Don't ask where people go

Chapter 1083 Reasonable

Prince Rong'an was very proud, "Master Fang, what do you think your Majesty can do to me?"

"Why not?" Fang Zilan's eyes were sharp, and there was a vague murderous intention in her tone, "Everything the prince has done, one by one, has shaken the foundation of the country..."

"Did I hear you correctly? Mr. Fang, do you want to shake the foundation of the country?" King Rong'an intercepted her words rudely, "If Mr. Fang thinks that killing me will solve all the problems, feel free to tell your majesty."

"I know that killing the prince will also shake the foundation of the country, so I am sitting here today." Fang Zilan looked arrogant, "With my ability, it is easy to kill the prince. Doesn't the prince not know?"

"You..." King Rongan's lips moved, and there was a clear look of fear on his face.

"The prince has been entrenched in the southeast for many years, and he has a strong foundation. If I kill the prince rashly, I am afraid that the southeast will be in chaos in an instant, and the Miluo people who are watching eagerly will take the opportunity to invade. Isn't the gain more than the loss?" Fang Zilan A cruel smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "So, I originally planned to let the prince linger on the sickbed. This can not only contain the various forces in the southeast, but also prevent the prince from doing evil. Wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone?"

She said with a little force on her hand, the white paper in her palm shattered into powder, "But then I thought about it, if I want to keep Mo Bin's family, I still need the prince's help, so I haven't done anything yet. Your prince, my sincerity, you Don’t let it down.”

King Rong'an secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Since Fang Zilan had put forward the conditions, there was still room for negotiation.He calmed down and asked, "What is the relationship between Mr. Fang and that boy from the Mo family named Mo Han?"

"Relatives." Fang Zilan said in an understatement, "The prince wants peace and quiet, and I want to protect the Mo family. You and I should each have our own place, okay?"

"Master Fang's method of substituting merit for crime can already save the Mo family. Now that I say this, it's not just as simple as everyone getting what they want." A flash of light flashed in King Rong'an's eyes, "Whatever Master Fang wants, you might as well tell him directly explain."

"What do I want?" Fang Zilan smiled slightly, "First, the prince will cut off his connection with the ghost sect; second, the Mo family will be prosperous and peaceful for a long time."

"What Mr. Fang wants is a bit greedy." King Rong'an showed a sneer on his face, and Fang Zilan said indifferently: "It doesn't matter whether the prince agrees or not. There is always a way to get what I want."

King Rongan said nothing, but there was an obvious look of suspicion in his eyes.

Fang Zilan continued speaking, "It is often much easier to destroy something than to achieve it. The prince should know it very well, right? Since I am a member of the ghost sect, there is always a way to destroy the connection between the ghost sect and the prince, and even It is not difficult for the ghost sect to have a grudge against the prince. Now that I am on the bright side with the prince, I will explain the pros and cons clearly, so that the prince will not know who to hate in the future. "

King Rong'an stared at her blankly, as if looking at a madman. After a while, he lowered his gaze and asked, "How can you keep the Mo family prosperous and peaceful?"

"Of course I can't." Fang Zilan said confidently, "If a family wants to be prosperous and stable for a long time, it must be strong internally. How can it rely on a mere outsider? In other words, after the Mo family has gone through this disaster, Mo Binxing is the helmsman of the family. It was a mistake, and this mistake happened to be exploited by the prince. Otherwise, if Mo Bin had sent troops outside Mushan Pass or asked General Xiahou for help, would the prince still have been able to participate? "

King Rong'an's heart tightened, but his face remained calm, "Master Fang thinks that the long-term prosperity of the family cannot rely on outsiders, why do you want to negotiate such conditions with me?" "No matter how powerful the family is, it can't withstand constant pressure. There is a conspiracy with ulterior motives, so what I have to do is to cut off the source of the conspiracy." Fang Zilan's tone suddenly became colder, "The prince must know the root cause."

King Rong'an looked at the person in front of him thoughtfully, his expression gradually becoming more serious, "Master Fang made everything clear and left no room for anything. Are you really not afraid that I will bear a grudge against you?"

"Hold grudges?" Fang Zilan suddenly laughed out loud, "Your Majesty has done so many things that are worthy of being hated. I'm afraid he will be hated by many people day and night. Have you ever been afraid?"

"You..." King Rongan's face was as cold as ice. He was about to say something but was interrupted by Fang Zilan, "Of course I'm not afraid. What's more, the purpose of my trip is to make the prince bear grudge against me."

"What do you mean?" A trace of astonishment flashed in King Rong'an's eyes, and he heard Fang Zilan say: "The people outside Mushan Pass who were tortured by pirates, all the people in the southeast who were infected with the plague - the fishermen on the East China Sea fishing islands, Linjia Village Villagers, as well as many people in villages and towns who lost their lives for this reason, I, the Duke of Yue Kingdom in Beijing, Fang Zilan, have remembered these blood debts, and one day I will ask the prince to recover them one by one. "

She paused for a moment as she spoke, "Your Majesty, you may hold a grudge against me. The ugly words are ahead. If Your Majesty can't crush me to ashes, you can only wait for me to collect debts."

She spoke every word very harshly, but the look on her face was very indifferent, only showing a little coldness.However, the clear black and white pupils were full of undisguised cruel killing intent.

King Rong'an couldn't help being shocked. He had been in the southeast for many years and was used to being domineering. There were many people who dared to be angry but dare not speak out. Occasionally, he would meet one or two who refused to submit. Even though they say they are powerful, most of them are not strong-willed. They would rather die than surrender.I didn't expect that Fang Zilan would be so bold and openly threaten him...

No, she's not a threat.

An indescribable fear suddenly surged in King Rong'an's heart. For some reason, he was very sure that if he couldn't crush Fang Zilan's bones into ashes, Fang Zilan would definitely let him die a miserable death.

"How?" Fang Zilan took the rest of the paper on the table and said quietly: "Have you thought it through, Your Majesty?"

King Rong'an looked at the person in front of him steadily, and after a while he said solemnly: "I have agreed to Lord Fang's two conditions. From now on, I and Lord Fang will have no contact with each other until death."

"Okay." Fang Zilan nodded slightly, "If we meet again, either you will die or I will live." After she said that, she stood up and raised her hand, and the pieces of paper in her palm turned into crumbs, falling from the air and scattered on the ground.

She left without looking back, and King Rong'an looked at her back with a sinister look in his eyes.He originally wanted her to be unable to leave the epidemic area alive, but who knew that not only did she come out alive, but she also had an extra glory that made him unable to move.

He angrily threw the tea cup on the table and said sternly: "Fang Zilan, one day, I will crush your bones and raise your ashes to make flower clay."

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