Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1052 Reunion

Chapter 1052 Reunion

Early the next morning, the heavy sound of armor woke up the sleeping people, and people were jumping up and down the Zuiyue Tower.Fang Zilan casually put on a fox cloak and walked out, leaning against the railing, looking coldly at the soldiers below who were surrounding the guys - they were from the Jiangnan Camp.

Upstairs there were quite a few people leaning on all sides, most of them were at a loss to watch the excitement, until the hard-wearing commander downstairs yelled "Search", then they had a clue and began to discuss in a low voice.

Fang Zilan yawned and listened to all the ears. Some people guessed that the dignitaries in the Zuiyue Building lost some rare objects, and some guessed which family's daughter was lost. In short, no one guessed that it was today's son who was lost.

It seems that the news was sealed well, but not even the slightest bit of wind leaked out.However, in this way, perhaps Li Shengxuan's guess may not be tenable. If there was a secret operation in the Jiangnan camp, the news would have spread a lot.

Or is it that the rank of a secret agent is not high enough to know the news of the disappearance of today's emperor?

No, if it is possible to collude with bandits and bandits, betray the military situation, and cause the capital to retreat steadily, the rank will definitely not be low...

"Why can't you go up?" Awan's voice suddenly sounded, Fang Zilan looked over and saw that she and Mingxiang were stopped by soldiers guarding the stairs.

"We are searching under the order of the army, and the idlers are waiting to retreat." The soldiers' voices were like a bell, shaking the surroundings into silence and silence.

However, Awan has been in the army with Fang Zilan since the northern border, without any fear, "Master, you have your military orders, and I also have my master. Please make it easy for me. I just need to take a look to confirm my master's order." ..."

"The military order is like a mountain, how can you allow you to mess around?" The soldier glared, and Fang Zilan came quickly when he saw this, "Awan, Mingxiang, I'm fine."

Hearing the sound, the soldier looked back at Fang Zilan, and said routinely: "Are you the master? Have you ever registered at Zuiyue Tower? How many servants are there?"

Fang Zilan nodded slightly and said, "That's right, I am the master, registered in Zuiyuelou, and there are four servants in total."

"Four?" The soldier frowned, "Where are the other two?"

"Well..." Fang Zilan looked around, and then asked A Wan and Ming Xiang, "Where did Ah Da Er Er go? Why didn't you come with you?"

Ah Da and Ah Er are referring to Li Shengxuan and Xia Houzhang. When they changed their names and surnames while hiding their identities, they were not satisfied with the choices they made. Fang Zilan thought they were too picky, so she deliberately chose the two most ordinary names and wrote directly On a corresponding document.

The matter has come to this point, there is no room for repentance, Li Shengxuan and Xia Houzhang can only accept it, but this name and their easy-going looks have indeed become the best umbrella, no one pays attention to it along the way, let alone suspects it.

However, if he is placed under the eyes of the soldiers of the Jiangnan camp, he may not be able to get away with it.

Awan and Mingxiang also knew this, so they faltered and answered irrelevant questions. Fang Zilan frowned and pretended to be surprised: "What are you talking about, Ah Da Er Er is not in the building, could it be that he went to buy sesame seed cakes?"

"It's not biscuits, it's flower cakes." A Wan cooperatively put on a troubled look, "They talked too fast, I didn't hear clearly, what kind of flower cakes..."

"Why don't you buy flower cakes in Zuiyue Building, you have to go out to buy them?" Fang Zilan deliberately raised her voice, Ah Shi downstairs understood, and waited at the door for Li Shengxuan and Xia Houzhang who hurried back upstairs, and gave them a copy flower cake.

Li Shengxuan didn't know why at first, but he still let Xia Houzhang take over the steaming flower cake. It wasn't until the two of them came to the stalemate in front of Fang Zilan and the soldiers that he completely understood, "Master..." Fang Zilan said coldly: " Do you still know how to come back?"

Fang Zilan protected Zhou Lang. She was sweating profusely, her face was covered with blood, and she was half kneeling on the ground. Her elbows softened and she almost couldn't hold the sword, but she still struggled to hold the sword in front of her with the last bit of strength. .

"Sister, if you surrender now, I will spare your life." Mu Chuji's joking voice came from afar, as cynical as ever.

"No need." Fang Zilan gritted her teeth, and suddenly separated the sword in front of her, but she fell to the ground involuntarily.Zhou Lang dragged her to avoid a knife, but more swords hit the head and face, and came straight at the two of them.

Fang Zilan looked up, the dazzling silver light became more and more glaring under the sun, she narrowed her eyes slightly, wondering if this is really the end of her life?
The next moment, a strong wind overturned the knife closest to her, and she took a closer look, only to find that the knife-wielder was pierced by a feathered arrow and nailed to the ground.

The other Miluo soldiers who besieged Fang Zilan couldn't help being stunned when they saw this, but in the blink of an eye, several people were beheaded to the ground, and the rest dispersed quickly.

Fang Zilan took the opportunity to straighten up, swiped the plum sword in his hand, and stabbed to death the Miluo soldier closest to Zhou Lang.

Seeing that Zhou Lang was still alive, Fang Zilan breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and saw a man riding a tall horse, waving a scimitar in his hand, not idle, and said casually: "Master Fang, it's rare to see you So embarrassing." There was no hint of teasing or ridicule in his tone, but a hint of concern.

It was Wei Subaru!Fang Zilan breathed a sigh of relief as if she was relieved, and was saved.

"Master Wei, thank you." Fang Zilan pointed his sword at the ground, and stood up with Zhou Lang supporting each other.

Wei Subaru stood in front of them, chuckled and said, "If Mr. Fang wants to thank you, you might as well tell His Majesty yourself."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, and then saw the soldiers not far away holding up the dragon flag, and behind him, among the thousands of troops, the leader of the man was dressed in black gold armor, cold and dazzling, just like the first time he saw it.

For the rest of her life after the catastrophe, Fang Zilan only felt that everything in front of her was like an unreal illusion.She never thought that Li Shengxuan would personally conquer.

"Master Fang, why are you in a daze?" Wei Subaru casually helped Fang Zilan deal with a Miluo soldier in front of her, and asked, "Do you still have the strength?"

Fang Zilan didn't dare to take it too seriously, and immediately touched the powder in her sleeve calmly. Fortunately, there was still some left, and she should be able to last for a while, so she said to Wei Subaru: "Self-protection is okay, Master Wei, don't worry."

Wei Subaru nodded slightly as a signal, and then steered his horse to the other side, heading straight in Mu Chuji's direction.

Seeing that Murong Xun sent an order to withdraw the troops, Mu Chuji felt unwilling, but he did not dare to disobey the military order, so he retreated quickly under the protection of everyone.

Fang Zilan withdrew the sword, suddenly a heart-pounding pain surged up, her consciousness was fuzzy and she screamed secretly, it was the outbreak of Gu poison.

"Lord Fang!" Zhou Lang supported her body, but saw her vomit a mouthful of blood and passed out.

(End of this chapter)

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