According to rumors in the rivers and lakes, when Zixiu destroyed the Tibetan sword villa, a servant of the Zhen family escaped by chance. Although his face was burnt, the heart of revenge was still there. Buying and selling news from all over the world is to get revenge one day.

Therefore, the people in Qianjinfang all call themselves the Zhen family, and the most valuable thing in the workshop is Zixiu's news, and all transactions are a thousand taels of gold.

However, Zixiu's whereabouts are secretive. Since Qianjinfang was founded, only one person has bought Zixiu's whereabouts for a day with a thousand gold, and no one has bought or sold it since then.

Fang Zilan turned a blind eye to all kinds of eyes around her, she put the teacup on the case without haste, and said, "Thank you for your love, shopkeeper, but I can afford it for a mere hundred taels of gold."

"What the girl said is that this building is ignorant." The shopkeeper still had a smile on his face, "Since that's the case, I will do my best if you have any orders from the girl."

"No orders, but your tea is good, let's have another pot." Fang Zilan said and looked around, "Also, I don't like being disturbed."

"Yes." The shopkeeper greeted everyone to sit down again, and at the same time winked at the waiter, ordering him to serve tea.

Fang Zilan lowered her eyes and said: "If someone follows me sincerely, but I can't even save their wealth and life, is it not a disappointment? I can be the sharpest sword in the world to shock the world, and I can also be a target in the eyes of the aristocratic family. , but no matter which one it is, it is dangerous, and there is no need for others to share the burden with me."

Li Shengxuan collected his expression, and said solemnly: "What if I say, I would like you to share the responsibility and keep your life safe?"

"I believe in your words, and I also believe in your intentions." Fang Zilan said quietly: "But the world is impermanent, and maybe one day I will become a pawn that you have to give up. If there is such a day, I can still protect myself , you don't have to make things difficult for me."

Li Shengxuan's expression was gloomy, "Fang Zilan, why do you have to think of the future so dangerously?"

Fang Zilan suddenly smiled. At that time, Li Qiyou outside Yanzhou City also asked her similar questions, and her answer never changed.

She heard her own voice very clearly, "This way I won't be too disappointed."

Li Shengxuan looked at the person in front of him, only to see her bright eyes and a slight smile: "However, although I don't ask you to share the burden with me, I still have something to ask for."

Li Shengxuan was a little surprised, it seemed to be the first time he could hear Fang Zilan's straightforward request.In an instant, many thoughts flashed through his mind, and in the end he just said, "But it doesn't matter."

Fang Zilan took the jug on the table and poured down a jug of wine.It seemed that only in this way would she be able to say what she was going to say next.

Li Shengxuan didn't have time to stop her, he watched her cheeks blushing, and his voice became a little more drunk, "Since you want to do it, then you should be the most unparalleled emperor in all ages, and protect the people to create a peaceful and prosperous world. In this way, I ..."

She didn't continue, but her eyes were red.I secretly thought in my heart, I will not be in vain to come to this world for a while, even if I smash my body to pieces and turn into dust, I will have no regrets.

Li Shengxuan stared blankly at the person in front of him. The countless possibilities he had thought about disappeared in an instant, but the emotions in his chest were so high that they were about to overflow.At this moment, he finally made up his mind.

If we talk about the glimpse of her when he was young, she was like a lamp, and became his warm comfort when he was panicked.So now, she is the only one who can stand side by side with him in the prosperous world.

Also, the person who really fascinated him.

"I promise you." He changed his name, and the solemn sentence was a promise he made as the emperor of Dajing.

Hearing this, Fang Zilan's tightly clenched hands suddenly loosened, and with a bang, the sound of the wine jug falling woke her up a bit, so she let out a long sigh of relief, and slightly raised the corners of her lips.

However, before she had any further reaction, Li Shengxuan said: "But, I will not use you as a step to pave the way for the peaceful and prosperous age you talk about." Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, and then said: "If we want to create a peaceful and prosperous age, Not only does the emperor have to eat and drink at night, but his ministers must also do their best. If one day, I need to be my subordinate, I will be willing to..."

"I don't want to." Li Shengxuan interrupted her, with an indisputable tone in his tone, "Everyone in the world can be ranked, but you can't."

"What do you mean?" Fang Zilan was confused, frowned involuntarily, and said shamelessly: "I don't care, anyway, I can make steps if I want to, don't try to stop me."

She was drunk and extremely stubborn.

Seeing this, Li Shengxuan couldn't laugh or cry and said, "Okay, you can do whatever you want. I won't stop you, I can always help you, right?"

Fang Zilan nodded obediently, "Yes. But I don't need your help now, and I won't be polite when I need you in the future."

"Really?" Li Shengxuan looked serious, Fang Zilan nodded vigorously and said, "Really, if I lie to you, I will be a puppy!"

After finishing speaking, she stretched out her hand, leaned in front of Li Shengxuan, and said with a serious look: "Pull the hook!"

Although Li Shengxuan was puzzled, he still put his hand up.As soon as he put his hand over, she hooked his little finger.

The little fingers of the two are intertwined, and the thumbs are tightly pressed into seals.

Strange emotions spread in Li Shengxuan's heart, he couldn't help but lightly exerted force, brought Fang Zilan's hand into his own, and clasped his fingers tightly.

Fang Zilan squinted her eyes slightly, looked down, but felt dazzled, and all she saw were double images, as if there were countless hands.

She suddenly became irritable, and subconsciously pulled the hands of the two together, and pulled them in front of her to get a better look. Who would have thought that she had no control in her confusion, and she actually touched her face with her hands.

This doesn't seem to be my hand?She only felt that her mind was muddled, and she took a hard bite when her mind moved.

Well, it doesn't hurt, it's definitely not my hand.

Li Shengxuan took a deep breath, "Fang Zilan, why are you biting me?"

His helpless voice reached Fang Zilan's ears, making her feel more confused, and whispered: "I didn't mean to..."

Li Shengxuan looked at the innocent and pitiful Fang Zilan, and suddenly lost all temper, "That's all."

As he spoke, he was about to withdraw his hand, but Fang Zilan grabbed his hand and hugged him, "Don't go, don't leave me alone."

Her breath brushed against his ears, and he turned away to calm down. Finally, he raised his hand to hug her back, but he heard her murmur: "Mo Han, you are the only one I have."

Li Shengxuan gritted his teeth and gradually tightened his hold on her.She moved restlessly, but he remained unmoved.So she struggled hard for a while and finally broke away from his arms.

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