Mr. Liu composed himself, "I heard that in Qianjinfang, the news about Zixiu is worth thousands of gold. Why did Miss Zhen tell me so easily?"

"Because it's worth it." Fang Zilan curled her lips and smiled, "A worthwhile business never depends on the money."

Mr. Liu looked uncertain and finally said: "It seems that the Fang family's spring party this year will not be held."

"Not necessarily." Fang Zilan said softly: "The Fang family's spring party involves a lot. Zi Xiu has a clear goal, so it may not end badly."

"Listening to Miss Zhen's words, it seems that she already knows what Zixiu is going to do." Mr. Liu frowned slightly, and Fang Zilan chuckled, "Mr. Liu, there is no need to trick me. If you want to know more, you have to come up with enough money to talk to me." Matching news is coming."

Mr. Liu waved his hand and said: "I have no intention of doing so. Since Miss Zhen has told Zixiu the news, I should guide the girl."

Fang Zilan saluted and said, "Thank you. I just don't know..."

She did not continue, but Mr. Liu said clearly: "You have to choose the day to worship the mountain, but Miss Zhen is very lucky."

"Good luck?" Fang Zilan repeated these four words. Mr. Liu nodded and said, "That's all for today. Miss Zhen, please come with me."

Fang Zilan pondered for a moment, and finally left Zuiyue Tower with Mr. Liu. Mingxiang was left behind by her just in case, while Awan followed them.

"Mr. Liu, which mountain top do we want to worship?" Fang Zilan was sitting in the carriage and was about to lift the curtain to take a look when she was stopped by Mr. Liu outside the car. "Miss Zhen, if you sincerely want to worship the top of the mountain, It’s better to follow the rules.”

"I know." Fang Zilan put down her hand. Awan, who was sitting next to her, looked worried, but she didn't know what Mr. Liu was. She was afraid that what he said would be overheard, so he simply grabbed her hand and wrote: "If he What should we do if we were lied to?”

"No." Fang Zilan wrote in Awan's hand concisely and concisely: "There are two possibilities, he is just pointing the way, or he is someone's bait for fishing."

"What do you mean?" Awan was confused, and Fang Zilan explained: "Someone knows that I am investigating, but I haven't found him yet, so he is in danger."

"Are you investigating bandits or bandits, or..." A Wan suddenly stopped writing. The officials and bandits colluded to tell each other whether they had something to do with each other. It didn't matter whether Fang Zilan was investigating bandits or the state military camp. different.

Fang Zilan looked at the fear in Awan's eyes and knew that she already understood, so he gently patted her hand to signal her not to worry.

Awan sighed, this time he was about to fall into a den of tigers and wolves. With Fang Zilan's current body and bones, it would be very difficult to escape unscathed. Although Miss Mingxiang was taking care of her outside, she had no power against local snakes. Easy to use...

Fang Zilan closed her eyes to rest, not knowing that A Wan was already thinking about who could collect the bodies for them, so when the carriage stopped, she opened her eyes and saw A Wan's face, so green that it could squeeze out water.

"Okay, as long as I'm here, nothing will happen to you." Fang Zilan smiled and took the tightly wrapped plum sword at hand, took Awan's hand, and walked down.

Awan followed her master Wen Ya silently, biting her lips but still couldn't believe the scene she just witnessed.

The master told her last night that she wanted her to use Fang Zilan's use of medicine to make a big fuss today so that he could use the opportunity to dismiss everyone in the Imperial Hospital and sneak out of the palace.At first she didn't understand what was going on. It wasn't until she followed her master into the Hong'an Pavilion after leaving the palace that she had an idea in her mind. She thought that Ji Ningtian's health was in some condition and the master had to come. .

However, she did not expect to see Huangfulin in Hong'an Pavilion.

When she and her master arrived, Ji Ningtian was meeting guests, and Wu Qing asked them to wait outside Hong'an Pavilion.She stood outside the door, couldn't help but get closer, and heard a familiar voice coming from the pavilion.

Huangfulin stood in front of Ji Ningtian with a look of fear, "Master, I really didn't know that Fang Zilan was Zixiu. If I knew, even if I had ten more courages, I wouldn't dare to embarrass her, let alone frame her..."

Ji Ningtian had a cold expression and impatiently interrupted Huangfulin's chatter, "I didn't intend to let you know Zixiu's identity. After all, she is the target of public scrutiny, and you are my secret plan to keep a low profile. People in the same camp have conflicts of interest..."

He suddenly paused, hummed softly, and then said: "But now that you know it, you don't need me to teach you how to do it, right?"

"I know." Huangfulin nodded in agreement, and then he couldn't help but hesitantly said: "But Zixiu's current behavior is in the same camp..."

He didn't say any more, and Ji Ningtian's expression became even colder, "What do you want to say?"

"Zixiu is the best sword in the world in the hands of the young master. I shouldn't say anything more." Huangfulin said carefully, "It's just that she did not hesitate to die for the people in the north..."

"Death and fame?" Ji Ningtian laughed as if he heard something funny. "Her life can only be mine. If she dies and her name is destroyed, you have to ask me if I agree."

"But..." Huangfulin wanted to say something more, but he saw Ji Ningtian's eyes darkened and he said in a cold voice: "Huangfulin, when you made a contract with my ghost sect, you asked people from the ghost sect to pretend to be golden dead men. , when he assassinated Emperor Ningshun in the northern territory and made a desperate attempt to replace the Shangguan family, were he also so hesitant?"

"I..." Huangfulin was speechless for a moment, as if something was stuck in his throat, and he couldn't say anything.

Ji Ningtian's expression was cold, "It turns out that when Shangguan Jing was still alive, Gui Men helped you to make Emperor Ning Shun suspicious of him. You can't replace him for the time being. Now Zixiu helps you get rid of Shangguan Jing, but you can't even see a mere king." If Quan Zhi can’t handle it, why are you still trying to join forces with Wang Quanzhi to deal with Zixiu?”

"If you are incompetent, I can use other dark chess to replace you. But Zixiu..." A gentle look flashed in Ji Ningtian's eyes, "I will not allow anyone to touch her in the slightest. You Can you hear me clearly?"

"It's clear." Huangfulin responded while keenly catching the changes in Ji Ningtian's expression.This change suddenly reminded him of the rumored affair between the Lord of the Ghost Sect and Zixiu in the world.

In order to protect Fang Zilan, Ji Ningtian risked his own life and met him in Hong'an Pavilion privately.Regardless of what he would do if he was discovered, Ji Ningtian, the former prince who was strictly guarded, would inevitably bear the brunt of death.

Now based on Ji Ningtian's reaction to the Northern Territory case, it seems that the rumors are probably true.

Once the contract he made with the Ghost Sect was started, there was no turning back, but if he could get hold of Ji Ningtian, mutual restraint might not mean there would be no way out.

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