Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1053 Disrespectful

"It's not the first time for Awan to celebrate the New Year in the capital, and you still look forward to it?" Fang Zilan couldn't help but tease, and Awan was not annoyed, "The capital is much more lively than Yanzhou City, so of course I look forward to it. It means that the new year is coming, and all the bad things will pass."

Fang Zilan smiled noncommittally, but Awan pulled her sleeves as if she suddenly remembered something, "But it's already November, why isn't it snowing in the capital? At this time last year, it was already snowing in the north I don’t know how many times it has snowed heavily, but it’s much more fun and beautiful to be wrapped in silver than in the capital.”

"You, you know how to play." Fang Zilan reached out and gently scratched the tip of A Wan's nose, and said with a smile on her face, "It's fine if it doesn't snow. The road is slippery in snowy days, and it's not convenient for us to move to the house."

"That's right." A Wan nodded, "But we don't have anything to bring when we move to the house, the main thing is that people move over."

"Who says it's not." Fang Zilan nodded thoughtfully, "The person sent by His Majesty to help will arrive later, Awan, go and check again."

A Wan nodded in response, and reminded her to eat breakfast and drink medicine before leaving.

She lowered her head and glanced at the black concoction, although she was reluctant in her heart, she still drank it obediently after breakfast, after all, her health was important.

She frowned at the bitterness after drinking the medicine, and was thinking about discussing with A Wan to make the medicine sweeter next time, when she heard A Wan's voice from outside the door, "Young Master Zhuge, why are you here?"

Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, thinking that Li Shengxuan actually sent Zhuge Yu over.She hurriedly got up and opened the door, only to see Awan and Zhuge Yu standing in the courtyard.

The two were waiting to exchange greetings, when they heard the creaking sound of the door opening, they both looked over at the same time.

Zhuge Yu smiled lightly and said, "I haven't seen you for a few days, is Sister Lan still okay?"

"I'm fine." Fang Zilan nodded slightly, and walked in front of the two, "Your Majesty sent Ayu here?"

"Your Majesty originally wanted me to come, but King Yucheng took the initiative to invite Ying, so he sent the two of us here together." Zhuge Yu replied, and Fang Zilan smiled: "It's true that I can ask you two to help me move the house. What a big face."

A Wan looked around suspiciously, "Where is your lord, why haven't you seen him?"

"The prince went ahead and went to the new house to wait." Zhuge Yu took the initiative to answer the question and asked: "Sister Lan, have you packed everything?"

"Shangguanmian is dead." Vice General Cao's words made Fang Zilan's heart sink to the bottom of the valley.

It's not that she never thought that Shangguan Mian would die. When the child stubbornly wanted to follow Shangguan Min, she thought that such a day would come, but she didn't expect that it would be the day when his two sisters got married.

She looked a little cold, "Just because of this, you messed up?"

"No." Deputy General Cao quickly waved his hand to deny, "Shangguan Min insisted that it was Qi Canjun who killed Shangguan Mian, and there was a commotion in the army."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan frowned slightly, and said with a smile: "Shangguanmin is a child, they can't stop him?"

Lieutenant General Cao had a drooping look on his face, "Who knows why Shangguan Min went so crazy that he actually threatened his life? He is Shangguan Jing's son. Although the lieutenant general in the army said he didn't want to see him, he couldn't just watch him die. Without stopping him, he shot and wounded two lieutenants, and then started fighting with Qi Canjun. Qi Canjun didn't know what was going on, but he let Shangguan Min beat him, and even said he was going to Sanyuan Village to get an explanation for him. , I'm afraid I've gone to Sanyuan Village now." Fang Zilan knew something was fishy after listening to half of it, and said in a more urgent tone: "Why didn't you stop me?"

"I can't stop it, Boss. Who would have thought that Qi Canjun was so good that Lao Li couldn't even hold on to him for ten rounds, so he was defeated." Vice General Cao sighed, "Old Li's people are going to be defeated." I sent a message that he couldn't clean up and had to ask the boss to take action."

Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, then repeated the words of Deputy General Cao as if talking to herself, "Qi Canjun knows kung fu?"

She knew that Qi Yuming was not simple, but now it seems that there are many secrets behind him.

Fang Zilan made a decisive decision, "I'll go to the barracks with you right now."

Awan looked gloomy and reminded: "Fang Zilan, you are now the backbone of Yanzhou. You followed Vice General Cao just after this incident. Everyone must know that something happened. Today is the Wang family's great joy and must not Make people panic, otherwise the Wang family will hate you."

"I know." Fang Zilan took a deep breath, and her voice was as cold as ice, "There is nothing I can do about it. Vice-General Cao, if other people know half a word of what you told me today, I will definitely not I will forgive you."

Hearing Fang Zilan's change of address, Deputy General Cao knew that the matter was important, so he nodded immediately and said, "This subordinate understands."

"Fang Zilan!" A Wan frowned, "But your body..."

"I'll be fine." Fang Zilan's serious tone made Awan silence for an instant, leaving only the last sentence, "I'll go with you."

"Okay." Fang Zilan didn't refuse and turned back to the Xitang. It's not good for her to leave rashly, and she has to give an explanation to the Wang family.

Sure enough, Fang Zilan was surrounded by the crowd as soon as she returned to the wedding hall, and Zhong Yao stood in front of her, the worry in his expression was clear, "Master Fang, but something happened at the border?"

"It's nothing." Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows and smiled, her brows were bright and bright, which made people feel at ease, "It's just that there are wolves biting people near Sanyuan Village, you don't have to worry."

"But..." Just as Zhong Yao was about to say something, he suddenly swallowed the words when he thought of the Wang family standing behind him.

Fang Zilan bypassed Zhong Yao, and walked to Wang Quanzhi and Mrs. Wang who were sitting on the main seat behind him, "Today is a big day, Fang Zilan is afraid that you will worry, so I will definitely go and have a look in person. I also hope Mr. Wang and Mrs. Wang Don't blame people."

"Master Fang is concerned about the safety of the border, how dare my Wang family blame him?" Wang Quanzhi's brows and eyes were somewhat displeased, but he still spoke politely.

Fang Zilan bit the bullet and still just smiled, "Fang Zilan takes a step first, and when the wolf that collided with the Wang family's happy event is caught, it will be skinned and sent to make amends."

"There's no need to make amends." Wang Quanzhi snorted coldly, "After today's wedding ceremony, the Ouyang family and the Fang family will set off. My Wang family will send off their relatives thousands of miles away. Now I want Mr. Fang to tell the truth. Is it safe and sound?"

Wang Quanzhi asked bluntly, and Fang Zilan smiled even more, "One day Fang Zilan stays in the northern border, and I will keep the northern border peaceful for a day. Not only is the Wang family safe and smooth, but also the safety and well-being of thousands of households in Yanzhou. Now it is just a mere We, Fang Zilan, haven't paid much attention to the wolves, so Mr. Wang doesn't have to worry about them too much."

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