"So, thank you Miss Zixiu." Xia Houzhang maintained a saluting posture, and Fang Zilan held his arm, "Since I have agreed to enter the game, I will not go back on it easily. Before the bandits have their eyes on you and A Wan, you Quickly go down the mountain to find Mingxiang."

Before she finished speaking, she heard A Wan say firmly: "I won't go."

"Be obedient." Fang Zilan reached out and rubbed the top of A Wan's hair, "Bandits and bandits should not be underestimated, Fang Lihui may not be able to protect you."

"Is it okay to follow Miss Mingxiang?" Awan curled her lips, Fang Zilan lowered her eyes and said: "Not to mention, at least Mingxiang can ensure that you are safe and sound, so I can rest assured."

"But..." Awan wanted to say something more, but Fang Zilan stopped her, "Awan, don't distract me."

A simple sentence was enough to silence A Wan. She has been in the ghost gate for many years, and knows that people like Fang Zilan who live on the edge of a sword are most afraid of being distracted.

Once there is distraction, death is not far away.

"Okay, I'll go." A Wan didn't hesitate. Fang Zilan nodded slightly, looked at Xia Houzhang and said, "I'll leave A Wan to you. If she loses a hair, I won't let you go."

Xia Houzhang solemnly agreed, "I will live up to my trust."

"Go." Not long after Fang Zilan watched Xia Houzhang leave with A Wan, Fang Lihui knocked on the door and walked in, "You don't have to worry. Man, I will help you down the mountain. It's not a problem to get back to Zuiyue Tower safely."

"I'm not worried about them." Fang Zilan's expression was gloomy, "I'm worried about him."

Fang Lihui knew in his heart that the person Fang Zilan was talking about was undoubtedly Li Shengxuan.So he couldn't help asking: "I heard that he disappeared, how could..."

"As I said, he's on the move. I'm not the only one who wants to find out the truth." Fang Zilan interrupted Fang Lihui. He was stunned for a while before he realized, and murmured: "He's not afraid of losing his life." ?”

"There is nothing in the middle palace, and those two empresses made a lot of fuss about it. However, the empress empress is smart, quick-witted, and quite cunning, and it's not something the two empresses can control at will." After Xiao Xuan'er finished speaking, she looked at Fang Zilan. With a gloomy expression, he coughed lightly and changed his voice, "Master Fang, have you read the list of Di Rong's mission?"

"I've seen it, it's exactly what you said." Fang Zilan said quietly: "Mi Agu is also among them."

"Miagu was the general who led the army of Di Rong, known as Di Rong's number one warrior, this time he entered the capital with the mission, because of the confrontation between Di Rong and Persia, he could only rely on Dugu's family to take care of him." Xiao Xuan'er Pursing her lips, "I'm worried..."

She didn't go on, Fang Zilan turned her face back, "It's useless to worry, since Mi Agu has entered the capital, if he either pleads guilty or intimidates. But in the big capital, it is not his turn to go wild. The Dugu family in the west has been guarding for many years. Let's face it, Persia and Di Rong dare not act rashly."

Xiao Xuan'er looked hesitant, Fang Zilan asked, "Is there anything else?"

"Mr. Zuo, the domestic servant of the Yun Family in Xiwu City, has also entered the capital." As soon as Xiao Xuan'er finished speaking, Fang Zilan was stunned, "What did you say?"

"The sisters of Qianjinfang accidentally discovered that Mr. Zuo had entered the boundary of Dajing, and chased him all the way to the capital, but he disappeared." Xiao Xuan'er looked worried, "Both missions are already in Beijing. Mr. Zuo is entering Beijing at this time. It was a conspiracy."

"Has the Zhongzheng Crown Prince's Mansion checked?" Fang Zilan looked solemn. Xiao Xuan'er nodded and said, "It has been checked. Mr. Zuo is not hiding there. Everything else is as usual." "Send someone to continue to search for the whereabouts of Mr. Zuo. Fang Zilan lowered her voice and said: "There is also Murong Qing, we must keep a close eye on him. Mr. Zuo cannot fail to do anything when he enters the capital."

Xiao Xuaner took the order to leave, Fang Zilan was restless, and had been paying close attention to the Di Rong mission since it arrived in Beijing, but the attitude of the Di Rong mission was unexpectedly good, and it was straightforward to plead guilty and punish, but it seemed that the Persian mission was aggressive .

The Persian envoys deliberately provoked several times, and the Di Rong mission was neither humble nor overbearing. In the end, the Persian envoys were somewhat unable to step down, so they simply stopped causing trouble and accepted the apology from Di Rong's department.

Seeing that the two parties reached a friendly agreement under the promotion of Dajing, Fang Zilan's heart also settled down a little.Unexpectedly, when the mission was about to leave Beijing, it involved her who had nothing to do with it.

"Boss, the slippery envoy of Di Rong's department said that this time Miagu came with the group, one is to express his sincerity, and the other is to admire your demeanor for a long time, boss, and wants to compete with you." Cao Hong repeated what the internal officials said, and Fang Zilan put down the medicine bowl in his hand, "What did your majesty say?"

"Your Majesty said that this matter is entirely voluntary, and will never force the boss, let the boss do what you can." Cao Hong hesitated: "Boss, how do you reply to the lord who came from the palace?"

Fang Zilan half leaned on the main seat, silent.She suffered from some wind and cold for the past two days, and she asked for leave yesterday. It just so happened that the Di Rong Mission mentioned the matter of discussing with His Majesty, which seemed to be taking advantage of the danger.It was so determined to win, as if it was predicted that she would fail due to illness.

Although it's just a discussion, it's not a big deal, but now Miagu represents Di Rong's department, and the Persian mission is also watching from the sidelines. If she can't shrink back, will they make them laugh at the lack of people in Dajing?

What's more, Dajing urgently needs to recuperate in the past few years, and it is not suitable for the South to North War to hurt the muscles and bones. It is better to take this opportunity to shock the neighbors, and it will save a lot of trouble.

Thinking of this, before she opened her mouth, she heard A Wan helplessly say: "How can I go back? Of course it is a challenge. You see our Master Fang, how can you sit still?"

Cao Hong rubbed the back of his head, "But Boss, your body..."

"It's okay." Fang Zilan interrupted him softly, "Go and reply to the lord who came from the palace, and just say Miago's challenge, I will accept it. On the day of the farewell banquet, I will definitely attend."

"Okay." Cao Hong responded, turned around and left.

A Wan looked at his back as he went away, and seemed a little worried, "Fang Zilan, you must win this battle, if you lose..."

"No." Fang Zilan said categorically: "My title of number one in the world is not for nothing."

"I heard that Miagu is very powerful." A Wan said and shook his head, "But the Dirong people are just brute force. As long as you don't confront him head-on, you will be fine."

Fang Zilan smiled and looked at Awan as if he was talking to himself: "But after all, we are in front of the emperor. You can't use any tricks. You can only compete openly and honestly. You..."

"Then win openly." Fang Zilan intercepted Awan's words, and the smile on his face became brighter, "Little Awan, don't worry, the person in the world who can beat me is not born yet."

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