"I'm not a defensive person." Fang Zilan's face was chilled, "Offense is the best defense, and this is me."

When these words came out of her mouth, she naturally became a little more convincing. Zhuge Yu remained silent for a while before saying, "The capital is not afraid of war. But long-term peace and stability does not depend on war."

"I understand." Fang Zilan nodded slightly, "However, after the battle between Dajing and Miluo, Mu Churui was unable to send troops for a short time."

Zhuge Yu knew in his heart that that battle had passed for more than two years, whether it was long or short, even if it wasn't enough for Mu Churui to regroup, it was enough for him to hide his strength and bide his time.

Today's Mu Churui has long since lost his eagerness for quick success and instant benefits when he first ascended the throne just to gain fame and power. Instead, he has grown into a real emperor with a deep city.

However... the fact that Princess Zhongzheng and Murong Qing's mother and son had kidnapped Murong Xun and ordered him to send troops, whether it was the Queen Mother Lin's intention or Mu Churui's original intention, is unknown.

"Ayu." Fang Zilan called out in a low voice, and Zhuge Yu looked at her, "What's wrong?"

"If it's Miluo..." Fang Zilan paused, "Jiangnan, I'll go alone."

"Impossible." Zhuge Yu blurted out without thinking, "The corruption case is complicated, and there are countless forces involved. You alone..."

"Ayu, are you worried about me?" Fang Zilan raised her lips with a half-smile, Zhuge Yu was at a loss for words, "I..."

"I'm the one who deserves to die, and sooner or later I'll have to pay for my life." Fang Zilan's eyes dimmed a little, "If I can do something in the rest of my life, I won't waste my life..."

"Fang Zilan!" Zhuge Yu couldn't help interrupting Fang Zilan's words, "Even if Mo Han dies and you are deeply hit, you can't..."

"Can't what?" Fang Zilan cut off Zhuge Yu's words, and the smile on his face faded a little, "Ah Yu, I'm tired."

Zhuge Yu pursed his lips, finally told him a few words to rest well, then turned and left.

Fang Zilan lay back on the bed again, her leg hurt faintly while moving, which made her frown.After a hundred days of injury, her leg injury did not heal so quickly.

It's not impossible to move forward with injuries, it's just somewhat inconvenient.Since the person behind it is so bold that he dared to kill people publicly in the New Year's Club, he must not be underestimated. She dragged her injured leg to fight against him, and her chances of winning were not high.

"Unannounced visit to Jiangnan, will you go?" Fang Ziqin's voice sounded from behind Fang Zilan, she sat up straight again, raised her eyes and looked over, "You know everything?"

"News came from the Jiangnan family, saying that a secret envoy will go to Jiangnan for an unannounced visit in the next year." Fang Ziqin rolled up his sleeves, "For me, it's not difficult to guess."

"I forgot, the family of the Fang clan is in the south of the Yangtze River." Fang Zilan's eyes darkened, "Do you want me to go?"

"Whether I hope it or not, I can't stop you." Fang Ziqin smiled self-deprecatingly, and Fang Zilan turned away, "Sorry." "It doesn't matter." Fang Ziqin shook his head, "As long as you remember, Fang Zilan will Family is always there, and if you ask, you will give it your all.”

"Okay, I remember." Fang Zilan nodded, Fang Ziqin didn't say anything more, and was about to leave when she heard her voice again, "Sister, I always wanted to have a place of my own. Then I can live for myself, but now I feel that it is just an extravagant wish."

Fang Ziqin looked at the person in front of him fixedly, and said after a long time: "At least you have fought for it and lived for yourself, which is already very good. In this world, most people cannot help themselves. A daughter of an aristocratic family must bear the glory of the family. , but so what? If you don’t want it, no one can force it.”

"The world changes like flowing water." Fang Zilan said softly: "How can we not force it?"

"Master Fang, there is no need to say anything. I never want to talk about other people's affairs." Zhuge Yu stood up and said, "Master Fang, please rest assured that I will not ruin your deal."

He bit the accent on the word "transaction". If it was just speculation before, then Mo Han's words are proof.Fang Zilan used the redemption as a bargaining chip, and asked the people in the house to accompany her in a romantic scene.

Not only that, but by taking these people in, she held the facts in her own hands.The truth can only come out of her mouth.

"I believe in A Yu." Fang Zilan drank the medicine, and then entered the palace with Zhuge Yu.

The Empress Dowager in the Yuzhang Palace heard that Fang Zilan had entered the palace to face the saint, so she couldn't hold back any longer and hurriedly placed her in the imperial study.When the Queen Mother heard the news, she immediately summoned Li Qiyou and rushed over together.

In the imperial study room, people arrived very neatly, and suddenly it seemed a bit crowded.

After saluting and paying respects, before the empress dowager and the empress dowagers made trouble, Fang Zilan pleaded guilty first, but what she said was not sincere. In conclusion, it was just that my nature was bohemian. Having met Li Qiyou and Zhuge Yu, I feel a little bit sorry.

Fang Zilan's words didn't mention the marriage grant, the empress dowager was so angry that her teeth were itching, she was so confident, it was because the order of the marriage grant had not yet been issued, and there was still room for redress.

That's it?She didn't believe it. Even if Li Shengxuan was willing to save face for Fang Zilan and suppress her wishes, could he still allow Fang Zilan to corrupt the morals and disrupt the court's ethics?
However, Li Shengxuan was unexpectedly calm, "Qiyou is a good boy, Duke Yue is also a minister of Humerus, but the two really have no fate. If that is the case, there is no need to force it."

Li Qiyou remained silent, but the Queen Mother was furious, "Your Majesty's words are wrong. The Duke of Yue wandered around Hualou, and his behavior was wrong. Could it be overshadowed by this?"

"May I ask the Empress Dowager, have I violated the laws of Dajing?" Fang Zilan's tone was innocent. The Empress Dowager was stunned for a moment, and she said to herself: "I haven't violated the laws of Dajing, so how can I be considered a wrongdoer?"

"You..." The queen mother looked at Fang Zilan incredulously, she never expected that she could say such shameless words so naturally.Is the tacit moral restraint of the world actually regarded as nothing in her eyes?
"Of course, I know what the empress cares about. So I entered the palace this time to give everyone an explanation." Fang Zilan smiled slightly, knowing it in her heart.The Duke of Yue who cannot become Princess Yucheng, even if he is ruined, cannot become someone else's wife.

So she breathed a sigh of relief, knelt on one knee and said: "Your Majesty, my minister Fang Zilan swears here that she will not marry or have any children in this life. If you violate this oath, you will be dealt with by Your Majesty."

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