Chapter 1050
"I met King Chu Jiang on the street today, and he said..." A Wan hesitated for a moment, and said, "My lord wants to see you."

Fang Zilan's expression became colder, "When?"

"Tomorrow." Awan looked worried, and Fang Zilan asked, "When did you meet King Chujiang?"

A Wan thought for a while, and after reporting an hour, Fang Zilan's expression turned serious, "It really is him."

"What?" Awan was stunned for a moment, and then realized, "You mean, King Chujiang killed Master Wu?"

Fang Zilan nodded slightly, "It's very possible. People from the ghost gate seldom do anything in the daytime. Even if there are missions, the fewer people there are, the better."

"The young master sees you..." A Wan didn't continue, Fang Zilan's face sank like water, "The soldiers came to cover the water and earth, so he wouldn't kill me too."

When the two of them entered the yard, they saw Fang Zilan directing the boys to bring in tables and chairs.There were chairs in the middle of the table, and the two of them were stunned.

"This..." The person who delivered the food frowned involuntarily. He was originally a well-known storyteller in the capital. For some reason yesterday, a military master came to his home and said that he was invited to Fangfu to tell a story.The reward was extremely high, but the conditions were a bit strange, and he had to dress up as a food delivery person to enter the mansion.

Although the adults in Gaomen Shenyuan have some strange hobbies, but it is the first time he has heard of the storytelling of people who deliver food.Seeing this battle now, he hesitated even more.

However, Fang Zilan didn't give him any time to hesitate. She pointed to the table and said, "That's your seat. When everyone is almost there, you can talk. I agreed in advance that it's not a storyteller, but a storyteller." You can prepare for the new things that happened in Beijing recently."

Before she finished speaking, the butler pushed the man to stand behind the table, "Please wait a moment."

"No, I..." The man originally wanted to say that he could only talk about books, but no one gave him a chance. The courtyard was full of people chattering away in no time, and the pair of shining eyes made him feel guilty. I had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "If there is anything new in Beijing recently, it must be Master Fang Zilan..."

Fang Zilan choked on the tea again when she heard this, she coughed a few times to attract the man's attention, he slowed down his tone and lowered his voice a little bit, he couldn't help muttering, looking at the lady's reaction, could it be that heard?Impossible, he only heard about this from the restaurant yesterday, how could such a pampered young lady have heard of it?

Cong Rong patted Fang Zilan's back and asked in a low voice, "Do you want to interrupt him?"

"No need." Fang Zilan complied and said in a low voice, "Let him talk and listen to what people outside have to say about me."

The man saw the two of them whispering, but he didn't hear the meaning of not letting him talk at all. He immediately calmed down and told what he had seen and heard recently. What a plague, it was said so miraculously that everyone was amazed.

Towards the end of the story, a boy asked: "I heard that Mo Bin and his son, the guard of Mushan Pass, will be escorted back to Beijing in the next two days. According to what the gentleman said, Mo Bin and his son were at Pinghai. He also worked hard, why was he escorted back to Beijing?" "You don't know something about this." The man deliberately let it slip and said mysteriously: "I heard that Master Fang Zilan has taken a liking to Yao from the Mo family. My son, Mo Han, accidentally got his name in a book about the Mo family, and that’s how the Mo family came to be. What a disaster."

As soon as he finished speaking, the people sitting around suddenly fell silent, and all their eyes were on Fang Zilan. She took a sip of tea calmly, then looked at the man and said, "Mister, do you know who I am?"

The man looked blank, shook his head and said: "I have never heard of Miss's name before."

Fang Zilan smiled and reminded him, "This is Fangfu."

"I know." The man nodded, and only then did he realize that something was wrong. There are many dignitaries with the surname Fang in the capital, so he didn't investigate which Fang's mansion it was. In charge, could it be...

When he was panicked, Fang Zilan's voice came faintly, "I am the Fang Zilan in the story my husband told."

After she finished speaking, she saw the man kneeling in front of her tremblingly, "I don't know that you are Mrs. Fang, I just said something offensive, please forgive me."

"Sir, please get up." Fang Zilan raised her hand to signal him to get up, and he stood up tremblingly, bowing his body and dare not stand up straight.

"Sir, you told a good story." Fang Zilan calmed down and said, "But I have a question, and I ask you to clarify it, sir."

"Master Fang, please tell me." The man lowered his head, listening to her ask: "Mr. Cai just mentioned that the daughter of King Rong'an, Princess Rong'an, was helping to make medicine when he said that the doctor's daughter of Xiahou's family had rejuvenated and cured the plague. what happened?"

"This..." The man looked hesitant and did not dare to speak, Fang Zilan said without anger: "Sir, just tell the truth, I will not make things difficult for you."

"I also heard about this by accident." The man breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I heard that Princess Rong'an sneaked into the epidemic area in disguise and helped a doctor Yun who opened a medical clinic. According to the doctor girl, the medicine to cure the plague was developed, and the urgent need was solved. After that, the doctor girl of Xiahou’s family died of the plague, and there were rumors that the plague would not get better so quickly without the help of Princess Rong An, so now Rong In the southeast region, Princess An seems to have become a living Bodhisattva in the hearts of the people."

While talking, he secretly observed Fang Zilan's expression. Seeing her expression becoming more serious, he couldn't help but weaken his tone at the end, and asked tentatively, "Master Fang, is this true?"

After hearing this, Fang Zilan already had some calculations in her heart, it was someone with ulterior motives who wanted to obliterate Yun Qinghan, and wanted to put all her achievements on Princess Rong'an.This person must know the inside story and have great influence, so that he can not only deceive the people, but also spread such rumors from the southeast to the capital.

The most important thing is that this person is very clear that she has covered up the truth, and she is unwilling to claim credit... Thinking about it this way, the answer is obvious. The mastermind behind this matter is King Rong An.He didn't get much benefit from the chaos in the southeast, so he retreated behind the scenes and pushed his daughter out to steal a good reputation. His plan was well planned, but he was so sure that she would never expose his lies Woolen cloth?
"Lord Fang..." Seeing that she didn't respond, the man couldn't help calling her, she recovered and said coldly: "I don't know if Princess Rong An is a living Bodhisattva, but I know the medicine to cure the plague." It was not developed by Princess Rong An."

(End of this chapter)

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