Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1082 Direction

The thrilling fight and excessive blood loss made Fang Zilan paralyzed on the horse's back, and soon lost consciousness, but still tied the horse's reins to herself before she fell unconscious, for fear of falling off the horse and dying on the road.

The old horse knows the way, and the horse ran back to the capital with Fang Zilan whose life was hanging by a thread, but was stopped by the guards at the gate of the city.

The guard didn't dare to say much, so he hurriedly moved out of the way, and watched Xia Houzhang take the bloody man off the horse, put him into the carriage, and then drove away by himself.

All the guards were stunned. No one in the capital knew that Xia Houzhang was next to Li Shengxuan, but for some reason, three days ago, he suddenly came to guard the city gate in person, and he stayed unmoved from morning to night, as if he was afraid of missing something.

Now it seems that what Xia Houzhang is waiting for is the bloody man just now, but who is it that can make him so interested?In other words, it made Li Shengxuan care so much.

However, curiosity is nothing but curiosity, no one thinks life is too long, dare to inquire about a little bit at will, and soon it is gone, as if nothing happened.

Xia Houzhang drove into the palace and sent Fang Zilan into Fengyi Palace. Fang Ziqin was shocked to see her like this and took a few steps back, almost unable to stand still.

"Your Majesty!" Qiu Shui supported Fang Ziqin, only to hear her voice trembling slightly, but revealing an undeniable power, "Send the third lady in, and quickly call Wen Ya over. Also, let's say that Fengyi Palace has suffered a catastrophe." Assassin, Miss San blocked the knife for me, life and death are uncertain."

"Hurry up." Qiu Shui called out to the maids in the palace, and they all saluted and retreated.

Xia Houzhang sent Fang Zilan in, Fang Ziqin looked at their backs, and whispered to Qiushui: "I want you, send a letter back to Fang's house, you go in person..."

"Yes." Qiu Shui nodded in response, but there was hesitation in his eyes.

"Don't worry, I can hold on." Fang Ziqin patted the back of Qiushui's hand lightly, signaling her not to worry, "Right now she can't die, even for the sake of the Fang family."

"Qiu Shui understands." Qiu Shui saluted solemnly, and when he trot out, he bumped into Wen Ya who was rushing over. The two apologized to each other, and then went their separate ways.

As soon as Wen Ya entered Fengyi Palace, he saw Fang Ziqin sitting upright on the phoenix throne, with a cold expression that he had never seen before.

"I've seen the Empress..." Fang Ziqin interrupted Wen Ya before he finished greeting, "Mr. Wen, you don't need to be polite. I called you here to save my little sister's life."

"I will do my best." Wen Ya bowed, Fang Ziqin looked at him firmly, "What I want is not only to do my best."

Wen Ya was stunned for a moment, Fang Ziqin continued, "Whatever your master doesn't want, I will. Her fate is decided by me."

Hearing this, Wen Ya's expression changed imperceptibly, "What does the empress mean by this?"

"Mr. Wen doesn't have to pretend to be confused in front of me." Fang Ziqin stood up, walked in front of Wen Ya, and said in a deep voice: "I know that Mr. Wen has always been a person who knows current affairs. Today, I might as well say something Open, I know what Mr. Wen has done in the past and what kind of person he is. If Mr. Wen can save the younger sister's life, I promise to keep it secret, and the Fang family will be very grateful to Mr. "

"If I can't do it, the Queen..." As soon as Wen Yafu started to speak, Fang Ziqin stopped him, "I won't do anything, but Miss Awan..."

She didn't continue, Wen Ya's hands hidden in her sleeves clenched into fists, "What kind of result does the Empress want?"

"Master Shen's symptoms are relatively mild." A Wan's eyebrows were filled with worry, and Wang Shen chuckled, "Miss A Wan, you can just say it if you have anything to say, I can bear it." "Okay." A Wan said. He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Your health is not good, so even if your symptoms are mild, you have to take care of yourself carefully and not make any mistakes. Otherwise, if you are not careful, your life will be in danger."

"Why is it so serious?" The person who spoke was Yun Qinghan, her face was full of anxiety.

Awan couldn't help but feel a little funny, "Sister Qinghan, Master Shen hasn't spoken yet, why are you more anxious than him?"

"I..." Yun Qinghan blushed to the roots of his ears and explained in a low voice: "I was just asking casually."

"Really?" Awan looked like she was gossiping. Wang Shen came out to smooth things over and said, "Miss Awan, Miss Yun has always been thin-skinned. Please stop teasing her."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Yun Qinghan and said with a faint smile: "Miss Yun, don't worry, I know for sure that nothing will go wrong."

Awan clicked her tongue, and Fang Zilan rubbed her head helplessly, "Okay, let's get down to business first."

"What's the business?" A Wan looked curious and heard Fang Zilan say: "Old Yun just told me that he has a way to improve the medicine we are using now. You go back and study with him."

Awan asked: "How to improve it?"

"I didn't ask carefully." Fang Zilan said matter-of-factly, "After all, I'm not a doctor, so if I asked, I probably wouldn't know much about it. Why don't you let Mr. Yun save some energy and tell you."

"Are you really..." A Wan deliberately drawled and emphasized, but Fang Zilan intercepted her words before she could say them. "What is it really? You are responsible for making medicines and treating diseases, and I am responsible for escorting you. How good it is to do your job.”

"Yes, you are so reasonable, sister." Awan glared at Fang Zilan, and her sister shouted the last word angrily.

Fang Zilan smiled indifferently, and Awan said nothing more to her, and immediately said goodbye to Wang Shen and returned to the hospital.Yun Qinghan said that he would go back to take care of Mr. Yun, and left with Awan.

Suddenly, only Fang Zilan and Wang Shen were left in the pavilion.

"Miss A Lan, do you have something to say to me?" Although it was a question, Wang Shen said it with absolute certainty.

"Yes." Fang Zilan nodded, "Awan has been seeing Master Shen these days. I think Master Shen also knows that the epidemic can be cured. In addition, Master Shen also heard what Awan and I said just now. Mr. Yun can improve it." The medicine we are currently using adds a certain degree of certainty to the treatment of epidemics. I wonder if Master Shen is willing to help us? "

Wang Shen didn't answer, just looked at her steadily, and after a while he said, "I thought Miss A Lan wouldn't save me."

Fang Zilan looked indifferent and said, "Master Shen, please don't make a mistake. The person who saved you is Awan."

"If Miss A-Lan refuses, Miss A-Wan will definitely not save me." Wang Shen had a little doubt in his eyes, "I want to know, why did Miss A-Lan save me?"

Fang Zilan asked instead, "If I answer Master Shen's question, will Master Shen be willing to help us?"

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