Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1042 Enthusiasm

As the head of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, Qian Qian knew that this matter was no small matter.In just a few months, there have been several homicide cases in the capital, and the dead were all dignitaries, but Jing Zhaoyin's mansion couldn't find anything, and their Ministry of Punishment was even more silent.

Who would have thought that as long as you stay safe, the murderer will not come to your door.Now, the murderer not only found the Ministry of Punishment, a place of justice, but also killed an official of the Ministry of Punishment in broad daylight. Once this matter spreads...

Qian Qian didn't dare to think about it, he and Zou Hongqi, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, both belonged to the Dugu faction, and were in the same heart as the Queen Mother.It stands to reason that the Dugu family has never been a coward in the west, but the capital is comfortable after all, and there is always a little fear when things come to an end.

What's more, Fang Zilan, Duke of Yue on one side, and Pei Juanqing's younger brother on the other, can't afford to offend either side.The Jingzhaoyin Mansion is also unreliable, after all, it can only be borne by the Ministry of Punishment.

Qian Qian sighed for a long time, he had already felt Fang Zilan's coercion just now, if she couldn't give her a satisfactory statement after three days, she was afraid that the Criminal Department would be demolished by her.

But on the side of Duke Pei Juanqing, if he openly went to Pei Manor to ask Pei Poming for questioning, would he still be able to come out?
Thinking about this, Qian Qian looked at the people in Jingzhao Yin's mansion next to him, and saw the same fear on their faces.He felt more and more headaches, if their Ministry of Punishments were arguing with Jing Zhao Yin's Mansion, let alone three days, even thirty days, they might not be able to come up with an explanation.

However, what Qian Qian didn't know was that Fang Zilan had already done it for them to interrogate Pei Poming when he and the people in Jingzhao Yin's Mansion were hesitating.

Fang Zilan leaped over the courtyard wall of Pei's house lightly and skillfully, without disturbing anyone.She groped for less than a cup of tea, and found Pei Poming's place.

Pei Poming paced back and forth in the room, seeming very restless.Fang Zilan observed for a while, and after confirming that there was no one else in the room, she pushed the door open and entered.

Everyone was terrified, and they all saluted and pleaded guilty, but Wu Sheng stood aside with a gloomy expression.

Fang Zilan raised her eyes and looked over, and said calmly: "Since you adults are all fine, and you have some opinions on the situation of orphans and widows, you might as well talk about it."

Yang Zhiqing said with a sneer: "Lord Fang, there are still many official duties in the government office, so let everyone do it."

Fang Zilan was indifferent, "Master Yang, go and find the others, we will see you in the hall."

After she said that, she turned and left, leaving everyone to look at each other, not knowing what kind of medicine she was selling in the gourd, but they still went to the main hall together.

Seeing that people were almost here, Fang Zilan sat on the main seat and said: "My lords, if you think it is natural for the widows to be rubbed by others, please stand on the left side. If you feel that the widows are treated harshly and are in a difficult situation, please stand on the right side."

As soon as she finished speaking, everyone in the hall stood to the left in unison, only Wu Sheng stood to the right, and Yang Zhiqing stood in the middle, in a dilemma.

"Master Yang, why didn't you choose?" Fang Zilan's expression was indifferent, and Yang Zhiqing's face showed embarrassment, "I..."

After hesitating for a while, he said, "Master Fang, can you allow me to think again?"

Fang Zilan said noncommittally: "Since there are two parties, you can come to argue and see if the other party has any reason and whether it can be convinced."

"Master Fang, are you asking us to reason?" One of them finally reacted. Fang Zilan nodded. He sneered: "The gap in numbers is so big, why is there any need to reason?" "Having more people doesn't mean it's reasonable." Fang Zilan's tone increased a bit, "Or do you dare not argue with Master Wu?"

The aggressive method is always very effective, and the people standing on the left immediately became high-spirited and fought with Wu Sheng.

However, after several rounds, someone on the left hesitated for a moment, looked at Fang Zilan cautiously and said, "Master Fang, can we switch sides?"

Fang Zilan smiled slightly, took a meaningful look at the people behind them who were so angry that they jumped and scolded traitors, and said, "Of course."

So those people breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to stand on the right side, standing side by side with Wu Sheng.

Fang Zilan glanced at the left and right sides playfully, and said with a smile: "This is interesting, now there are the same number of people on the left and right sides."

The people standing on the left looked at it intently, and couldn't help being dumbfounded, their faces full of surprise.

"Master Yang." Fang Zilan said calmly, "It seems that you have to choose a side."

Cold sweat broke out on Yang Zhiqing's forehead, and Fang Zilan calmed down and said: "Time changes, and no one can sit on the fence forever."

Hearing this, everyone in the hall froze, and all their eyes were on Yang Zhiqing. He took the first step with difficulty and walked slowly to the right.

Everyone on the left side beat their chests and stamped their feet. Seeing this, Fang Zilan smiled, coughed softly and said loudly, "Quiet."

Everyone in the hall fell silent, Fang Zilan smiled, and said seriously: "Today's argument, winning or losing is not important, what is important is that I want you to understand three things. First, there are always people who have different views from yours in the world. You can neither kill them all, nor close your eyes. Anyone can be wrong or right. As the pillars of Dajing, the adults present here must distinguish right from wrong."

She paused as she spoke, and continued: "Secondly, no matter whether you are right or wrong, each of you must have a ruler in your heart, and you cannot cross that ruler at will because of what others say or do. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes, it’s better to stop losses than to make mistakes again and again.”

"Thirdly, whether you are an official or a human being, you need to have empathy. You can't empathize with everyone, but you should consider others appropriately, and give convenience to others and give convenience to yourself. Even if this life is not smooth and smooth, you can still feel at ease."

After she finished speaking, she took a sip of tea and said earnestly: "Since you are officials in the government office, you know that the world is much bigger than the people in the capital. We are in charge of the affairs of the southeast. The people take it to heart. If we go higher in the future, we will benefit more people. We must not narrow our minds and vision because of the narrow and dangerous mountain climbing road.”

After hearing these words, everyone in the hall was shocked.Fang Zilan's ambiguous attitude and unpredictable temperament made them full of concerns about this argument.

As we all know, Fang Zilan hates people talking in private, they have broken a taboo today, who knows how she will toss people in different ways, unexpectedly, not only did she not punish them, but she even taught them a lesson.

Fang Zilan scanned everyone in the hall one by one, no matter what she thought, they more or less listened, as long as they could hear a word, it would be worth her effort.

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