Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1043 Silence

Chapter 1043 Silence
A Wan, who was standing by the door, saw this scene in his eyes, his eyes were moist, and then he chased after him without looking back, "Wait a minute!"

Fang Zilan stopped in her tracks, and A Wan ran out of breath, but still asked aggressively: "Did you never believe that I can keep you alive?"

"I..." Fang Zilan opened his mouth, and Awan snorted heavily, "I knew it. If you don't believe me, I'll make a bet with you."

"What bet?" Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, but Awan said resolutely: "Just bet that I can keep at least one person in Taoyuan Village alive."

Fang Zilan was silent for a while before saying: "I believe in you."

A Wan raised her eyebrows in satisfaction, and stretched out her hand, "Here's the prescription, let me have a look."

"What do you think?" Fang Zilan couldn't help asking, and Awan nodded and said, "I think it's worth a try. The gentleman you talked to just now can write such a prescription, he must be a good doctor with excellent medical skills, wait I'll go find him and discuss it."

"Okay, then I'll go grab the medicine first." Fang Zilan took back the prescription and was about to leave, but A Wan gave her another prescription, "There's still this, I'm sorry."

Fang Zilan took it respectfully, took it to grab the medicine, and then listened to Awan and the doctor's instructions, boiled water and boiled the medicine. After four or five days of busy work, she finally managed to stabilize Xia'er's Gu poison.

As for the village chief's family, the youngest son couldn't survive and died in the early morning of the sixth day.

Fang Zilan only heard a cry, and walked over quickly, before knocking on the door to ask, she heard a burst of very light footsteps.She looked back and saw Zheng Yan standing outside the courtyard from a distance.

"Why did you come here?" Fang Zilan ignored the movement in the house, turned around and opened the door for Zheng Yan, "Could it be that the road to Shi County has been cleared?"

Zheng Yan nodded, "Master Zhuge asked me to ask you, do you want to go with him?"

"I'm going, but..." Fang Zilan paused, "Wait for me, I'll take the sword, and I'll go with you."

In the house, Awan was feeding Xia'er medicine, and seeing Fang Zilan come back in a hurry, he asked casually, "But someone died in the village head's family?"

"It should be." Fang Zilan took the plum sword, and Awan's expression turned serious, "Where are you going?"

"Shi County." Fang Zilan pursed her lips, "Awan, you stay here. If I never come back, you can go back to the capital with Zhuge Yu, there is no need to wait."

A Wan didn't speak, and watched Fang Zilan's figure disappear before her eyes, feeling very uneasy.

According to what Lu Tian said, among the ten palaces, King Bian Cheng and King Ping Ping were both in Shi County, and no one knew what was going on inside.In addition, Zhuge Yu is also on this trip, so Fang Zilan must give priority to protecting him in everything, fearing that she will not take care of herself...

Among the wolves were the severed arms, legs and feet, as well as the corpses of wolves that had been killed. There were long bloodstains on the ground, spreading into a scarlet patch, enveloping the wolves.

The leader of the three teenagers surrounded by wolves in the middle was Shangguan Min.

"Boss?" Deputy General Cao's voice was somewhat uncertain. Even if he was the boss with so many wolves, it would be very difficult to get out of the way.

Fang Zilan's expression was solemn, and her voice sank a bit, "I'll save people first, and you two go back to rescue soldiers."

"The piercing cloud arrow has been fired, and the camp will send troops soon. I will be with Mr. Fang." The voice of Deputy General Qin reached Fang Zilan's ears, with indescribable calmness and firmness.

Fang Zilan did not look back, but just said a good word in reply, then dismounted, drew his sword, and rushed towards the wolves that were watching eagerly not far away.When the wolves saw someone breaking in, they gradually began to change their targets and focused on Fang Zilan and the others.

After all, the three of them were all fighters on the battlefield, and they were more than enough to deal with a few wolves.

However, when facing a pack of wolves, no matter how exquisite the swordsmanship was, it still couldn't escape the wild animals' bite. Not long after, Fang Zilan had three claw marks on his arm.

Seeing that she was getting closer to Shangguan Min, Fang Zilan felt a little relieved.

She turned her head to look at Vice General Cao and Qin behind her. They were still fighting to the death with the pack of wolves on the periphery, and they were already some distance away from her.

But looking at the situation, both of them were fine, and she put her heart into her stomach, and killed a wolf who was rushing beside her with a backhand sword.

At the same time, the sound of piercing the sky came from behind, Fang Zilan frowned slightly, she hadn't had time to pull her sword from the wolf, and there were only a few steps beside her were a pack of wolves ready to attack, she couldn't avoid it .

What is Shangguan Min doing at this time?Personal revenge?But at this time, it was really true that there were tigers and wolves in the front and there was a big enemy in the back, so she simply turned her heart and judged the position of the arrow based on the air flow, and turned sideways abruptly.

Since you can't dodge it, it's better to be scratched than hit by an arrow.

Just as Fang Zilan turned sideways, she saw a wolf falling to the ground with a howl and dying, just behind her. It was hit by Shangguanmin's arrow.

She turned sideways to barely avoid the wolf's body, and couldn't help being slightly stunned for a moment, it was her villainous heart.

If it wasn't for Shangguan Min's arrow to help, I'm afraid she would be caught by the wolves behind her, and then all the wolves would attack her, which would be bad.

"Be careful of your side!" Shangguan Min roared, and subconsciously reached out for the quiver, only to find that the quiver was empty, and the arrow just now was actually his last arrow.

Hearing his reminder, Fang Zilan instinctively drew his sword to block and dodge, jumped to a position a few steps in front of him, dealt with the two nearest wolves in front of him for him, and stood beside him.

"It's not the way to go on like this. Do you have fire on your body?" Fang Zilan stood with a sword in his hand, his fierce appearance made the two teenagers behind Shangguan Min afraid to speak for a while.

After a while, one of the teenagers was injured in his leg, and the boy who fell to the ground whispered, "I...I have..."

"Give it to me." Shangguanmin stretched out his hand to take the fire folder that the young man handed over with trembling hands, and passed it to Fang Zilan.

She took off the cloak behind her, lit one end of the cloak with a torch, and then quickly put the cloak on the ground to surround them, forming a small circle of fire.

The pack of wolves didn't dare to approach at once, and the fire spread quickly and burned the corpse of the dead wolf next to it. Some wolves wanted to go forward to pull out the corpse of their companions, but they backed away for a while after being burned by the fire, and turned to stare at Cao who was in front of him. Lieutenant General and Lieutenant General.

Seeing this, Fang Zilan hurriedly yelled at the two of them, signaling them to come over quickly.

Deputy General Cao and Lieutenant General Li leaned towards the fire circle while killing the wolf. Fang Zilan kicked a gap in the fire circle, let the two come in, and quickly pulled off Vice General Cao's cloak to fill the gap.

As the fire got bigger and bigger, the pack of wolves didn't dare to go forward, they could only watch them helplessly, howling continuously.

(End of this chapter)

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