this world. There are many people who can’t help themselves because of what they want, and it’s already great that Ayu can live up to himself.”

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