Don't ask where people go

Chapter 107 Family

Chapter 107 Family
When the two returned to the room, Fang Zilan looked at A Wan who was silent, and couldn't help asking: "You didn't talk at the beginning, what's wrong with you?"

A Wan hesitated and asked, "Fang Zilan, are you planning to return to Beijing?"

Fang Zilan smiled lightly, "What is my way, so it's for this. I can't just go back to Beijing if I just say it. You know that the big officials in the frontier are not allowed to go back to Beijing without an edict."

"But at the end of the year, the emperor should call you back to Beijing to report on your duties, right?" A Wan asked unwillingly, Fang Zilan still just smiled, "I don't think so. Our Majesty, even if Huang Fulin or Zhong Yao is called to report on his duties, They won't ask me to go."

The worry in A Wan's eyes flashed past, "So, how do you explain to Young Master?"

When Fang Zilan heard the word son, he was obviously stunned for a moment, and then said indifferently: "Let's take a step and take a step."

A Wan didn't answer any more, but Fang Zilan suddenly asked, "How are Vice General Cao and Shangguan Min's injuries?"

"Deputy General Cao has some skin injuries, nothing serious. But Shangguanmin..." A Wan pondered for a while, "He hurt his muscles and bones, and I'm afraid it will take a long time for him to recover."

Fang Zilan was startled, "Very serious?"

"Not at all." A Wan sighed, "When I delivered the medicine last night, I heard from Deputy General Cao that when they were fighting, Shangguan Min went on the rampage with a desperate posture. A little apprehensive."

Seeing that Fang Zilan didn't respond, Awan hesitated and said nervously: "Why don't you go and persuade him?"

Fang Zilan hummed lightly, "I'll go and see Shangguanmin."

After she said that, the hand hidden in the sleeve tightened a little, and what was clutched in it was the non-commissioned officer military status that Qi Yuming helped her obtain for Shangguan Min.

After talking with A Wan, Fang Zilan went to the wing where Shangguan Min lived, knocked on the door and walked in.

Shangguan Min was lying on the bed recovering from his injuries. When he saw Fang Zilan coming in, he was stunned for a moment, and then asked in a low voice, "What is Master Fang doing here?"

Fang Zilan dragged the round stool by the table gracefully, sat down on the bed, and said with a natural expression: "Old Cao said you don't want to die, and A Wan said you were seriously injured. You protect me like this, and you don't want me to die, so I will come and see you." Take a look."

She took it for granted, as if she came to watch the excitement.

As a result, Shangguan Min got stuck in his throat and coughed several times before saying, "I'm fine."

"Really?" Fang Zilan rested her chin on one hand, and looked at Shangguanmin curiously, "Regardless of life, is this what you said is nothing?"

"I'm only slightly injured..." Shangguan Min just wanted to refute, but was interrupted by Fang Zilan: "Shangguan Min, do you want to die?"

Shangguan Min was taken aback by her question, his heart was filled with embarrassment, he opened his mouth but did not make a sound after all.

After a long time, he heard her sigh, and her voice lowered a little, "I'm not worth your life."

Hearing this, Shangguan Min couldn't help turning his face away, his eyes closed tightly.

Since Shangguan Kuo's death, he only felt inexplicably lonely and restless.

Nightmare plagued him and kept him awake all night, everything was suffering for him, the only Shangguan who was alive.

Day after day, this bone-deep pain almost drove him crazy.

He heard his own voice, hoarse and helpless through exhaustion.

He said, "Shangguan's family, I am the only man left."

Fang Zilan's pupils trembled, and then she said in a clear and clear voice: "Since you know it, then accept it."

She took out her non-commissioned officer status from her sleeve and put it in front of Shangguan Min, "I have done what I promised you, now it's your turn."

"What?" Shangguan Min opened his eyes suddenly, and looked fixedly at the person in front of him, but saw that she was as motionless as a mountain, never wavering at all.

"You said that one day, the Shangguan family will be revived." Fang Zilan folded her hands in front of her body, dignified and solemn, "I said, I will wait and see."

Shangguan Min was silent, and after a while he said a good word in a deep voice.

"Shangguan Kuo..." Fang Zilan wanted to say that he had brought it on himself, but she couldn't say anything about Shangguan Min's slightly empty eyes.

She finally changed her voice abruptly, "It's not blood, it's family."

Shangguan Min looked up at her, her expression was extremely serious, "The relationship between people is the heart."

She spoke slowly, but without hesitation, "Old Cao, A Wan, Qi Yuming, and Lao Li in the army, they must not be as considerate as your original family members. But they are also trying to Close to you, hoping to do something for you. If you are willing to accept their care, you might as well try to become family with them."

"Lord Fang, you..." Shangguan Min's heart trembled, he opened his mouth but couldn't say anything.

Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows slightly, and said confidently and confidently: "You don't have to be like this. After all, whether it's in the army or in my family, you can afford to support one more person. Of course, if you don't want to..."

She paused for a long time on purpose, Shangguan Min nodded sharply, "I am willing. Mrs. Fang, you cannot go back on what you said."

"That's natural." Fang Zilan nodded, and suddenly remembered something and said: "By the way, you remember to help me calm the emotions of the women in the house, and help them find a good family with Qi Yuming. Speaking of which, they are good or bad They are also your older sisters, so please pay more attention."

Shangguan Min coughed violently, is this different from what was agreed?

Fang Zilan smiled like a little fox with crooked eyebrows, "There is still your homework, don't miss it. I will ask Lao Li and Qi Yuming to check it from time to time."

Shangguanmin stared at Fang Zilan dumbfounded, and she smiled even wider, "I'm very strict. Shangguanmin, it's too late for you to regret it now."

Seeing that Shangguan Min had nothing to say, Fang Zilan nodded in satisfaction, "Then you take care of your wounds, and I won't bother you."

Shangguan Min nodded hurriedly, but unexpectedly, Fang Zilan stopped just as she walked to the door. She Shi Shiran turned her head and said, "You should recover from your injuries. Don't forget to read the book. When you recover from your injuries, recite the strategy to me." .”

"What?" Shangguan Min couldn't help but make a sound, Fang Zilan glanced at him, and said softly: "Is there a problem?"

"No." Shangguan Min shook his head like a rattle, "I don't have any problems."

Fang Zilan got the answer she wanted and finally left.

Looking at her back, Shangguan Min felt extremely complicated in his heart.

It's not that he doesn't understand her intentions, it's just that her way of caring for others is really unique and unique.

But for some reason, when Fang Zilan said this, Shangguanmin suddenly felt much more at ease.

He didn't even notice it, but at some point, the corners of his drooping lips curved slightly.

 Shangguan Min: Serve dim sum, what dim sum?
(End of this chapter)

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