Don't ask where people go

Chapter 106 Matchmaking

Chapter 106 Matchmaking
It was still a childlike crisp and sweet voice, but for some reason, Fang Zilan always felt that the Awan in front of her tonight was different from the chattering little girl beside her.

Awan's deep appearance made her suddenly understand that everyone in the ghost gate, regardless of age, is different from ordinary people.

fate?This word rushed into her mind like a curse, making her slightly curl her lips.

She doesn't believe in fate, even if there is such a thing, she has the final say.

If this life cannot be held in her own hands, how can she be willing?
Awan, who was enjoying the snow on the porch, wrapped her cloak tighter, and there was indifference and loneliness in her eyes, but the innocent joy of not having children.

Fang Zilan looked at her and felt a little inexplicably depressed in her heart. After squatting for a long time, her legs felt a little numb. She stumbled to her feet and patted the snow on the hem of her clothes.

Half of the fine snowflakes melted and soaked the clothes, and the chill was refreshing.

"It's late at night, let's go back. There's still time to enjoy the snow in the future, and this night is not bad." Fang Zilan stretched out a hand to catch a snowflake outside the corridor, and let the snow melt in her palm.

She smiled lightly, stretched out her other hand to hold Awan's hand, and led her back to the house warmly.

A Wan followed Fang Zilan back to the house and fell asleep not long after. She felt that it was the most peaceful sleep during the time she came to the northern border. When she opened her eyes again, it was already high in the sun.

Fang Zilan was not in the room, she packed up and changed her clothes, and was going to find Fang Zilan.

As soon as she opened the door, she saw that the outside of the house was covered with white, and the sky and the earth were all white, which made her happy for no reason, and ran to the front hall all the way pinching snowballs and hitting ice flowers.

Fang Zilan was talking with Qi Yuming in the front hall when she saw Awan playing in the yard covered in snow.

She got up and walked to the entrance of the front hall, and laughed softly, "The little girl has never seen such a snow scene, but Master Qi laughed."

"Miss Awan's childlike innocence is also enviable." Qi Yuming also smiled slightly, "It snows a lot in the northern region in winter, Master Fang and Miss Awan are spending the winter in the northern region for the first time this year, so we need to keep warm."

"Thank you, Mr. Qi, for your concern." Fang Zilan wrapped her cloak around her body and changed her voice, "Speaking of which, it will be the first month in a while, and the establishment of the Northern Protectorate will probably be delayed until the beginning of next spring."

"What Mr. Fang said is true. The winter in the northern region is difficult, and no one dares to start construction." Qi Yuming walked to her side, "But the errands of the Jianbei Protectorate, Mr. Fang, has not already pushed Mr. Lu Zhizhang to Mr. Lu Zhizhang? Take a break."

Fang Zilan turned to look at Qi Yuming, smiling like a little fox with crooked eyebrows, "I think Mr. Qi is too idle recently, why don't you help me with something?"

"I'm not idle." Qi Yuming took out a piece of paper from his sleeve and handed it to Fang Zilan, "I went to see Mr. Zhong as soon as I returned to Yanzhou City. This is Shangguanmin's non-commissioned officer military status, and it's done."

"Master Qi is really capable." Fang Zilan took the paperwork with a smile on her face, "In that case, can you do me a favor?"

Qi Yuming shook his head helplessly, "Master Fang, please don't make fun of me, even Mr. Fang, you still call me Mr. Qi respectfully. I'm just a small clerk in the army. What can I do for Mr. Fang with no power or power?"

"Master Qi, why should you underestimate yourself?" Fang Zilan shook her head dissatisfied, "What's more, based on our friendship, you always want to help with some small favors, right?"

"I don't dare to make friends with Mr. Fang." Qi Yuming quickly waved his hands to clear the relationship, which made Fang Zilan glaring, "Qi Yuming, are you going to help?"

Her voice attracted A Wan, who was having fun in the courtyard, and when she ran over, she saw such a scene. Monk Zhang Er was puzzled, and looked at the two of them in a daze, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing." Qi Yuming raised the corners of his mouth, and couldn't help but said with a smile: "Master Fang and Miss Awan have been together for a long time, and their tempers are really becoming more and more like each other."

Fang Zilan snorted coldly and said nothing, Qi Yuming stopped teasing when he saw that he was good, coughed lightly and said seriously: "What Master Fang wants me to do, you might as well tell me."

"I want you to help me invite the best matchmaker in Yanzhou City to be a matchmaker." Fang Zilan said indifferently, but Awan was dumbfounded, "Fang Zilan, do you want to marry?"

Qi Yuming coughed suddenly, "Master Fang, is he joking with me?"

"What are you two thinking? It's not that I want to get married." Fang Zilan rolled her eyes at the two people in front of her angrily, sighed and pretended to be old-fashioned: "It's not the Chinese New Year, I also want to have a few happy events, Let the house be lively. Seeing this courtyard full of little girls shivering under my roof all day, I feel unhappy."

"Master Fang wants to marry off all the Shangguan women in the backyard?" Qi Yuming raised his eyebrows, "Will they be willing?"

"Why don't you want to." Fang Zilan looked at the snow in the courtyard, spotless, so clean that one could only feel indescribably happy in his heart, "Compared to being a slave for a lifetime, finding a good family to marry is nothing not good."

"What about you, Mr. Fang?" Qi Yuming asked suddenly, Fang Zilan couldn't help being stunned for a moment, "What's wrong with me?"

Qi Yuming's eyes were obviously inquiring, "Master Fang will also choose a husband and son-in-law who suits him in the future, and marry him?"

"Who knows." Fang Zilan smiled, "I am afraid that my life and wealth will be tied to the peace of the northern border. But if one day, my sweetheart can join hands with me to guard this mountain and river together, I will be happy too For a woman."

Seeing her broad smile, Qi Yuming couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "A man who can make Mr. Fang willingly take a back seat is probably rare in this world."

"Not without it." A Wan muttered softly at the side, seeing that the eyes of the two were on her, she hurriedly changed her words: "I mean, Mr. Fang, you are repaying a grievance with virtue, and you are taking advantage of these girls from the Shangguan family."

"The punishment has been punished, and the crime has been paid. There is nothing cheap." Fang Zilan smiled and looked a little serious, "I will leave the matter of inviting the matchmaker to Mr. Qi, and I will also go to Mr. Zhong to inquire about it in the next few days. Let's go home."

"Master Fang has already said that, so I can't refuse." Qi Yuming sighed quietly, "It's just me helping..."

He didn't go on, but Fang Zilan laughed, "Master Qi was in business, right? That's a good calculation. When the Beidu Protector's Mansion is completed, how about leaving the position of Protector to Master Qi?"

"Very good." Qi Yuming didn't refuse, Fang Zilan smiled and shook his head with his sharp appearance, "Master Qi is really welcome."

"The Lord of the Northern Territory has blue eyes, so why should I be polite?" Qi Yuming saluted respectfully, "Qi Yuming thanked Mr. Fang in advance."

"You don't need to say thank you, as long as the matter is settled for me." Fang Zilan and Qi Yuming greeted him a few more times, and sent him away.

A Wan followed behind her, but didn't speak a word.

 Fang Zilan: I think so, I can start a matchmaking sideline
(End of this chapter)

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